Tales of War

by Swift As Lightning

Forget to remember

Twilight bolted upright in her bed wincing as a sharp pain hit her ribs. She looked down to see big fur sheets atop her. Removing them she found herself bandaged around the middle with a mostly white cloth, it had a dark patch which Twilight determined was in fact her own blood.

“Ah, you’re awake!” said a familiar voice. Accursed light flooded Twilight’s stinging eyes as a tent flap was flung open allowing the blasphemous rays into her corneas and filling the small tent with sharp shadows. Rubbing her head she took stock of her surroundings. The tents fabric was thick and almost pitch black, shadows danced across her face emanating from a single flickering candle. To her left was a night stand with a map penetrated by daggers at the corners to keep it open, to her ri- “Agh!” she yelped in pain as she tried to look over. Reaching around to her shoulder she felt a bulky piece of cloth that she could only guess was a bandage.

“Now try to move miss Twinkle, the medics already had a hard enough time patching you up no need to go and hurt yourself more.”

“H-hurt?” she asked, “how was I hurt?”

“You mean you don’t remember? The tavern, the flight, the mountain... the gryphons?” asked the stallion. Twilight’s head hurt she KNEW this pony why could she not remember him?!

“No, no I don’t. I don’t remember anything.” she said quietly, she looked down at her hooves. She had always been great at remembering what other ponies did, like when Starswirl the Bearded struck down the mighty Dragon of the East, Malog Grimtail, to save an entire encampment of... of pegasi. Twilight shot out of her sleeping mat bolting out the tent.

She was met by a sea of black tents and snow, quickly casting a warming spell on herself she dashed around the camp pain ripping through her shoulder completely negated by fear looking from pony to pony. Wings, wings, and Faust damn it more wings. Every single stallion was a pegasus.

A hoof caught her good shoulder, whipping around she came face to face with a stone-faced, grey and particularly large pegasus. Then she felt pain and blacked out.

Twilight awoke in the Canterlot library, she stood shakily. Princess Luna was standing at the window staring out at her night sky. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, as though the usual revels of Canterlot night life had simply ceased to be.

Without turning Luna spoke, “Who art thou, little one? Ye with so much knowledge of my sister and I.”

“P-princess? Princess it’s me Twilight Sparkle! Your sister’s star student.” she said confused as to why the princess would fail to recognize her.

“Our dearest sister has many students but thou are the first we have not had word of.” Luna turned around to inspect Twilight. Up and down, left and right, she thoroughly scanned the mare with both eyes and magic.

“Thou hast certainly been in contact with large amounts of solar magic. Yet I find traces of mine own as well... Come to me little one, come to Canterlot Palace.” Princess Luna walked towards the door. She paused door knob in her magical grasp. “And bring the captain with you.” and with that she was gone.

Twilight awoke with a start hitting something hard with her head.

She held her head with her good hoof, brain fuzzy.

“W-where am I?” she asked tiredly, as though she had not slept in days.

“Be still Miss Sparkle you are among friends.” said a gentle voice.

Twilight opened her eyes and saw a wooden beam above her head. There was an imperceptible dent parallel with her head.

She looked over and saw a white mare lying next to her under the beam.

“Who-” Twilight tried swallowed, her throat parched. “water..” she gasped.

A small porcelain cup was passed her way, and she carefully maneuvered away from the wooden structure so she could sit up and drink her water. After a few sips she spoke again, “Who are you, and where am I?”

“My name is Healing Salve, and you are in a cart headed for the small town of Hoofburg.” said the mare.

“Hoofburg? B-but the camp t-the dragon!” she exclaimed hysterical.

“Relax Miss Sparkle a dragon has not been seen within a hundred leagues of Equine borders since Thundermaw Brimstone was frozen in a prison of ice.” assured Healing Salve.

“B-but t-the history a-and future,” Twilight babled, the cart made a sudden jerk and she nearly hit her head on the beam again.

“We’re here!” exclaimed Nightingale’s voice from outside. The doors of the cabin were flung wide open and Nightingale stepped in all teeth, “well don’t you two look snug back there, come on then Miss Sparkle times a wastin!” Twilight was pulled bodily from the cart and flung over Nightingale’s back like a sack of potatoes.

“You too Miss Salve!” said Stormwind tossing a scarf to Healing Salve. She wrapped herself in it and exited the cabin making immediately for a wooden house with a red cross painted on the side.

“To the hospital residence! Those ponies are famous for their healing knack, strange bunch though with their ‘last name’ business. That cross there is the family crest, who knows it may catch on some day.” Stormwind was a fast talker he could put Pinkie Pie to shame, that is, if she had any...

“Umm, Captain?” asked Twilight.

“Yes, Miss Sparkle?” responded Nightingale, ears perked.

“How did we get here?”

“In a cart ma’am.” he said evasively.

“Why would be need a cart when you can fly?” she asked irritated.

“There’s this thing we have in the soldier business called a ‘torn muscle’ maybe you’ve heard of it?” he said with a bite.

“You’re injured?!” Twilight asked concern creasing her forehead, “when did that happen?”

“What do you mean when? You were right there! Guess that ice hit you harder than I thought...”

“Ice?! What ice hit me where?!” she panicked.

“I’ll explain everything over some hot cider and a nice meal.” he said with a slightly-less-than-reassuring grin.