Chips Brothers' Archive

by JavaChips

Graduation and Maturation

The summer sun was well rising past the eastern sky, a new day before the town of Ponyville. Java made his way down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He made his way toward the kitchen, ready to make breakfast, but was surprised at what he found. “Good Morning Java.” Micro said, setting the table. “Have a seat, I made hay pancakes.”
Java, a little stunned, sat down at the table as his brother served the pancakes. “Thanks....what are you doing up so early?”
Micro smiled, sitting down to eat. “Today's the last day of school, my very last day. I can't wait to get it over with.”
Java smiled, beginning to eat. “That's right, I forgot about that.”
Micro, even the way he had used to be, was always excited for the last day of school. In the past, part of the reason was toward the school's confining walls and low spirit, but Silvertongue High was different in that aspect. This year Micro was looking forward to the freedom, this year more so, being his graduating year. “So what's the plan for today little bro?” Java asked.
Micro was still smiling as he set the plates in the sink, sliding on his saddlebags. “Oh you know, the usual.” he explained, making his way toward the door. “Go to class, play some games at lunch, hang out with Click and Shimmer.”
Micro waved goodbye to his older brother and shut the door behind him. Once outside, he took in a deep breath, preparing himself for the day ahead. “Today's the day.” he told himself. “I'm gonna do it.”
He made his way down the street toward the high school. As he reached the path that led up to it, he met up with Clickspring and Shimmering Cure. “Micro!” Clickspring said, trotting up to his friend. “Last day of school!”
Click raised his hoof in front of his gamer friend, a smile on his face. Micro smiled and bumped hooves with his pal. “Last day of school.” he echoed.
“Well then we should get going then.” Shimmer interrupted. “We wouldn't want to be late for the last day of school.”
The two looked at each other and nodded, following behind the nurse in training. Micro stared forward, his eyes on the filly's mane. He didn't understand why, but that mane of hers was always a distraction for him, the way it glistened in the sun. “Pssst, hey Micro.” His thoughts were interrupted by his watchmaking friend. “Today's the day right? You're gonna do it today?”
Micro fell silent for a moment. He had been planning it for a long time, working up the nerve day by day, but he still wasn't entirely sure. He swallowed his doubts and replied, “Yeah, today's the day.”
Java sat in his workshop, lurking over his workbench as he worked on the propeller of Tank's helipack. Twilight stood next to him, helping him to repair the magical parts of the machinery. Rainbow Dash was doing her best to kill time while they worked, exploring the shop. “You know Dash,” Java told her, “This thing wasn't meant to go mach two straight up, dive bomb, then double loop around a cloud. It's a good thing I installed that emergency system.”
“Sorry guys, but I told you when I had it built I wanted it to be as fast as me.” Dash explained, hunting through the drawers, examining anything unfamiliar.
“Well this time it should be able to handle a little more,” Twilight explained, “But you still need to take care with it, alright.”
Dash nodded, across the room. “Yeah, no problem....Hey Java, what's in this bag from Fillydelphia?”
Java immediately jolted up from where he was working, looking over to what she was referring to. “It's nothing, just something my mom sent me. Leave it be alright?”
Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash's curious hooves were already rummaging through the bag until she pulled out it's contents. Her eyes lit up as she read the text on the box. “Sweet Celestia! You ordered the new Unicorn Scrolls game? Oh man, and it's the collector's edition too! This must have cost a fortune!”
Java put down the screwdriver in his mouth, walking over to take the game from her hooves, putting it back in the bag. “Yeah, it cost a lot of bits, so leave it be alright?”
Twilight stood back, confused by the argument going on in front of her. “What are the Unicorn Scrolls? I never saw those at the Canterlot Royal Library.”
Dash's wings spread out, bringing her up into the air as she explained. “The Unicorn Scrolls are the ultimate power in all of the known universe, said to turn ponies insane simply by opening them!”
Java rolled his eyes as he walked back over to the still confused unicorn. “They aren't real, they're from a video game.”
“Not just any video game, the best video game ever! Even the trailers for it were amazing! 'In his language he is Dovahneigh! Dragonpony!' Come on Java you have to let me play it!”
Java shook his head, glaring over at her. “No, this is Micro's graduation gift, me and Mom put some serious money into this gift.”
Dash and her spirits went from soaring to grounded as she heard, starting to feel a bit bad for making a big deal about it. “Oh, sorry I guess I overreacted.”
Java shook his head, giving her the helipack. “It's fine, I'm sure Micro won't mind sharing it with you later. Now, I need to get ready for when he gets home.”
The two fillies nodded, taking their leave. With them gone, Java began getting ready for when Micro would get home.
As the final bell rung, all the fillies and colts began funneling out of the school, eager to get home. Micro and Click made their way out near the end, and caught sight of Shimmer waiting by the path for them. “Alright, This is it Click, here I go.” Micro said, gearing himself up.
Click nodded, taking a few steps back. “Go for it brony.”
Micro made his way toward the filly, who turned and noticed him as he trotted forward. “There you are, where's Click?”
“He's gonna catch up, but first....there's something I wanted to ask you Shimmer.”
“What is it?” she asked, a bit concerned. “Is something wrong Micro?”
Micro shook his head, taking a deep breath. “Shimmer, Would you...wanna go on a date?”
Shimmer froze up, surprised. “I...I...” she stuttered.
Micro frowned. This was not the reply he was hoping for. “I....I have to go, sorry.”
Without another word, she began galloping away. “Shimmer wait!” Micro yelled.
It was unclear whether or not she had heard, but she continued running. Click made his way up to the heartbroken colt. “Tough luck, sorry man.” he said, patting his friend on the back.
Micro made his way inside, hanging his head. He was welcomed with the sound of music playing and Java smiling at him. “Welcome home little bro, how was school?”
It was then that Java saw the upset look on his brother's face, and the smile left his face, too. “It's nothing.” Micro told him, walking toward the stairs.
“Wait!” Java said, stopping him from going up. Micro turned around and waited for Java to get a bag from across the room. Java gave him a reassuring smile as he handed him the game. “Here, Mom and I got you this for graduation.”
Micro looked it over and smiled, putting it in his saddlebag. “Thanks, come get me when we're leaving for the graduation ceremony okay?”
Java nodded, looking worriedly at his brother. “Sure, whenever you're ready to talk about it I'll be down here.”
Shimmering Cure was hard at work in the hospital, sorting the medical supplies in the back, but her mind was distracted with the question Micro had posed. Nurse Redheart had been watching in the back, and finally decided to make her move, stepping forward. “Alright, what's wrong?” she asked.
Shimmer gasped, coming back into reality. “Oh, Aunt Redheart. What do you mean?”
Redheart smirked and opened the cupboard Shimmer just closed, taking out a tray and setting it aside. “You just put a tray of scalpels in with the stethoscopes. Now what's the matter?”
Shimmer sighed and looked down, sliding her hoof across the ground. “It's just something that Micro said today. He asked me out on a date and it made me feel all....weird.”
Nurse Redheart became less concerned as Shimmer explained, starting to understand. “So you don't know if you want to go out on a date with him or not huh?”
Shimmer nodded, hanging her head. “Well,” she continued, “Let's look at this from a medical point of view then. What were the symptoms you felt after he asked you?”
Shimmer raised her head back up, thinking back, starting to remember the feelings. “Well, my heart pace increased, my face got really warm, and I got this strange feeling in my abdominal region, a sort of discomfort.”
Nurse Redheart did her best to hold back any laughs, consoling the confused filly. “Well those symptoms are very common for a lot of illnesses, but I think I know what it is, do you?”
Shimmer thought about it and then she shook her head. “Well miss nurse in training, how do you think we should solve this medical mystery?”
“We should listen to the heart.” Shimmer suddenly said. Her eyes went a bit wide as she realized what she said, and then a smile went across her face. “Thanks Aunt Redheart.”
Nurse Redheart smiled, putting the tray of scalpels away properly. “No problem, now go get ready for graduation.”
Java and the group made their way toward the high school, all there ready to cheer for Micro when he walked across the stage, Rainbow Dash in the rear with a very annoyed Spike. “Aw come on Spike,” Rainbow Dash pleaded. “Teach me some dragon language!”
Spike's frustration had reached it's limit. Dash had been pestering him since midday to teach her how to speak his supposed dragon tongue. “I told you Rainbow Dash, there's no such thing as Dovah! It's all made up! Now leave me be about it!”
Dash took a step back as the dragon unleashed his anger, realizing she had gone too far. “Alright, jeez. No need to have a hissy fit.”
Rainbow Dash made her way ahead while he stood there and waited for his anger to subside. “Mey key.” he mumbled under his breath, catching up to the group.
Micro split from the group, his graduation robe dragging a bit on the ground as he made his way backstage. He was still in low spirits from the afternoon's letdown. “Micro!” came a familiar voice.
Turning around, he saw Shimmer standing there, looking a bit concerned for him. “Oh, hi Shimmer.” he said. “Look, don't worry too much about this afternoon, I shouldn't have-”
“Yes.” she said, a smile filling her face.
Micro froze up for a second, confused. “What?”
“Yes, I'd like to go on a date with you.”
Micro was astonished, he almost didn't know how to feel. A smile filled his face as well, and he impulsively wrapped his hooves around the filly. Shimmer was surprised for a moment, but she didn't protest, hugging him back. The two broke the hug and stared at each other, smiling. Micro almost missed the calling of his name, but caught it and trotted out onto the stage. Taking the diploma from Cheerilee, he stood out on the stage and looked out on the cheering crowd. Micro smiled, holding his head high. He thought back, and he couldn't think of any better moment than this one.
Following the graduation ceremony, everypony was out in the schoolyard, where a party had been put together for the graduating fillies and colts. Nurse Redheart made her way up to Java, who was enjoying a glass of punch. “Mr. Chips,” she began, smiling, “How is your leg feeling?”
Java smiled, setting down the glass. “It's feeling just great, thanks. What's new with you Nurse Redheart?”
“Well actually, I've got a bit of interesting news for you.” she told him. “It appears your brother and my niece have a bit of a crush on each other.”
Java chuckled, motioning over to the table across the schoolyard. “Yeah, I noticed.”
There, away from the rest of the rabble, Micro and Shimmer were sitting at their usual lunch table, just talking and enjoying their drinks. “Well, should we go tell them the party's over?” Redheart asked, everyone beginning to exit toward town.
Java shook his head, unable to break the proud smile on his face. “No, let's let them finish.”
Had it been any other situation, Java probably would have gotten impatient and frustrated halfway through. The two young ponies talked well into the night.