Dear Diary

by BananaFudgeSundae


Dear Diary

So this morning my annoying little sister had the most atrocious idea to pull a prank on me, apparently she was still mad that I dared force her to wear a hat in the cold so she would not get sick. Ok maybe the hat looked somewhat ridicules with those bunny ears on, but she looked so precious in it and it was the only hat left her size.

Anyway this morning I woke up and went about my usual morning routine, apply makeup, washing my mane, etc. After showering I went to brush my mane only to find it and the rest of my body had turned pink, not only that but somepony (I think you already know who) had emptied my throat spray bottle and replaced it with helium. I was devastated, it was





I ran downstairs to confront the little devil, and she was laughing about it was I demanded an explanation. My voice was all messed up and I looked absolutely ridiculous. I mean pink looks well on some ponies like my dear friend Pinkie, but on a mare of my stature and disposition it looks absolutely awful. I tried everything to get it off including re-washing my mane, and drinking water to cure my throat. But whatever my little sister did it did not seem to want to go away.

Finally I decided to try my friend Twilight to see if she had any magical solutions to my problems. Luckily she was able to whip up a potion with the help of her adorable dragon assistant (he is sooo cute when he crushes on me, too bad he just is not my type), and my color and voice was brought back to its normal lovely self. Of course the process took hours, and it was already early in the afternoon by the time all was said and done.

I admit I felt kind of guilty having made her wear a hat that ridiculous, having to go out in public looking as I just was must have felt about the same. So I made her a new green hat just like her old one she always adored. However one does not simply let a prank like the one she pulled go un-revenged, so I also bought some itching powder and covered her hat with it. A bit un-ladylike perhaps, but as they all say, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Anyway I must go now, I think I just heard Sweetie Belle come home and I can’t wait to see her face after she puts on the hat.