The origins of Ditzy Doo

by Joshua PickleSmith


Chapter 5: Preperation

Since leaving the hospital, me and my Mother had set off to our house to get some extra blankets and some food, the journey wouldn't take long but it was quite cold at this time and it would be almost night when we got back. My mother had been awfully quiet ever since hearing about the forest, almost like she dreaded going.

"Why don't we hold off going Ditzy?"

The instant I heard these words I was surprised as can be, I didn't even muster any words.

"We can go another time, maybe we could have a day off school tomorrow and just spend time together"

Spending time... together? have a day off school, something wasn't right here. I had to keep the pressure on though, I had to get my eyes "fixed."

"But what about my eyes?"

"Oh please it isn't even noticeable.. if anything it makes you seem cuter than ever."

Upon hearing that string of words I was holding back from saying I beg to differ. But instead I decided to take a different approach.

"But everypony will make fun of meeeeee!"

"No no, people are much nicer than that."

"Oh I am sure they wont make fun of me... while I'm around that is, but when I am out of hearing range I will be the towns favourite conversation starter."

"My mother always told me that any publicity is good publicity" she said, you could tell she was running out of things to say, I had to keep the pressure on.

"Why don't you want to go Mom?"

"I.. I... I want to go for you Ditzy, I just think it would be best to spend some Mother, daughter time together."

"I call coco beans on that Mom, something is wrong, are you scared, I can go on my own you know."

"You most certainly are not, I am going with you, and that is final."

The instant she said this a smile appeared around my face "Great, I'll get my stuff from the house and we will set off in a few minutes" After saying this I started galloping towards our house which was within an arm length away. I could only imagine the face of my mothers was that of confusion and regret of what she said.


"Come on Mom, it's almost time."

"Right, uh would you rather we set of tomorrow it will be awfully dark soon"

"At 4:00 in summer?"

"Oh, hehe, silly me, well... uhh, off we go..."

Something is clearly wrong with her, but what? As I thought this I picked up my extra blanket and threw it on my back along with a few snacks, I kicked the door shut to the house and we both set in the direction of the Spherical forest. Luckily for us, or should I say me the forest is pretty much in our back garden, not far at all.

We had gone around 5 minutes when we both approached the outside of the forest.

"Ditzy, I have to tell you something."

Finally, I knew something was wrong, and now she's going to tell me, I'm not bragging or anything, it was pretty easy to tell something was wrong. Ooops, I forgot to listen.

"And that is why I am scared to go in the forest."

"Oops, sorry I was daydreaming, can you please tell me again." I said with a hint of embarrassment

"You really must listen more Ditzy, now as I said, it has something to do with your father."

Oh boy I shouldn't have asked.

"He always used to go in the forest, he went in on a daily basis going on little adventures, he always used to say he would bring you when you were old enough, one day *laughing* he even tried smuggling you into his bag without me noticing.

"He sounded just like me" I said with my head pointing towards the ground

"And that is why I don't want you to go in" she said with her confidence coming back to her.

So that is why she doesn't want me to go in... wait a second.

"Mom, what happened to Dad" I said looking straight into my Mom's eyes, her eyes had the same orange hint as mine, as I looked into her eyes she tried to not look back into mine.

"I.. lets go into the forest, it's going to be dark soon."