//------------------------------// // My Dreams Betray Me // Story: A Human in an Equestrian Asylum // by Mr Anomalous //------------------------------// Chapter Three: My Dreams Betray Me It had been a pretty eventful day. I had been teleported into a land of magical talking ponies, shat my pants on multiple occasions, attended the most epic and awesome party ever, and almost been killed (in my mind) by an all-powerful, eight-foot-tall, Ruler of the Land, so as you might imagine I went kaput pretty quick. The bed was also unbelievably comfortable. All of this combined to make me go into a deep sleep fairly quickly. And then the dreams started. I was playing Nazi Zombies. Really brain, Nazi Zombies, is that the best you can do? But wait. No, I wasn't playing Nazi Zombies. I was inside of the game. I was inside of the old building that was Nacht der Untoten. I knew what was going to happen. I heard the familiar cracking of a Zombie tearing out the wooden boards across one of the windows that I had to defend. I found it, and emptied my clip into its head. I killed it, and rebuilt the barrier, (how I did this was I mentally pictured myself pressing the 'x' button. How funny) and I moved on. Eventually, for some reason, I no longer had control of my body. I still saw first person, but my movements were completely automated. I was having fun. A little bit too much fun. I was laughing manically at the deaths of the creatures. The more blood was shed, the more laughing was pulled from my lips. It was strange. And then, suddenly, I was in Skyrim. Interesting. But I didn't start by controlling my body like last time; I was still just observing through the eyes of someone who I thought was me. And when I soon saw what I was doing, I was even more disturbed. I was slaughtering villagers. That didn't make much sense to me, seeing as my Dovahkiin was good. I never killed anyone, and spared the life of anyone and anything that I could. I couldn't stand killing innocent people, even in video games. I had to skip the "No Russian" stage of Modern Warfare 2. It kind of my 'Gamer's Code,' or something. Since I really didn't do much but play video games, I made it a point to be the most good that I could be. But this dream didn't care. This continued for a while, I kept on changing video games, and I was killing everything. (Innocent people, more often than not) And I was enjoying it. The little Gamer's Code quirk that I had made these dreams more disturbing than they probably would to anyone else. Hey, you know that other thing that happens in the movies, when someone wakes up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily? Also dead on. I sat up with the speed of a potential molestation victim, eyes wide, breathing hard. I shook my head and looked around. It was still dark. Spike snored loudly, and Twilight breathed softly. They were both still asleep. They looked so adorable that I just smiled. I rested my head back on my pillow and managed to fall back asleep. No more dreams. [/hr] Princess Celestia returned to her Canterlot Palace late at night. Then she seeked out her sister, Princess Luna. She was where she should have been: on the balcony of the tallest tower in Canterlot. "How did you perceive the alien to be, Big Sister?" Luna asked, without her eye leaving the lens of her Telescope, "is it worthy of staying in Equestria?" "I am not entirely sure yet, Little Sister. And he is a member of a race called the 'Humans.' He is male, or, a 'man.' Luna turned away from the peering device and looked up at Celestia. "Is he doing to need put away?" "Like I said; I am not sure. I spoke with him and I read his facial and body expressions. He seems benevolent to me, but I have a plan that will confirm my thoughts, or force me to take action, and I need you help." Luna gave her a look that was a part confusion, and part smugness. My Big Sister needs my help? Luna kept the pride from her voice, saying, "And what is this plan, Sister?" "I need you to enter his dreams." Luna looked confused. "But Sister, dreams are not a manifestation of an individual's intentions, surely you know this?" "I do know this, Luna, but dreams, as you know, are made from what the individual has seen or what he has imagined. If his world is tainted, I don't want to risk his planting a seed. No matter how benevolent he is, or how unintentional it is, he might mutter a word. And Luna, you and I both know that even one word or sentence can eventually lead entire nations to destruction." Luna did know this. (the Alicorns were more long-lived than many believed, and, therefore, more experienced.) She gave a single nod. "I understand. I assume that you wish to accompany me?" "You assume correctly." "Good, now, close your eyes and touch your horn to mine." Luna instructed. Princess Celestia obliged. "Now, activate your aura." There were several moments of silence, then, "We have arrived. You may open your eyes." Princess Celestia saw an almost unnatural fog. It was deathly silent. After looking around a bit more, she saw many dead trees and grass. There were old husks of some machines, and there were metal barrels scattered about the place. Celestia saw a large building. It was really old, and made of concrete. Every opening was barred over with wood. Celestia saw movement inside. Then she was startled when something brushed up against her. Celestia looked down to see a disfigured humanoid. It resembled a human, bit its flesh was gray, and its eyes glowed yellow. It stumbled and tripped grotesqueness toward the buildings, and it was soon followed by others. Each of these almost-human creatures wore similar uniforms, decorated with crosses, and a symbol that consisted of two lines crossed over one another, and the end of each line was bent in an opposite direction of the others. A Swastika. Celestia didn't know how she knew, but she did.there were swarms of the creatures (Zombies, Celestia's mind echoed) as they approached the building). Then she was startled yet again by a loud crack. The head of one of the nearby zombies exploded in fleshy chunks and blood. Then the creatures began to moan and snarl. They increased their speed. Many more cracks sounded, and, when the swarm reached the windows, the crack changed to a boom, and any of the zombies near the windows were destroyed. Limbs came off, heads, and intestines were shredded. But the zombies didn't notice, nor care. Even when their legs were gone, they continued crawling, trying to get at whatever was inside. Suddenly, they were inside. And they saw John. But he was dirty, covered in grim and blood. He was breathing heavily, and he held a weapon in his hands. He was smiling. It most certainly had not been a nice smile. It had been the giddy grin of a psychopath. He fired his weapon, dropping many of the zombies, laughing as he did it. "You can't get me! You can't get me! I have a gun! Hahaha!" He used his hand to move some sort of slider across the bottom of the gun, and a hold opened up on the side of the 'gun' and a, red, cylindrical shaped container was ejected. He fired again. "Hehehe! BOOM! Haha!" He pulled something out of his bag, it had a handle, and threw it to the ground. He ran away, and an explosion ensued, blasting the legs of off many of his attackers. "HA! Take that! Die!" He laughed manically. Celestia was feeling sick to her stomach. Luna stood beside her calmly observing. Suddenly, they were elsewhere. It was a town. And there was John again...except...he was dressed in armor. Celestia's eyes widened as she saw him summon flames out of thin air, using his hand, and he threw the flame onto the straw roof of a home. He was laughing. This continued for hours. Celestia had finally decided that she had seen enough. "Take us home Luna, I know what we are going to do." "Are we going to imprison him?" "No. I am going to help him." [/hr] "Hey. Hey, John. Time to wake up." I was in no mood to do that. "Joooohn. Time to wake up." Spike sighed and got down from of he tippie toes. His claw raised to his chin as he thought. "Aha!" I groaned. Shut up you freaking over-grown Lizard. There was scuffling noise and an deep intake of breath. What was he going to do, wake me up with his bad breath? There was heat and a light as he breathed fire. Was he trying to scare out of bed with his fire-breathing abilities? I felt something thud onto my sheets. Ugh. I ignored it. Then the pant-crapping began. I found out the hard way that it was a firecracker. Mental Checklist: End Spike. But that wasn't all. He began hurling more at me. "Alright, alright, I'm up, Christ! What the hell do I need to be up for? I don't have a job or go to school here." "Umm, actually, you do have school." It was Twilight's voice. Apparently she had come up to investigate the cracking noises. "Hehehe. Good one Spike. That sure got him up." I shook my head. "School? Why the heck do I have school?" "Because, how else are you going to learn about Equestria?" I breathed heavily. This pony was miss live-in-a-freaking-library; she knew that education was something important. And I knew that there was no dissuading her. "Uhh. Alright, where's this school?" "Here!" "What? You're going to teach me?" "Well, yeah, the only school here is for foals. When you get old enough, you go to school in Canterlot. So, I decided to be your teacher!" "Why can't I go to Canterlot?" "Well, you can if you want, but you would have to be awake three hours before now." Nope. "Okay, let's go!" Despite being aroused from my beatiful sleep, I was kind of excited. Schooled by a purple unicorn? Let's see how this goes. I always did well in school, but I had graduated. I never got a grade below C+ in my entire life, from Grade-school to College. "Where should we begin? I mean, what is your level of knowledge?" "I've graduated College with an A-minus average." Twilight smiled giddily, "Impressive! So we can begin with the more advanced studies!" "I guess so..." And, hence, I was thrown into five hours of pure school. This Twilight girls was hardcore, but I managed to take it. I learned a lot of stuff, about Equestria. I even learned a new way to do math, and its tons easier than whoever designed the crap that we call math back on Earth. Twilight called a break, and I was feeling pretty good about myself. I stretched in my seat and got up. "You wouldn't happen to have Coffee here in Equestria, would you?" Twilight smiled, "Double Espresso?" I smiled back, "Yes please." So for an hour or so, Spike, Twilight and I all sat around the kitchen table, drank coffee, (Except for Spike, he drank cocoa) and just chatted. It was nice. After a while, there was a knock at the door. "Spike, would you get that?" Before he could get up, I said, "Naw, I'll get it." Spike shrugged and got back up in his chair. I walked over to the main library and opened approached the door. I opened it, "Yes?" I had to look up. It was the Princess. I smiled an bowed my head. "How are you today Princess?" When I looked back up, I saw that there was no hint of a smile on the Princess's face. Also, she had double, no, tripled her guards. My smile was replaced by a concerned look. "Is something wrong? Do I need to get Twi-" "No." The Princess's response was completely emotionless. "I am here for you, John." "Uh...okay? Did I do something that I didn't know was illegal here? Did I offend you or something?" The Princess's stern look restrained. "Okay, what the hell? Spit it out." "I would appreciate it if you did not speak to me in such a manner, John." "Well the please kindly tell me why you've showed up with extra lackies, and with such a hostile aura about you." "Because I have no way of knowing whether or not you're going to defend yourself, or how you will do so." "Uh. If you've come to arrest me for something I don't know about, I understand, and I'll go quietly. But if you're here to execute me for something I don't even know I did, you bet I'll defend myself." I braced myself. Under my leather jacket was something that I had failed to mention to these happy ponies. I had a gun. I really just carried it around because I thought that it was cool. Of course, I've never used it, and I never expected to use it, against humans, much less against talking ponies. When I was undressing the other night, I managed to take the strap and holster off at that same time as my jacket, and I managed to keep it hidden underneath said jacket. I hoped that I wouldn't have to use it. One of the guards spoke up, "We are here to take you into custody in the name of the Princess." "Okay, I'm under arrest, but what for?" "Not for something you have done, but for something you might do." Princess Celestia informed me. "Can you tell the future or something?" I asked skeptically. "No, but I am smart enough to predict the future based on what I know about you, and what my scholars tell me." "I assure you Princess, I have no intention of harming you or any of your subjects." "I know you don't." I was getting impatient. She might be the almighty Princess, but that doesn't mean that she has to be so secretive. "Christ, tell me what the hell is going on, please?" "Last night, Luna and I peered into your dreams." I cringed at the reminder of them. "Okay, so I had a few nightmares, is it against the law to dream here?" "Can you tell me what dreams are John?" I frowned in thought. "Aren't they a mixture of what you've seen, done, thought or whatever? Your brain does that to you, right?" "Yes, John, and I saw you murder innocents in you dreams." "Princess, I have never taken the life of anything more than a spider, and I do not plan to any time soon." "These dreams mean that you have seen these horrors, through either life, or some sick form of entertainment that you humans have. And I do not want you to taint my world." "What are you gonna do? Kill me?" My gun was making me feel a bit brave. Celestia frowned, "Of course not." I let out a sigh of relief. "I'm going to institutionalize you." I froze. Institutionalize? Like, put me in an asylum? Nope. Then I remembered something. Twilight said that the Princess sometimes liked to pull little jokes. I smiled and began to chuckle. "Haha. That's a pretty good one Princess." The look on Celestia's face told me that this was no joke. "Hey! What's taking so long John?" It was Twilight. It was at that moment that I considered doing something that I never would have imagined myself doing. I was going to take Twilight hostage. No. I couldn't, she took me in and started to teach me about her world. How could I do such a thing? Oh, God forgive me, but I"m not going to go to an asylum. Never. The Princess was more than likely able to see what I was going to do by reading my eyes, or she could probably outright read my mind, and her eyes widened. "Twilight, run!" "What? Princess?" I slammed the door and ran to the kitchen. I didn't want to do this. I had considered Twilight my friend by now, she was a very nice pony, but I hated the thought of going to an Asylum. I had an irrational fear of them, my counselor said, but it all seemed very rational to me. Psychopaths and the like. The door was exploded in a flash of bright light. I unzipped my jacket and pulled out my gun. Now, a nerd like me, I wanted to get the biggest gun I could. I succeeded. I had bought myself a .357 magnum. It took a little bit of extra training and paperwork, but I got it. The guards were fast, but I had stalled them with the door long enough to slam the kitchen door in their faces. I looked around and saw Twilight. She had heard the noises and was frightened. I steeled myself. "John, what's that in your hand?" I had to hold back tears. "Twilight, I'm sorry." "What?" I moved quickly, fueled by my fear, snatched Twilight, and held the muzzle up to her temple. "John! What the hay!?" I led her to the farthest wall, clutching her tightly. "Shhh, I'm not gonna hurt you, just be quite..." "Could've fooled me! Let me down!" Her magic began to charge up. Maybe I would wrap this up before she opens up. "No, I need you. Please cooperate." The door was kicked down and the guards streamed in. I raised my weapon and fired twice into the ceiling, and everyone, including me, jumped. "Stay back! I'm not going to an asylum! You're can't arrest me because I had a few bad dreams! What kind of Princess are you!?" "Sir, put Miss Sparkle down or I'm going to have to use deadly force." "No...I-I...can't..." I got a big smack in the face from reality. What the hell was I doing, taking a friend hostage like that? This probably confirmed my institutionalization. How selfish could I be? I probably just lost Twilight's trust forever. And besides, even if I managed to get away, what was I going to do? "I'm so sorry Twilight, I'm being an idiot." As I was about to find out, Twilight's magic aura had grown since it had first been sparked, and I had failed to notice it. As soon as I uttered this sentence, I was thrown to the ceiling in an explosion of light and shards of wood. I came crashing down. Ugh. I, a bit dazed, got up and shook my head clear of fuzziness. I looked at Twilight and frowned. It wasn't an I'm gonna kill you frown, more like a What they heck? I was just about to put you down. But I could still see how stupid I had been. Well, it didn't matter what I was thinking, or how hard I scolded myself, because the guards were on my like lightning. I was put in chains and cuffed over the head with a hard hoof. (As opposed by a soft hoof?) I was led away, out the door, and to a carriage that had a big "Golden Hills Asylum" on the side. An asylum...of all things and asylum...why? I was put in the back, and two orderlies sat next to me. I sighed a sad sigh. Maybe this would all be over soon. I was wrong. Very wrong. My dreams had betrayed me.