Road to the Rainbow Factory

by Bloomberg-Boogaloo

Into the Rainbow Factory

As Twilight regained consiousness, she tried hard to remember what happened. But right now all she remembered was going to Cloudsdale and meeting the mayor. And then everything just went black. Once Twilight's eyes focused, she saw giant machines. Of course the kind you'd see in a factory. (Ya' don't say?)

Soon, she realised she was on a convator belt that led to a giant gear machine. With several tubes sticking out leading to another machine leading outside the building. With a balcony on the other side of the convator belt leading to another room. And topping off the creepy scenery, was a furnace right under it. What it was for, nobody knows.

As soon as she realised that she was in an unfamiliar location after being knocked out, she panicked. She tried to jump, not knowing what was going on. But she realised she was tied down. She looked behind her to find that she had been tied back-to-back with Pinkie Pie. Who was still out cold.

Reacting to all of this, Twilight tried to teleport outside the rope that bound them. Her plan was to teleport outside the rope, wake Pinkie, and make a break for the door. But nothing happened. Twilight's heart nearly stopped seeing this. After calming down, she tries again. And once again, she failed. She was confused, why was her magic not working? She thought about this for a moment. And then it hit her like a brick. An anti-magic field. But this confused her even more. You would need another unicorn to cast this spell.

Startled and confused, she wondered what was going on. And how they got here. And suddenly, she got the answer to one of her questions.

"T-those guards, they just came at us" She stuttered. Memories started flooding back rappidly. She remembers her and Pinkie fighting off these guards.

After one of them announced there arrest, they both jumped out of their seats. At that instant, a guard came running at them. Twilight looked around until she saw an ink bottle on the mayor's desk. Using her magic to pick it up, she spilled the ink onto the guard's face. Then she threw the empty bottle at the guard's head, knocking him out.

After he fell, three more gaurds came after them. However, they were being distracted by the ink that was all over the floor. The guards struggled to stay on their feet. Twilight and Pinkie, taking advantage of the situation, decided to knock out the three guards with objects around the room to avoid touching the ink. Twilight took a book and slammed it in the guards face multiple times. And then picked the guard up by the tail with her magic and slammed him into the other two.

As Twilight dropped the guard, she felt something hit her. The final guard had snuck up behind her while she was busy with the other guards. She fell to the floor with a massive amount of pain running through her head. She heard Pinkie gasp


And then Twilight heard another sound. The last thing she saw before losing consciousness was Pinkie falling to the floor.

Once she recollected everything that happened, she heard the sound of footsteps. Fearing the worst, she began struggling to escape from the ropes. But it was no use, whoever tied the rope did too good of a job. Realising it was pointless, she tried to wake pinkie.

"Pinkie, Pinkie, wake up!"

Eventually, Pinkie came to.

"Huh? Twilight? What are we doing tied up? And where are we?"

"I don't know but stay quiet. Somepony is coming."

She said quietly to Pinkie. So the two ponies sat there, quietly waiting for whoever was approaching them. Until they could make out a figure standing outside the door. It was the mayor of cloudsdale. With what seemed like an eternal frown.

"Ah," She said spitefully. "You finally woke up."

"Where are we? And why are you keeping us her?" Yelled Twilight in a mix of confusion and anger.

The mayor walked up to them.

"You are in the restricted part of the weather factory. Called the 'Rainbow Factory' by some. And you are here for meddling in official Cloudsdale buiseness." She explained coldly.

"Meddling in-" Then she remembered asking about the Rainbow Factory. "S-so it's all true?"

"Yes, all of it."

"But how could Celestia not know about this?" Twilight demanded.

The mayor looked at her in surprise. Then returned to her normal look. "well, well, for all the things you know, there is still much more for you to learn."

"What's that supposed to me-" Before she could finish talking, Pinkie interrupted. Like she usually does.

"Wait, why would Cloudsdale let a movie about their deepest, darkest secret out?" Pinkie asked, confused.

The mayor looked at Pinkie. "Think about it, who would believe something so secretive existed if something like this was permitted to be shown to the public?"

"oh." Said Pinkie, lowering her head. Feeling stupid for even asking.

There was a long silence. Twilight was in complete shock at everything that happened. She couldn't beleive that Pinkie was right this entire time. And Pinkie, who usually felt victorious after being right, had regretted ever coming to Cloudsdale in the first place.

The mayor broke the silence. "So, are you ready?"

"Huh, ready for what?"

"Well since you have found out our little secret, we can't let you live."

She said in a joyless tone. Almost as if she didn't like killing ponies for the sake of rainbows. Which seem pointless to begin with.

"This convator belt will send you into that machine. From there, you will become rainbows for the rest of Equestria!"

"WHAT!?" Yelled twilight, struggling to escape her ropes again. And to no avail of course.

"Were you not listening? Your in the place that chops ponies into rainbows. And you didn't expect this?"

"I did!" Yelled Pinkie "Or maybe i didn't. Maybe some of me expected this, but another part didn't. Or-" Before she could continue, The mayor placed tape over her mouth. Apperrantly she had it in her pocket.

"Goodbye" Said the mayor, pulling a lever.

And like that, the convator belt activated. Pinkie tried to scream, but the tape had blocked out. She continbued trying. Meanwhile, ideas of how to get out of this situation were racing through Twilight's head. Until she got something so stupid, it might just work. Or fail.

She turned to Pinkie, who was still trying to scream.

"Pinkie, i have a plan." She said. Pinkie stopped making horrifying sounds, meant to be screams.

"Listen, on the count of three, we both fall to our sides." Suggested Twilight. Pinkie let out a 'What?' which was blocked out by the tape.

"Listen, we're tied back-to-back with each of our fronts facing one side of the convator belt. It looks small enough that if we simply fall to our sides, we could fall off." She explained, Terrified enough not caring about how stupid that plan was. 'okay' pinkie forced out through the tape. Also not noticing the stupidity of the plan.

"Okay, one, two, THREE!" Twilight yelled. They both fell to there sides And off the convator belt. And while the machine didn't kill them, the fall did. Just kidding! Twilight opened her eyes and realizes that what they did was pointless.

"Darn! With these ropes on, we can't run!" She yelled.

Pinkie remembered something. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a scalpel.

Twilight looked at Pinkie confused.

"Why do you have a scalpel?" She asked. Twilight heard 'no reason' from Pinkie.

"Whatever, just cut the rope." Pinkie slipped the scalpel onto the rope and began cutting. The mayor saw this and ordered guards in. Don't ask why she didn't do that as soon as they fell off. I guess she thought they were dead. Just go with it.

Pinkie kept cutting until they broke free. Twilight jumped up, glad to be out of the ropes.

"AHHH!" Pinkie yelled. Twilight turned toward the scream.

"What? What?" she said, thinking Pinkie was in danger.

"The tape really hurts" Whined pinkie rubbing her mouth and holding the tape in her hoove. Twilight cringed.

The guards came in. "Get them!" Yelled the mayor in anger.

Twilight turned to see the guards flying at them. Twilight was frozen. She didn't have her magic. And running was pointless. Until Pinkie jumped in front of her and fired her party cannon. The guards were all knocked into the wall. Twilight was confused again.

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?" Pinkie asked.

"Pull a cannon out of nowhere." Said Twilight

"Pockets, silly!" Pinkie explained. Twilight's brain almost collapsed from trying to comprehend what Pinkie said. Until one guard woke up.

"Nevermind, come on!" Twilight yelled running.

"Where?" Pinkie asked.

"The staircase!" She said, reffering to the staircase that led to the balcony.

"Oh!" Pinkie began to catch up with Twilight.

"Wait, why do pegasi need stairs?" Pinkie asked.

"Don't care, just run!"

"Okay!" Pinkie said happily.

They ran up the stairs, ignoring the mayor. They ran through the door. The guards followed. As twilight and Pinkie ran through the corridor. Twilight continued to try and make her horn glow. Telling her when they've escaped the Anti-magic field. Eventually, a purple aura surrounded her horn. Twilight stopped, grabbed Pinkie, and Teleported both of them outside the factory.

To Be Continued...