//------------------------------// // A Simple Life (Revised) // Story: A Human in an Equestrian Asylum // by Mr Anomalous //------------------------------// Chapter One: A Simple Life You may notice the 'Revised' in the beginning, but not to worry. I just added a few sentences to make the story flow better, and spaced out the paragraphs. Read one, and don't forget to upvote! Sit back, I'm going to tell you a bit about myself. I know you don't wanna hear it, but I'm bored right now, listen! We'll get to the good stuff later! Anyway my name is John Barrings. I am twenty-one years old. I like to play video games. A lot. I also enjoy listening to Metalcore, such as August Burns Red, Lamb of God, Job for A Cowboy, oh, and I also like to listen to Dubstep. My primary job is, or was working as a cashier at Play n' Trade. I was pretty good at it too; I was always getting raises and making sales, therefore, my boss loved me. I thought that he was pretty cool too. My favorite video games are Battlefield 3, MineCraft, Black Ops II, Team Fortress 2, and, the newest edition, Skyrim. I had just bought it. My father had sent me a big clump of cash, again. This one was two hundred bucks. A little less than usual, but, hey, who am I to be ungrateful? You see, when my mother died, my dad abandoned me to my Uncle. My uncle and dad were the only two remaining, known, anyway, members of my family. My uncle passed away when I was eighteen, and I simply inherited his money, used it to purchase an apartment, a car, and, when the money ran out, I got a job at a gas station, worked there for a bit, then moved up to where I am now. Then my dad, who I guess felt super guilty, began sending me money. I have no idea where this money comes from, but, once again, who am I to be ungrateful? I've still never met him. I've never responded to his letters, which always contain lumps of cash, because he never asked me too. The money helps; I don't have to work as much. But, even so, I still have to work. But, even if I didn't have too, I still would, because I love my job there. Or, at least the job that I had there; I'm still not super sure if I'm going to make it back. Why am I telling you this? I dunno, just kind of a way to pass the time. Story time? Story time. It all began (pretty original beginning, ya?) last night, when I was, surprise, surprise, playing video games. I sat down at my cave, powered it up, and four screens stared up at me. Yes, I am proud of my nerd cave. Two of them belong to my Alienware m18x laptop; the main screen, and a second monitor that I have connected. The other belongs to my Powermac. Nice. And the fourth was really nothing special, just my TV. It wasn't even a flat-screen. Disappoint. I leaned over and cracked open my mini-fridge, (HA! I have one of THOSE!) and grabbed a 20 oz can of Red Bull. (I Also have RED BULL!) I opened it, and began gulping it down. I started up my Xbox, and my eyes scanned the games. I eventually chose good 'ole Call of Duty: World at War. I wanted to give Nazi Zombies another go, which would be the first time in a while. After getting slaughtered on the third round, (Hey! I was used to Black Ops zombies, okay!?) I switched it out for Skyrim. The navigation-sticks was worn down much that night. I finished the rest of my Red Bull, and opened up the fridge for another one. I was let down. That was my last one. Instead, I settled for second best: Mountain Dew, bitches! The nectar of the gods is what it is. My last let down of that night, on Earth anyway, was that, as soon as I cracked open the can, which, much to my glee, began to steam (I love it when it does that) my chest began to get a tingling sensation, which caused me to halt the approaching can. Mtn Dew is good, but, when your chest starts randomly fizzing, if kind of makes you stop. What...? The can was thrown to the ground. Not in anger, not in surprise, but in pain. My body literally started jerking around in pain. Everything hurt, in both a sharp and dull pain. I never got any Mtn Dew. Damn it. The pain began escalating, more and more. It was like a giant cramp, only all over you entire friking body! I fell to the ground, screaming, knocking over some things, I didn't see, my eyes were fuzzy from developing tears, and, soon, my vision began to blacken. I was overcame by a wave of fatigue and, strangely, comfort. All of the pain was still there, but....it didn't bother me. It was there, but it wasn't bad. Kind of like just feeling...I don't know...a pencil in your hand. You can feel it, but its not bad. I'm not saying that the pain was what was comforting me. It was something else. The last thing that I ever saw was a spilled Mtn Dew can, the soda trickling out, and my green wall, plastered in some pretty nerdy posters, and my giant, potted plant. I gave into the comfort, this strange, other-worldly comfort, and finally went *kaput* [/hr] Wow, you know how, in almost any movie that you watch, when someone gets knocked unconscious, and when they start coming to, they start by slowly blinking, and everything is fuzzy and whatnot? That is freaking dead on. Only, in those movies, they usually wake up in a Hospital of some sort, or in a Murdering Psychopath's lair. I woke up in neither. I guess I couldn't really say that I woke up inside everywhere, because I did my, said, waking up outside. I didn't initially come to that conclusion by opening my eyes because I couldn't; I was literally too weak to open my eyes. I felt warmth from a bright sun, and I heard chirping. But, I also felt a few rushes of hot air, which I could immediately classify as breaths, and, one of the things that usually come along with, breath, besides smells, are voices. By that, I mean that, if something breaths, It can probably talk, or at least make some sort of noise. But whatever was hovering above me, there were lots of them, spoke. And they spoke English, thankfully. Good. Wherever I was, it wasn't somewhere I would be totally lost in. Of course, that was the most incorrect thing that I have ever thought in my life. Ever. The voices began to become clearer as I began to regain energy, I still couldn't open my eyes very wide though, and I began to catch snitches of jumbled conversation. Alien....what?...safe....pony... Pony? What? Suddenly, all of my energy returned. Very quickly, and I was a bit unprepared by the rush of restored energy, and I gasped, kind of violently, and..I..kind of jerked around a bit as well. My gasping and jerking was met by gasping from whoever was surrounding me, and I heard them scuttle away. I lay still for a bit, breathing heavily. I became aware that my entire body was sore, everywhere that the pain I had experienced last night, which was everywhere. There was a heavy headache pounding its way around my skull, and I groaned, and raised my wrist to my sweaty forehead, where it stayed for a bit. There were a few more footsteps in the...gravel? that was around me. I heard the trickling of a fountain next to me. I was probably in some sort of park. I removed my wrist, but still didn't open my eye; my energy was gone again for some reason. There were more footsteps and I could see through my eyelids. I saw a silhouette, probably a head. "...are...are you alright mister?" came the voice from directly above me. Female. I took a big, sigh, and responded, "Uh...yeah...yeah I'm fine, just a bit sore. And I got a nasty migraine..." The crowd around me began muttering. What, were unaccustomed to random people showing up in their park, and claiming to have a headache. I chuckled, and finally opened my eyes, and, HEY! Guess what!? These weren't people! My pupils did the natural thing: dilate and I gasped. Directly above me was the concerned face of a...purple unicorn? It did have the unicorn trademark, which was a horn, in case you didn't know. It looked weird too. The texture wasn't...real. It brought to mind a cartoon. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. "Heh, guess I passed out harder than I originally thought..." The face, which, while weird and cartoony....and purple, was friendly, and it smiled. "Well, then that means just about every citizen in Ponyville has passed out at least equally harder; there's an alien in our park." Ponyville? I smiled. I must be dead. Is this heaven? Or is it hell? Right now, I was having a hard time telling. A world filled with small, magical, talking unicorns made it a bit hard to land a conclusion on either of those right now. I finally sat up, which made the unicorn draw back a little. I looked around. Everything was a freaking cartoon, and there were a lot of ponies. Not all were unicorns though; some had wings, but no horns, others had horns, but no wings, and others had neither. I smiled a bit and passed out again. Hey! I just blacked out in my apartment only to wake up and end up being surrounded by talking ponies, cut me some slack, okay!? Chapter End