The Silent Shadow

by Onyxfire408

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

*quick note: hey guys author here, I got a question for ya'll. What would you do or sacrifice to keep a speical someone or pony you love? Think about that."

The next morning came and Night Shade was too groggy after last night's capture. He didn't want to feel like getting up, so we fell back asleep on his bed. It felt like hours, days, maybe years, but he eventually woke up to that same day. He looked upon his clock and found out that it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Dayumm. His stomach gave a great big growl, seeing as he hasn't eaten in hours, he decided to just have some bread and butter. Though to him it was recommended by Fluttershy, he has never tried it at Neighsia. He toasted his bread and spread his butter on his toast.


Night Shade's mouth was distasteful, he levitated his blade of bread and butter, walked out his door and threw the plate to who knows where. "AND STAY OUT!!!" he exclaimed. Though without being careful he could see that Twilight Sparkle was outside on his was nearly got hit by his plate."GAAHH......... eh Sorry Twilight." Twilight glared at him making him more nervous. He looked to his left and saw Ponyville's latest news talking about Him, it was the perfect distraction.

"Sooooooo, Twilight how 'bout that Silent Shadow stallion last night huh?" he stalled

"Well last night Applejack, Rainbow, and I tried to capture him and unmask him last night."

"And how did that turn out?"

Twilight's ears drooped down in utter failure. "We lost him." she said in gloom

"How'd he get away?"

"Well we had a rope trap set up so that we could capture him and unmask him. But things went haywire when it turns the Rainbow Dash with us, was a changeling and he set The Silent Shadow free. He had some darts that made AJ faint, At first I thought it was poison but it turns out, they were tranquilizers." she explained the whole situation

"What about the real Rainbow Dash."

"We found her sleeping in her home, at first AJ and I were furious but we found the same tranquilizer in her neck, so my guess is that, his changeling friend stalked us and heard about our plan. He used Rainbow Dash's nap time as an opportunity and tranquilized her in her sleep just to extend her nap time." Twilight rubbed her head all confused. "Arrrgghh, why does this guy kill?"

"Well from the papers and his victims, he only killed muggers. So maybe he's trying to rid Ponyville's crime. Back in Neighhon, my empire would not reason with the enemy, they thought of it useless, seeings as they would never give it or up, if we let them go or if they serve their charges. So they would execute them causing less crime and innocent deaths in my country." he explained

"Well I"... before Twilight could counter his explanation he had a point. "But what if an innocent pony is blamed?"

"Then we the victim will be put in court. Investigators would find proof and evidence to see of the victim is innocent or guilty. If they're innocent they live, if guilty-" Night Shade made a line on his neck. Twilight Sparkle gulped in fear.

"That place must have been scary, did you loose anypony there?"

"I lost my Chīsana kyōdai, my small brother."

"Oh I'm so sorry."

"No don't he disrespected our family, he stole, beaten, and even killed ponies, he was a high amounted criminal, he deserved it, he didn't care for nopony."

"How do you know he didn't care for nopony?"

"He's killed foals, colts, mares, fillies, griffons, you name it, his worst kill was a newborn foal." Night Shade said deeply

"Well was he ever innocent?" Twilight suggested

"No, like I explained before, my country had all of the evidence, to this day we still don't know why he killed so many, but I'd rather not find out."

Twilight was now fearing Night Shade, she never thought his country would be merciless. They arrived at Fluttershy's house, Fluttershy was tending to her animals, Twilight sparkled called her out and she flew over joining Night Shade and Twilight.

"So, Twilight, why is it that you wanted to come visit me?" Night Shade asked

"Eh...well Night Shade, we were wondering if you wanted to come with us to dinner at Sugar Cube Corner."

"Whats the occasion?"

"Well T and I are going on a date, and our reservation was four ponies but our two other guests were busy, we were wondering if you and Fluttershy could go with us."

Night Shade and Fluttershy both looked at each other, they nodded and turned to Twilight. "Sure" they both answered simultaneously. Twilight's eyes widened, especially at Fluttershy's answer, she didn't hesitate or nothing.

"Eh!?!?.....Fluttershy...are you okay?" Asked Twilight

"Twilight, Fluttershy confessed her feelings to me yesterday and before you ask, yes we kissed. Tt was kind of obvious to me that Fluttershy had a crush on me, no offense Fluttershy." he apologized

"None taken."

"But I overheard your plans on a date, plus I noticed how red Fluttershy's cheeks always turned scarlet when she sees me. Though I have one question about our double date."

"What is it?" Twilight raised an eyebrow

"What about Pinkie. If she finds out, she'll throw a huge party and I don't think I would like some huge party on mine and Fluttershy's date."

"I agree" agreed Fluttershy

"I'll talk to Pinkie about it. Hopefully for the love of Celestia she'll understand."

"I already do." Suddenly Pinkie Pie popped out of Celestia doesn't know where and jumped into action. Everypony jumped as she heard their double date plan. "Don't worry Fluttershy, I'll be as normal as possible, I'll make it as fancy as possible, I'll make it as amazing as possible, I'll make it as MRRRHHHBB!?!?!?" Pinkie was interrupted as Twilight stuck her hoof in her mouth to shut the buck up.

"Pinkie we get it." Twilight said as she let go of her mouth.

"Okie Dokie Lokie." and with that she zoomed off.


At that night Night Shade was getting ready for his double date night. He put on a fancy red tie and white collar, he then reached out for his hidden blade but was hit by a flying knife. He looked at his window noticing Camo was there holding a black box. Night Shade shook his head with a grin. "Dammit Camo" he heavily sighed in relief, least it wasn't an assassin. Night Shade eyeballed on the box Camo was holding, curios on what was inside. "Hey Camo, whats in the box?"

"Your new blade. By the way, you won't need your old blade anymore, soooo I'll just..." Camo took Night Shade's previous hidden blade and placed it in his saddlebag.

"What?" Night Shade reacted looking at him with confusion. "I thought it would take you a few weeks."

"Well here's the story. I was traveling through the Badlands until I found you know who."

"Night Stalker." Night Shade figured

"Yep, apparently he had a Amareican hidden hook blade. He didn't need it since he ain't got magic, so he gave it to me, and then I give it to you, Simple as that." Camo handed Night Shade his newly made hidden blade. "Now remember, this blade was specifically made for unicorns, you gotta concentrate your magic on the blade making it turn vertical, you'll be able to kill your targets by stabbing them, though when the blade is in that position you'll be unable to cast any spells until you release the blade's position. The reason is because you need to continuously use magic on it, this blade's turning ability is like a spring. Got it?" Night Shade nodded in understandment, he pulled out his blade and concentrated his magic on the blade making an small click noise and the blade turned down like a wheel and held in place. He waved his hoof around in a jabbing motion and retracted his blade. He also popped out his hook blade, no changes only that the hook was made with ebony metal making a much stronger and tighter grip.

"Thanks Camo.........wait.... what about my hawkeye lens?"

"Well I'm still looking for those, but at least you have this right?"

"Yea, again thanks for the new blade."

"Anything for a fellow friend in darkness. Ciao" And with that the changeling vanished in the like dust.

Night Shade looked closely at his beautiful new blade, shiny like Luna's moon.


EH!Night Shade quickly looked at his grandfather clock, the time was 9 o'clock. He only had half an hour left o get ready. He quickly adjusted his tie and put on his straw hat and ran outside towards Fluttershy's house. With time to spare he arrived at Fluttershy's house and knocked on her door.

"Coming, just wait a little bit." said Fluttershy

Fluttershy opened the door and Night Shade was blind by how beautiful she looked.

"" Night Shade was speechless, she was more beautiful as Celestia's sun and Luna's moon combined. Fluttershy turned bright red and hit behind her hoof, embarrassed as Night Shade continued to look at her.

"Um...if you don't like it... I'll change into something else."

"NO! I I'm sorry. It's just that wow... there are no words to describe how beautiful you are."

Fluttershy turned scarlet, she hid her face behind her hooves even more embarrassed. She giggled and put her hooves away from her face. Night Shade offered his hoof and they both walked towards Sugar Cube Corner. On their way Night Shade noticed about 10 maybe 20 ponies dressing in black suits in a nearby alleyway, he ignored it and continued walking towards Sugar Cube Corner.

As they arrived they find Pinkie Pie who was dressed as a waiter and had a fake mustache on, led the couple to a table with T and Twilight. "Hey you two." Night Shade said

"Heeeeey" they both said simultaneously

They sat chat and ate their dinner, for the rest of the night they just well chatted and- "Wow Mr. Author you gotta be better then that!!!" Eh... Moving on. As they chatted Night Shade couldn't help but feel something wrong. He looked around the room and found multiple shaded ponies around the windows, as if they were trying to break in. Robbers Night Shade thought, he got up to talk to Pinkie.


"Hm? Oh yes Night Shade."

"I need you to-"

"WAIT!" Interrupted Pinkie. She gave a small burb and widened her eyes in fear. "Oh no."

"Pinkie what's wrong." Night Shade was confused for Pinkie being random.

"I gave a small burb that means something bad is going to happen." And right on que, the same ponies in black broke through the windows, ceilings, and front door all with swords. Everypony gave a scream and tried to runaway but was stopped by the black dressed ponies. A customer mare tried to run through the robbers but was cut by a one of the ponies leaving her in pain.

"All Right everypony, give us all of your money and we'll leave you unharmed." A black pony with a red crown tattoo on his neck.

Everypony became silent

"No? Okay boys, take hostages." he commanded.

Night Shade feared for the worst, he saw 2 ponies come after him. He punched one in the face leaving him out cold and jumped bucking the other one in the face midair and landed on his back sending the other flying out the window. He needed to think fast but he couldn't use his blade, not now, not with his friends.

"NO STAY AWAY!!! HELP!!!" Night Shade turned his head to see that the thugs were approaching Fluttershy, she slapped a hoof away from a thug , the thug became enraged and slapped her back. This twisted Night Shade's mind, he galloped towards the pony the slapped her, popped out his blade and stabbed him through the neck in front of everypony. Everypony looked at him with shock seeing at what he had just done.

"Pinkie take everypony to a safe room and lock the door until you hear silence."

Pinkie gave a nod and took everypony upstairs.

"Who the hay are you?" asked the red tattooed pony.

"I'm The Silent Shadow."

Everypony became Silent. The truth had been revealed.