//------------------------------// // The fith // Story: The last one standing. (Edited Edition) // by foppp //------------------------------// At this point there were only two of us left, and the elements of harmony were usless. Equestria had lost its greatest strength, it was throwing the doors open to any ancient villan who cared to take over. And they did. Our old friend Discord roes from his stond bindings (again), and doomed us to chaos. But this time we couldn't all unite and stop him, and Celestia and Luna were our last hopes. They fought him, the battle went on for nearly a year. We helped when we could, but they grew so weak Equestria plunged into a age of chaos cross harmony. Thankfully, Discord was weakened too. There were gaps in the chaous, some ponies who acted normaly, and some animals that weren't unatual colours. After a year and a half, Harmony was on the edge of destruction. Though he was winning, Discord was nearly gone. He had none of his old 'humor' and we wasted no time with riddles. The fact remained that the twin rulers of the nation formerly known as Equestria had fallen. Discord started regaining strength. She refused to take me with her. She told me to remember her, to not lose hope when she was gone. Before she left that she cast a spell on herself, it took all the magical power that she had ever had, and ever would have if she had choosen not to do this. This included that magic that everpony had inside them that kept them alive. She was going to use it all up in one go, one last spell. And she did it. I don't know the details, but Equestria went back to normal, and they found her body in the throne room. Twilight Sparkle was the fith to go. My name is Rarity, and I am the last one standing.