//------------------------------// // Caves // Story: Far From Home // by Donner Texas //------------------------------// The air was damp and heavy, it hung around the empty space in a musky haze. Breathing heavily miles desperately tried to scan his surroundings. Adrenaline began to flow freely, but did nothing to help his eyes adjust to the inky blackness that engulfed him. The entirety of his body felt like it had been burned and contorted into some kind of sickly pretzel. All he could do was belly crawl at a piteously slow pace. So he did. For what seemed like hours he crawled. "Next time Alex suggests something stupid I'll pass," Miles weakly muttered. Part of him hoped a voice would respond. But probability won in the end, there was no response. All that could be heard was the shuffling he made as he dragged on. This continued until he reached a murky puddle. Miles had never seen something he wanted so badly in his life. Without hesitation he drank the grimy water, until he thought he could bear to drink no more. Then, exhausted, he rolled over unto his back and passed out. The next few days all melted into one long, painful, nightmare. He felt nothing save hunger, thirst, and above all fear. He could not perceive night or day, nonetheless feel anything other than the biting cold. His extremities were frozen, just numbness past the joints directly attached to his torso. Sliding in and out of consciousness, dreams were his only solace. The warmth of the sun, the beauty of the moon and stars. He would give anything at this point just to be in his warm room. Or at least to remember how he had arrived at this situation. He grew weaker by the hour. What could only be logically seen as hallucinations began to occur. Dull light, voices, and a constant clippity-clop that echoed through the cavern. Miles cursed at this, what would be his last moment; stuck in a cave, alone and hallucinating. He struggled to hold his eyes open. He breathed in deeply, exhaled and closed his eyes.