//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: Last Day Together // Story: Broken Wings // by ComradeUncleJoe //------------------------------// **Now, before you read, be warned that this chapter does contain a bit of mature content towards the end, and by mature content I mean Lightning and Rainbow have sex.** Chapter 9: Last Day Together The next morning Lightning saw his brother off. Afterwards he went to meet up with Rainbow Dash; when they met, neither brought up the events of the previous night. Instead they went on with their lives, acting as if nothing had happened. Lightning and Rainbow spent the next few days together; they were almost inseparable at this point. At last, the final day of The Mane Six’s vacation arrived; the next morning, the girls would have to board the train and head back to Ponyville. So Lightning wanted to make Rainbow’s last day in Las Pegasus one she’d remember forever. “So what’s the plan for today Lightning?” “I figured we could do something we haven’t done yet.” “And what would that be?” “Well, first we’re going to a fancy restaurant, and then I figured we could go to a show. After we’ll see where the night takes us.” “Well that sounds fun.” The ponies went to a restaurant that Lightning had experience with. He had taken a few mares to this particular place before; it was reasonably priced, delicious, and fairly fancy. What was better, Lightning knew the owner; a Pegasus he met when he lived in Cloudsdale. “So, how do you know this place?” asked Rainbow Dash as she sat down in the chair Lightning pulled out for her. “I know the owner. We knew each other when I lived in Cloudsdale. He came here a few years back and I lent him a place to sleep until he got his restaurant up and running.” “Oh cool. So I guess now he gives you free food?” “Nope!” Lightning laughed, “but he does give me a significant discount.” “Well that’s good.” The two ordered their food and then they began waiting. While waiting, a thought occurred to Rainbow Dash, she actually didn’t know that much about Lightning’s past. She felt bad, she was practically dating this guy and she didn’t know much about him. Dash decided she was going to try and ask. “So Lightning, tell me more about yourself.” “Well what do you want to know?” “I don’t know. Where you’re from, who your parents are, what brought you here? That sort of stuff.” “Well let’s see, I was born in a small town called New Maresville. My mom was a unicorn and my dad was a Pegasus. That’s why I’m a Pegasus and Thunder’s a unicorn.” “That makes sense; Makes more sense than Mr. and Mrs. Cake, neither of them were unicorns or pegasi.” “Who are they?” “Oh, just some ponies I know.” “Ah, okay.” “So does your family still live in New Maresville?” “Well no; me and Thunder lived here, although Thunder moved to Canterlot, but my dad lives in Cloudsdale with our stepmom, and my mom…” Lightning stopped. The thought of his mother made him a bit depressed. “Lightning? It’s ok, if…if it bothers you…” “No it’s ok…My mom died years ago when I was a teenager and Thunder was just a kid.” “Oh my gosh! I am so sorry.” “No, it’s not your fault. She…she died during a fire…” “So your father got remarried afterwards?” “Nope, our parents were only together a short period. My dad left mom and took me.” “Oh…Listen, Lightning, if you don’t want to talk about this stuff, it’s ok.” “No, you deserve to know. We’ve been together long enough.” Lightning took a breath and began. “Our parents split when we were young. Me and Thunder took it hard; we were really close. If anything, the split only made us closer. Our dad got remarried almost immediately to this horrible mare. She was controlling and rude and all around a horrible pony.” Rainbow Dash sat there as Lightning recounted his tail. She hadn’t realized so how cruel life had been to him and his brother. “A few years later, I received a letter from Thunder; it told me about how mom had…how she died…and how he was being given away to another family. I went to dad to ask him why wasn’t Thunder going to live with us, and he said he had refused to take him in. A lengthy argument later, I knew it was his wife who had made the decision about not letting Thunder live with us; then I decided I couldn’t stand living there anymore. So, I packed up my things and ran away. I went to Thunder’s new home and together we ran away. Eventually we ended up here in Las Pegasus, and I guess we just never got around to leaving.” Rainbow Dash was speechless; she hadn’t realized he had lived such a hard life. She felt bad for making him remember something that obviously hurt him deeply. “Lightning…I’m sorry. I hadn’t realized…” “Don’t be sorry Dashie, it felt good to finally tell someone…you know, I had promised Thunder I’d always look out for him, that I’d always be there, but after my accident, I just couldn’t bring myself to do anything. Eventually I fell into a pit from which I didn’t think I could escape. I had failed him and wasn’t living up to the promise I had made to him. He began caring for me; I felt awful for making him do such things…” “Lightning, you shouldn’t feel so bad about such things. None of this was your fault; and you shouldn’t feel bad for him taking care of you. There’s nothing wrong with letting another pony help you during your time of need.” Rainbow Dash took Lightning’s hoof in her own and stared at the sleek white pony, “now come on, and buck up Lightning. It wouldn’t be right for the second most talented Pegasus in Equestria to be so glum, especially when on a hot date with the amazing Rainbow Dash!” Lightning laughed; it seemed Rainbow Dash’s little pep talk cheered him up, if only a bit. The two continued their meal and continued their conversation. They talked about all sorts of thing: stunts, favorite foods, and favorite movies. Through their dinner the two really bonded. Finally, they paid for dinner and left; they continued their date well into the night, going to shows and whatnot. It was shaping up to be the greatest night in either’s entire lives. The couple had just left the show of a particularly talented ventriloquist, and exited to the cold night. It was late by the time they had finished, and Lightning was ready to call it a night. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, had different plans. Suddenly, a cold night wind blew through and hit Rainbow Dash. She began to shiver; just then, she felt a hoof wrap around her and pull her close. Lightning pulled Rainbow Dash close to him, the warmth of his body made Rainbow blush. She looked at him and smiled. “So what now Lightning? Any more planned for our date?” “Yeah, figured I’d take you back to your hotel and say goodnight, then I’d go back to my place and go to bed.” “Uh Hu, that sounds boring.” “Well then how about we go back to my apartment then.” “Now that, sounds like it’d be fun.” Both laughed; Rainbow Dash stayed close to Lightning their entire way back to his home. She enjoyed the feel of his soft coat against her own. Finally they reached his apartment and went inside. Lightning flipped the light switch and his dim light came on, illuminating his tiny apartment. “Whelp, it’s not much, but its home…Thunder isn’t here by the way, he’s off to Canterlot. So we have the apartment to ourselves.” “Oh, what is he doing in Canterlot?” “He is trying to become Luna’s student.” “Oh cool. Reminds me of my friend Twilight; she’s Celestia’s student.” “Hey maybe they’ll meet or something.” Lightning chuckled as he sat down on his couch. Rainbow sat next to him and scooted closer to him. He looked at her and she made up an excuse as to why she was so close. “What? It’s cold in here.” “I know, the heater sucks. Don’t worry; I know what will keep you warm.” Lightning wrapped his hooves around Rainbow and pulled her closer. This made Rainbow blush harder, and what happened next she’d never forget. Lightning held her close; he enjoyed Rainbow’s smell, the feel of her coat, and the warmth her body gave off. Lightning was happy just being with Rainbow; the simple act of cuddling made Lightning happy. The longer they stayed like that, the more bold Lightning grew. Lightning pressed his muzzle against Rainbow’s neck; Rainbow’s coat felt good against his face, and her smell was amazing. She smelt like…Gems maybe? Lightning wasn’t sure, but it smelt amazing. He began nuzzling her neck; Rainbow responded by giggling. The nuzzling and cuddling went on for hours before Rainbow pulled away from Lightning and turned to him. Without saying a word, both ponies leaned in; Rainbow’s heart began beating faster, the butterflies in her stomach fluttered. Was she actually going to do it this time? No one was around to interrupt. So it seemed this was her chance. They kissed. Lightning kept ahold of Rainbow as their mouths contacted. They kissed passionately for several minutes; each tongue fighting for domination. Rainbow placed her hooves on Lightning’s chest. The kiss continued; neither wanting to pull away. Finally, after several minutes Rainbow pulled away; the passionate kissing left her without any breath. “Lightning?” “Yeah Dashie?” “C-can…can you…” Rainbow began blushing; she wanted to take their relationship to the next level, but she wasn’t sure how to tell Lightning. Lightning knew what Rainbow wanted, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to do it. He remembered how Thunder told him about his first (and only) marefriend. He said he loved her and enjoyed being with her; they had had sex, and afterwards, they began to drift apart and they started fighting more often. Thunder told him it had ruined his relationship. Lightning did not want to ruin his relationship with Rainbow, especially when it was in its infant status. “Lightning…l-let’s…” Rainbow couldn’t get the words out. Lightning couldn’t help but be amused by Rainbow’s inability to say she wanted sex. “Dashie, I know what you want, and I just want to say, I don’t think that that is a good idea.” “Wh-why not? Is it because I’m not pretty?” Rainbow Dash pulled away. Had she been right? Did Lightning not like her as much as she liked him? The thought depressed Rainbow. She took a step away, tears welling up in her eyes. “What? No!” “Look, you don’t have to try and make me feel better. I know I’m not pretty. I know I’m not the prettiest mare in Equestria, but getting all dolled up just isn’t who I am. I’m not like my friend Rarity, she gets all sorts of treatments to look good, but I can’t stand those girlie things. But if you want a mare who’s prettier, that’s fine Lightning.” “Dashie…Look, I think you’re the prettiest mare in the world.” Lightning took a step towards Rainbow, “You’re amazingly beautiful Dashie. I don’t care if you go through all those spa treatments and whatnot. I like you for you, you are beautiful.” “Then…why don’t you want to have sex?” “Because I don’t want to ruin our relationship. I care for you to much to do something like that.” “But Lightning…if you care about me then please do this with me. I want this Lightning. I know ponies who’ve had sex and it only made their relationship stronger.” “Dashie…” Lightning couldn’t say no to Rainbow; the way she stared at him made him melt. He’d do anything to make Rainbow Dash happy. “Okay Dashie, If you’re sure, then let’s do it.” They were alone in his apartment. Lightning was still unsure, but Rainbow seemed to be hell bent on going through with this. “LET”S GO THEN!” Rainbow jumped onto Lightning’s back, causing him to collapse. “HNNNNG!” “Oh my gosh! You ok? Sorry Lightning, forgot pegasii aren’t very strong.” “Y-yeah, I’m fine Dashie….Hnng!” Lightning strained, put all his strength into his legs, and stood back up with Rainbow still on his back. Being out of action for so long has caused him to get a bit flabby; he was not as strong as he used to be. Slowly but surely, Lightning carried Rainbow into his room and laid her on his bed. She lied down and spread her legs and wings apart. Lightning took a good look at her; her tail was folded upwards, covering her quivering vagina. Rainbow was nervous; she had never done this with anypony before and she was scared about what would happen, but this is what she wanted. “Lightning…I should tell you, I’m a virgin…” “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” Lightning smiled; Rainbow wasn’t the first virgin he had been with, so he knew what to do to make it feel better for her. Lightning began with kissing Rainbow. For several minutes they just kissed; a long passionate kiss. Slowly Lightning began to kiss down Rainbow’s neck; he focused on a particularly sensitive spot on her neck, and then returned to kissing downwards. Rainbow cooed and moaned at Lightning’s every touch. She began to loosen up and her body spread more; her tail falling away from her vagina. Lightning kissed and rubbed every inch of her body. He focused on her most sensitive areas: her breasts, her vagina, and her butt. Rainbow moaned and squirmed; her body was getting hotter and she began sweating. Finally, after a whole hour after starting, Lightning finished the foreplay. He got up and got on top of Rainbow. He positioned his member in front of her quivering vagina. Rainbow had heard that a girl’s first time would hurt, but she knew Lightning wouldn’t hurt her. “Now, this will hurt at first, but it’ll pass.” Rainbow just nodded. Lightning pressed into her; a sharp pain hit Rainbow and she let out a yelp. Lightning stopped his penetration; for a few minutes he just held his position. Finally he resumed; he began thrusting slowly at first, speeding up with every thrust. After several minutes the pain began to go away and was quickly replaced by the pleasure of Lightning’s erection rubbing against her insides. After an eternity of Lightning dominating the sexual interaction, he rolled over and let Rainbow be on top. Rainbow began bouncing up and down on top of Lightning; rubbing herself against Lightning’s throbbing member. Lightning took his hooves and grabbed Rainbow’s small, but firm, butt. Their love making lasted hours; both were in a complete state of pure bliss. Finally, Lightning neared his limit and he was about to ejaculate. He warned Rainbow, but instead of getting off, she continued and increased her speed. Finally Lightning couldn’t take anymore and he cummed inside her. Rainbow cummed as the same moment Lightning did. The feeling of the two cumming together was better than anything Lightning and Rainbow had ever felt before. After their intense lovemaking, the loving couple collapsed onto the bed, wrapped up in each other’s embrace, drifting off to sleep.