Wonders of the Average

by Yozzoy

Day 1

Day 1

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The chariot landed just on the outskirts of town, Solaria and Stardust hopped out and levitated their respective bags onto the ground, the Pegasus then took off back to Canterlot. With the Chariot fading away into the clear afternoon sky the mares began the walk into town. Solaria led the way as Stardust was just looking around and observing how nopony paid any real attention to them, it was a great feeling to just blend in. After several minutes of walking through the town, Solaria broke the silence.

"We're here Stardust." she said in her new sweet and confident sounding voice. Solaria levitated the key to the lock and with a click the door opened. As they entered the modest looking house both mares couldn't help but feel in awe as the looked around, there was absolutely nothing special about the house, and they loved it. They placed their bags on the ground and sat down on the couch, tired from the walk, and now Solaria thought aloud

"What should we do first?" with a voice that was equal parts happy and exhausted

"Perhaps we should head to Sweet Apple Acres and buy some food for our stay." Stardust suggested with a hint of eagerness, it was lunch time and the mention of food made both their stomachs growl.

"Sounds good, lets head for the town square with all the vendors, I remember Twilight mentioning a lovely restaurant there." Solaria said and with that they grabbed the saddle bags they brought and headed out the door.

As they exited the house and were heading toward the square which was a few blocks away Solaria looked over her shoulder and saw a large potted shrub with pink leaves coming from the sides that wasn't there before. However Stardust had started telling her to hurry up as she had put a good amount of distance between them so without another look she headed toward the square. By the the time Solaria had caught up to Stardust they had arrived at their destination.

"So do you want to buy groceries first or get a meal at the cafe?" Stardust asked as she looked around a took in the scene, still loving the lack of any special treatment. "Lets get lunch first, then we'll shop." replied Solaria as she pointed a hoof in the direction of the cafe, and with that they got a outdoors table and were having a conversation about the founding of Ponyville while they waited for their food.

"So you- er the Princess gave the pilgrims the land here to settle, and Sweet Apple Acres was the first business to be founded, I do not know why sister but every time I hear that it just impresses me." Stardust said as the waiter was placing there food onto the table. "Indeed it is impressive what determined spirits can accomplish." Solaria added, and with the food on the table they finally started to eat. After they finished eating they placed twice the amount of money they actually owed and a note saying "Keep the change" needless to say they heard a happy squee from the waiter even when they were half across the square. Now they had there next mission, buy groceries and their care products.

First they headed to the spa which had high quality homemade soaps and baths for purchase, then they headed toward the herb shop for some teas and other herbs they wanted to use for various things, and finally they headed to the Sweet Apple Acres vendor dead in the center of the square. As they approached they saw Applejack occupied with other customers, they gave each other a quick nod as if telepathically confirming their plan, now time to put these disguise to the test and who better than the Element of Honesty to test it on first. They stopped in front of the vendor, Applejack having just completed a sale with another customer turned her attention to the mares.

"Well howdy y'all, what can I do ya for." she said in her southern accent infused with a peppy get go attitude.

"Well I'm Solaria Bless and this is my sister Stardust Rose we're kinda new around here and we heard you had the best apples in all of Equestria." Solaria said in her the friendly and charismatic way she would have as Princess Celestia.

"Well Solaria Bless and Stardust Rose it's great to meet y'all and on behalf of the town welcome! Le’me tell ya, whoever told y'all we got here the best apples in all Equestria was righter than a rooster in the mornin'." she replied with an even more friendly and happy attitude.

"Now then" Solaria continued "I'd like a bit of everything you have at this cart, and a dozen bottles of juice." With that Applejacks eyes widened a bit

"Well no problem 'cept for how are you going to carry it all?" she said adding a small look of confusion to her face as she said it.

"Don’t worry about us, now how much will that be?" Stardust said to try to ease Applejacks worries.

"Well that'll come down to 63 bits" she replied. Solaria had levitated the bits from her vest pockets and counted them up and placed them on the counter while Applejack was setting up three wood barrels to put the supplies into but was taken aback as Stardust had used her magic to levitate everything they just bought. With that they began to walk back home only to hear Applejack shouting from the vendor."Wait y'all forgot your change." as she waved her hooves trying to get the mares attention Solaria turned around and shouted.

"Keep it! We'll have to see each other soon though alright!" and with that Applejack lowered her hooves and shouted

"No problem, y'all take care now ye hear!" and with that the sisters headed back home to leave their purchases as there was still daylight to burn and still more places they wanted to see.

As they approached the house, right before they entered Solaria looked to over where the out of place bush was and noticed it was still there without any of the pink leaves which were there before, she decided for the time being to shrug it off as something odd. As they entered the house they organized all of the groceries, magically placing them in their appropriate places, and took a seat on the couch, looking down, thinking of where to go next.

"Well," Solaria said breaking the silence "we could go to the library and meet Twilight Sparkle, or even go to Sugar Cube Corner and buy something sweet and meet Pinkie Pie." the silence resumed for a few moments until Stardust replied

"I say we should go the the library and meet Twilight, I think that Pinkies going to take way to much energy out of us, you've seen how she is right?" directing her last statement at her sister in question form.

"I will admit Pinkie is... bouncy but she is who she is but I agree lets go meet Twilight." Solaria replied while standing up to get ready to leave she then looked at the clock. "Wow can you believe it's already 6:30, in a few hours we have to change the day to night. But for now come on let's go meet my faithful student."

The location of their house was pretty much in the center of the town so everywhere was a short walk away, including the library. As they walked Stardust was going through her back story in her head a couple more times to make sure she didn't blow her cover while Solaria was just thinking of what she and Twilight could talk about, she couldn’t mention any of the friendship reports and she couldn't act like she was an old friend to not blow their cover, but before they knew it they had arrived. Stardust tapped the door of the library tree with her hoof yet no response,

"It is a library, I'm sure we can just go in." Solaria said, Stardust then nodded her head in agreement and they had opened the door and walked in, it was completely dark, pitch black despite the sunshine entering through the door. So the sisters stepped in more

"Hello? Anyone here?" Solaria asked in vain as she got no response, then suddenly the door slammed shut behind them and they immediately responded as if there was an enemy in the building, and suddenly in unison they were just about to release a huge pulse of magical light which was in vain as right before they fired it, the lights went on and all they heard was...


They held back the magic pulse and were shocked at how many ponys were here. While they were trying to comprehend what just happened, a certain pink earth pony popped up in front of them.

"Hi I'm Pinkie Pie and me and my friend threw this party just for you! It's your welcome to Ponyville party!!!" she had stopped for a split second to breath and in that time Solaria cut her off

"Thank you and your friends very much but who are your, friends can you introduce us to them?" Solaria asked playing dumb as an excuse to meet the rest of the group.

"Okie doki loie! They're right over here!" she said pointing to the rest of the group without Applejack near the punch table, as the sisters started walking began to shout questions "So what’s your names? Where are you from? Whats your hat size? Whats your favorite kinda cake? Have you been to many parties? Do you like this party? So what are your names?" Pinkie Pie let out all in one breath as she hopped in circles around the two mares, they both were confused by how many questions they got hit with, only really hearing the first few.

“Well I’m Solaria Bless.” Solaria answered after processing everything that just happened,

“And I’m Stardust Rose, and were from Fillydelhpia, umm, this is a great party, it’s very... lively.” Stardust said, completing their introduction to the hyperactive party pony,

“Wow that’s super special awesome!! Anyways enjoy the party!! I’ll see you guys later in the chapter!” and with that the Pinkie Pie hopped away humming pleasantly.

“Later in the chapter? What does that mean?” Stardust asked still finding the meeting with Pinkie to be flabbergasting

“Well according to the letters, for lack of a better term she marches to the beat of her own drum, or you can just say she’s Pinkie Pie.” Solaria replied having recovered from the large dose of Pinkie “Let’s go meet ou- I mean her friends.” she added a moment later, feeling odd that she refers to her student and her friends as if she does not know them.

As they walked across the room they could see how much effort Pinkie Pie put into every little detail, there were at least 20 different kinds of pastries and large amounts of each along with a large cake that was as big as the table it was on, there were streamers of varying colour and balloons to match them. Finally they reached the punchbowl where the other ponys were and were immediately greeted by Twilight Sparkle

“Hi, umm I hope my friend Pinkie Pie wasn’t too much-” she was cut off by Solaria

“No, she was fun, it’s nice to see somepony with such enthusiasm to greet an absolute stranger.” She said looking at Twilight with intent to see if her disguise broke down, fortunately there was no sign she saw through it.

“Anyways,” Twilight continued in her usual cheery tone “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and if you any need any help getting adjusted, or need a good book to read I’m here to help.”

“Well nice to meet you Twilight Sparkle, my name is Solaria Bless, and this is my sister Stardust Rose.” Solaria said gesturing toward to Stardust who then added

“It’s very nice to meet you, and this town is very nice.” Applejack then entered the door and approached the group

“Well hey there everypony! Y’all met Solaria and Stardust yet?” she said trotting across the room to their location

“So how’r you two liken’ Ponyville, also mighty thanks again for the tip.” Stardust and Solaria then turned around

“Well we’re enjoying our first day here and this party is icing on the cake, oh and that wasn’t a tip that was just some change.” Stardust said with a genuine smile and sense of joy

“Y’all kidding, you gave me double the amount you owed me, and considerin’ you bought everything that’s a hayload.” She responded giving the credit the sisters they deserve, causing Stardust to blush a little.

At that point Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash approached the sisters after wrapping up there conversation, and Rarity spoke

“Hello there, so your names are Solaria Bless and Stardust Rose correct.” The sisters nodded their heads in agreement .“Well I’m Rarity, the local dress maker extraordinaire, and I must say those vests are quite charming, where about did you get them?”

“Well it’s nice to meet you, and I can’t remember where did you get them from?" Stardust said as she looked to her sister for an answer

"Well Rarity it's lovely to meet you, and I actually made these vests myself." Solaria responded

“Maybe I can come by your dress shop sometime." By this time Stardust had looked up at the clock it was a less than an hour until the moon had to be risen, she decided they should meet the rest of Twilights friends before notifying her sister. Once she looked back however she saw Rainbow Dash walking forward to give her introduction

"Hi I'm Rainbow Dash, but you probably already know that considering how famous I am." She said in a less than prideful fashion, Solaria already decided she would take her down a peg

"Ah yes aren't you the mysterious Mare do well I was told about?" Solaria said waiting for Rainbows' response

"Well I did- wait what, I'm not Mare do well! But you are close, I am a pretty famous hero." she said regaining her cool

"Oh were you the one who stopped the parasprites?" Solaria asked in an innocent fashion

"What?! Ughh never mind, nice to meet you anyways, hopefully we'll get to be able to chill so I can tell you about all the awesome things I've done." Rainbow responded in an annoyed fashion.

“Rainbow please get your pride under control, remember the last time that happened.” Rarity said to Rainbow adding a devilish grin indicating a past mistake on Rainbows’ part

“Fine, I’ll lay off.” Rainbow responded sarcastically, as the two were bickering about pride, Fluttershy came in to stop the conflict

“Umm, girls? If it’s okay with you could you stop arguing please?” she said in her soft spoken voice which was rather quiet considering how loud they were bickering

“Umm, fine hey have you meet the new girls?” Rainbow said, happy to change the subject as she was losing the argument with Rarity

“Oh no I haven’t, umm... hi my name is Fluttershy.” she said with her face hiding behind her mane

“Well it’s nice to meet you Fluttershy, I’m Solaria Bless.” Solaria said greeting her with a cheery smile and sweet voice, with Stardust stepping forward to begin her introduction

“Hi I’m Stardust Rose, we have heard about the sweetness of thou’s voice.” slipping a joke from Nightmare Night. The whole gang was then looking at Stardust with confusion,

“Well I heard Princess Luna say that once, it was in an interview in the Equestria Daily about the bearers of the Elements.” she said keeping her composure with the cover up, even Solaria face-hoofed.

“Oh that’s neat I never knew Luna did an interview, I heard she’s speaking in a ‘modern fashion’ these days.” Twilight responded

“Well yes, I heard that to, do you know Princess Luna?” Stardust asked trying to fish for what they think of her.

“Well she was a little awkward, but she was a great pony to be with, a little scary when she used that there royal voice thing-a-majig. But I can honestly say I’d welcome here back any day.” Applejack responded speaking of her like she was an old friend, exactly what Stardust wanted to hear.

“Well, I thought she was awfully scary when she used that loud voice, but since she stopped using it I would have liked to get to know her a bit more, I feel kinda bad running away from her, since she was awfully lonely.” added Fluttershy, making Stardust happy at the fact she actually wanted to get to know her despite scaring the colour off of her.

“Ya well she was a party pooper, she ruined my prank.” Rainbow added in an annoyed tone.

“Well you had it coming.” Twilight added quickly.

Stardust had once again looked at the clock, they had less than a minute to bring in the night. Panic was written on her face as she could not believe how much time had past.

"Solaria, we have to go back home, I umm... We need to shut the oven off, yes, we must go I mean look at the time." she said with a terrible poker face as she gestured toward the clock. Solarias' face went white "Sorry to have cut it off here girls, but it was nice meeting you all." she said in a falsly calm voice.

"Ahh really but we were having so much fun." Pinkie Pie said, the other girls agreeing with her.

"Sorry but we got to go see you all again tomorrow." Stardust said with a feeling of guilt.

"Ok then see ya tomorrow." said Rainbow Dash.

"Well it was a pleasure, tomorrow you two should come by my dress shop." added Rarity who enjoyed hearing about the styles of Fillydelphia.

"It was very nice meeting you." said Fluttershy, and finally Twilight said

"Trust me, moving to Ponyville was one of the best choices you have ever made." in a cheery tone. With that the sisters' horns began to glow and they teleported home.

As soon as they popped back into their house they went to the nearest window and used their magic to usher in the night, they were thirty seconds late but nopony would notice.

"Solaria" said Stardust trying to calm herself "We need a better way to do this, that was close." Solaria nodded in agreement

"We need a better way indeed, but thats tomorrows problem, for now I need to sleep." she began to walk up the stairs levitating her bag behind her. She went to her room and quicly used her magic to unpack her things, organizing and adjusting all of her things. She set her alarm an hour before the sun was supposed to rise as she usually did and grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste and headed for the bath room. Stardust did the same however she had changed back into Luna, streching her wings after being stuck folded all day.

"Celestia you can remove the disguise, there is nopony here but me to see you." she said as they headed toward the bathroom.

"After I brush and get into my room these doors aren't tall enough for us." she said as they entered the bathroom. After they had brushed their teeth and gotten ready for bed, Solaria transformed into her true form, and immediately laid down on her bed. She began to think to herself,

"Why haven't we thought of this before Luna?" she then looked up to Luna's room which was seperated by a door, which was opened and heard.

"But the... We need to... Throw sharks at... Trees so... choo choo trains come back down." Luna was talking in her sleep... Again.

"Oh most woderful of days." Celestia said her voice becoming softer and quieter as her eyes closed and she went to sleep.


Authors Notes:
I will gaurantee a few more chapters, these things usually need time to gain steam/popularity, but hopefully my hard work pays off. Also I plan to eventually do TWO Chapters per day, one for Celestia/Solaria and one for Luna/Stardust, although they will mainly happen as they decide to have separate adventures with the main cast, or side characters, and possibly background ponies, or a combination of all three. I will say right now there will be no OC ponies or "humans in Equestria" added, I will not be doing any shipping what so ever. On the subject of fanfics, I will poke fun (Keyword there FUN) at other fics that are popular or I like, however there may be a phone booth involved.
Thank you


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