A colt and his favorite princess

by Bareback Writer

the start of something...

Pip slowly awoke to the late morning, crowbars of sunlight prying his eyelids open. Letting out a small groan, he raised his head. He was in his new room on the second floor of his new house from the looks of it. The walls where painted a lackluster beige color. Save for the bed and curtains on the sole window in the room, there was nothing. Pip hopped out of bed and began to stretch, getting ready for the day ahead, or at least what was left of it at least.
Thoughts of the morning before crept into his head as he made his way to the rest room. “What a strange dream,” he surmised, “It seemed so real, but really, why would the princess of the night come down to Ponyville AND come to my house? Granted she thought it was Twilight’s house. But still, that still couldn’t happen on the same night… right?”
He was about to reach the bathroom when he smelled something…burning? It didn’t take him long to see the dark plume of smoke coming from downstairs.
“FIRE!,” Pip exclaimed in his mind, his 8-year-old hooves trying so hard to get down the stairs without tripping. Finally he made his way to the kitchen in time to see the fire extinguished. When the smoke cleared, it revealed what looked like a unicorn, obviously older, with a coat that was mainly turquoise save for the soot that covered her head, hair, neck, and half of his/her torso. His/her hair, if he could guess, was a slightly darker shade of green with a line of emerald running down the center. Before he could guess, the gender of said pony was made clear when she started cursing herself.
“Curse these eggs, how can anypony make breakfast when they burn so easily? And these recipes are impossible to follow. What does it mean to beat eggs if not to defeat them?” she complained, unaware that she had an audience. At least until he made himself known.
“Excuse me miss, but I believe you’re trespassing, unless I’m the wrong house.” Pip accused, his eyes holding a ‘you’re in trouble’ look.
“Ah…um…are you by chance the young master of this house?” The mare asked in a soft tone, giving a small smile.
“Yes. And you are?”
“Ah, of course. My name is…um,” she began, a look of deep thought on her face.
“Um? You mean from the esteemed Umbridge family?” Pip said, a look of curiosity, excitement, and perhaps a little mischief coming from his eyes. Getting a closer look at the mare, she seemed a little off, like she didn’t belong there. “She’s just like," he observed, “but she couldn’t be…could she?”.
Suddenly, an idea of absurd proportions came to him. It was a long shot but it was the most plausible idea he could come up with. “If it’s her, then she won’t admit it… not knowingly at least.” A smirk lined his lips. He had a plan, he just needed to wait for the right time.
“What? I…I mean yes,” the mare gave a sigh of relief, thankful that she had dodged the bullet. “My name is Um. I’m considered as one of the best Nannies in Equestria. My I ask your name?”
It was a pathetic plan really, but if there was a good time as any to put his plan into action, it was now. “You may call me Pip, Lady Um. If I might be honest, I am slightly saddened that it was not Princess Luna here burning my kitchen stove.”
‘Um’ was taken aback. It looked like she wasn’t expecting such a comment from a foal. “My, what a well-educated foal you are. But I must ask why you were hoping such a thing would happen?” she asked, a bead of sweat running down her face.
“Perfect, right where I what ya,” Pip thought. “Who wouldn’t want a princess cooking them breakfast? Especially one as beautiful and radiant as the regal nightingale of the night.”
Um’s Cheeks started to burn slightly at his comment. “B-Beautiful?”
“Of course! I mean, you’re beautiful too, but,” he paused with a dramatic sigh (a trait he learned from the drama queen Rarity herself), “It’s hard to describe her in modern ponyglish. Her hair flows freely in the evening breeze, her mane shins with the beams of moonlight, her coat is as soft as a dream cloud; but all of that pales compared to her cyan eyes. They shine with a beauty that burns with an intensity greater than a thousand of Celestia’s suns. Yet they also hold the spirit of an innocent filly. Oh, to spend a moment in her presence has left me wanting nothing more.
As Pip went on, Um’s face was burning hotter than 'a thousand of Celestia’s suns’. She was told he was very educated. But he was gifted in the art of the silvertounge. Such complements were considered poetically equal to that of a confessional sonnet. What she didn’t realize though, was while she was lost in thought, her mouth lay gapping at Pip. A detail that he took notice of immediately.
“Excuse me Lady Um, are you well?” Pip asked, holding a tone that was both debonair and concerned.
Um shook her head, shaking off some of the black soot off it in the process. “Yes, Yes quite well. We were just surprised by thy comment.” She froze as her last statement replayed itself in her mind.
“Using the royal ‘we’ are we Princess?” Pip asked, dropping the debonair from his voice. “Have to admit, I was starting to doubt whether or not I was right.” Pip said, half serious, half chuckle.
Despite her stubborn pride, even the great and mighty Princess Luna knew when the, if she could remember the phrase right, ‘gig was up’. Sighing, she stared down in defeat asking quietly, “How did a young colt as thyself find us out so quickly?”
Pip’s eyes softened at this sight. “It’s ok Princess. You only made one mistake. Granted it was a big mistake, it was only one.”
Luna looked up with a little hope in her eyes. “What was our mistake?”
“Just that thing on your head.”
Slowly, Luna put a hoof to find that said ‘thing’ was her royal tiara. She blushed profusely at this embarrassment. “We swear, t’was to stay at our chambers”.
“OUR chambers?” asked pip, eyebrow raised, smiling slightly.
“Yes, our-” Luna stopped, realizing what Pip meant. “WHAT!? NONONONONO. That is not what we meant at all.” Her face was getting redder by the moment.
“Easy, Princess. It was a joke.”
“A what?” she asked, genuinely confused.
“Oh…um…a jest?”
“Ah, ha ha ha ha. Good one Young Pip.”
“Wow! She must have missed a lot in that thousand years.” Pip observed. While thinking deeply about his current situation, Luna decided to dispel her disguise.
Now getting a look at the princess, Pip couldn’t help but wonder. “Princess, may I ask you something?”
“Of course! To see such hunger for knowledge in a mere earth foal amazes me. Now what is thy question?” asked Luna, ready to answer any possible question. Well, all but one.
“When was the last time you had…*ahem* ‘relations’ with another pony?” he asked, cheeks sporting a slightly pinkish hue.
Luna stood awestruck. Had this foal, not even of age, just asked when she had last made love to another pony!? “W-W-Well, I…I…” Her once midnight blue face was now a deep shade of purple. “P-Prethy, why dose thou ask?”
“Well, though I find it flattering that a princess has come to care for me, I have to admit, it seems suspicious that you would do so without any…’alternate’ intentions.” Pip responded, hoof to chin.
“ART THOU SAYING WE ARE A FOAL FIDDLER?!” Luna bellowed, practically using the royal we volume.
“NO NO! I mean, how do I know that once I’m old enough, you won’t make a move on me. I just want to know if whatever relation we have at the moment is going to be solely based on an otherwise empty need. That I am nothing more than a distraction to you.” Pip recoiled, tears starting to form on his eyes.
Instantly, Luna’s anger subsided. Such an innocent colt as him, thinking more maturely then most, as if he had missed his whole foalhood already. “Forgive us Pip, We…I should have known that this transition would not have come without an explanation. It is true that these circumstances are strange, but I promise that you are not some… 'boy toy' I believe they call it now.
Pip wiped his eyes, calming down, pressing on, "Then why? How?"
Luna took a deep breath. "It began not much later then when Twilight Sparkle and I had returned to Canterlot…”
“…” Luna blushed once more, this time at her stomach’s interruption.
Pip gave a small titter. “Maybe it would be better for you to tell me over some brunch and tea.”
“Yes…I agree.”
Pip made some simple flower sandwiches for the both of them along with some scrambled eggs and some fruit salad.
They enjoyed the silence of the meal till Pip broke the silence, “So you were saying princess?”
“Ah yes, as I was saying, It all began back in Canterlot…”
Yesterday, early morning…

“Princess, I beg of you…think of the effects your decision will make! The issues that would arise!” begged Twilight, still trying to get over the fact that she could speak like this without being punished. “You've just been accepted back in Ponyville--”
Princess Luna raised a hoof in protest, “Thou hast no influence upon us! Thou should be in bed right now, not sticking your nostrils in another pony’s business!”
“Luna!” Celestia proclaimed, silencing her sister. It was true that being awakened during the night was something she had come to expect in case of emergency, but to be awakened because of a trivial squabble between her long lost sister and her favorite star pupil wasn’t really on the list of ‘emergency’. “And here I thought I would be able to sleep a little more often,” she thought to herself, rubbing a hoof to her temple. “Now in a calm tone and one at a time, please tell me why you two are fighting about. I will try my best to solve this issue,” she asked.
Twilight was the first one up. “Princess Celestia, despite JUST getting accepted back by Ponyville and earning their trust, Princess Luna is trying to do something that could break that trust.”
Luna rebuffed this accusation, “Tis a lie, I only wish to take care of an orphan foal.”
“Precisely my point Princess Luna. Though you may not have a problem with this, the people of Ponyville may think otherwise. I’m only trying to help you.”
“We have been back for many a sun and moon. Surly you do not think that we have been wasting it fooling around!”
“Of course not princess, but-”
“ENOUGH!” Celestia protested. Though she promised she would try, she could tell that an issue like this would require a more delicate approach. On one hoof, Twilight was right in this issue. The thought of an older mare, especially one over a thousand years old, would bring unwanted and unneeded attention. But on the other hoof, what Luna was doing wasn’t wrong, and could even be considered a blessing and act of compassion. Besides, the last thing she needed was to cause another divide between her and Luna. "Twilight," she said calmly, "would you mind if I talk with my sister in private?"
"O-Of course princess." Twilight bowed and exited the room. With her gone, Celestia turned to her sister, who currently was staring out at the disappearing night sky with a doleful look on her face.
"What is wrong dear sister?" Celestia asked.
"Did you know that of all nights, Nightmare Night is the only night that all ponies, even young foals, stay up? They play games and go out to receive candy and have a wonderful time."
Celestia knew her sister well, when she changes subjects, especially with a question, the big, powerful, princess of the night was deeply troubled. "Please Lulu, tell me what is troubling you so."
'Lulu', as was her sister's childish yet affectionate nickname for her, sighed, "Is what we want to do so wrong?" she asked, her eyes still glued to the dissipating stars.
"Of course not Lulu," Celestia said, trying to comfort her sibling, "Any pony with a brain would know your intentions are not wicked. But so much has changed while you were gone, and everything you once knew is the same. You know that, right?"
Another sigh, "Yes, we do. But Tia, for so long we have yearned for a pony like him."
"Whatever do you mean?"
As to let it all out, she answered in a way she did for her sister. "For all the time I spent on that moon, I was called a monster, an evil and despicable pony monster. I was so jealous of you and all the subjects who would run to you, unafraid. They were so happy to see you. But all I had received at night, were screams of terror and tales of the 'Night Mare' monster lurking in the shadows. If our subjects saw me any better, it was only in their dreams. But as soon as they woke up, they dismissed me like I was just that, a dream" her dropping the royal 'we', only emphasized the trouble she felt.
Celestia was shocked. For so long she yearned for something that she, her sister, had. And in all that time, she didn't even take the time to realize it. Had she been so absorbed in her own happiness and the happiness that her…Their subjects gave her, that she had not seen the eyes of jealousy watching her. She felt a mixture of anger, frustration, and shame for herself. "What kind of sister am I? To not see her pain and only see my own happiness?" the very thought broke her already braking heart. "Do you mean to say, that all you wanted was…"
"A friend. A pony who wouldn't run from me because I was scared. Who would welcome my coming. Who would smile at me like they would you. I just wanted to know that I was just as good as my sister. And just when I thought that I was only to confine myself to you and your pupil, he came to me." She chuckled. "He even tugged on the royal mane." Finally looking away from the sky, Luna turned to her sister."I know what we ask can be considered unacceptable and wrong in some ponies eyes. But I can't explain it. He makes me happy. I don't know why, but he does. I only wish to give him as much happiness as he has given me."
Celestia let out a sigh. "A colt without parents being taken care of by a princess without a friend. Perhaps she is right. Perhaps this idea is worth the risk. But how to minimize that risk." It was then that the princess of the sun had a 'bright' idea. "Twilight can you come in here please."
"Yes your princess?" a meek Twilight asked.
"I believe that I have found a compromise for you and my sister, if you don't mind a little extra responsibility." Both pupil and princess looked at Celestia with quizzical eyes.
Back in Ponyville…

"So what was the compromise?" Pip asked, genuinely eager to know.
"Celestia proposed that if I am to care for you, that I am to do it covertly so. Twilight will drop by once a week to check-up on us and report it to my sister."
"But what about the moon rise and stars?"
"Well to tell the truth, I can do that anywhere in Equestria, I need only to use magic. This arrangement is only for the sake of image. Living unsupervised was illegal before my banishment, and it still is now. So until you are old enough to live on your own, I will be here.
"But don't ponies send their complaints to you and Celestia?"
"Yes, but few come at night, those which do come by are minimal ones my sister is willing to deal with in my stead. Of course there will be times I must be at the castle, but you will have a foalsitter on those nights."
Pip gave a small pout. "But I can take care of myself now. How old must I be to prove that?"
"Oh dear Pip, so smart yet still so childish. Here I thought you liked the idea of the 'beautiful and radiant nightingale of the night' taking care of you. Was that a mere fabrication?" Luna asked jokingly.
And without a moment's hesitation, in the most sincere, serious tone, Pip replied, "Of course not, I meant every word!"
Luna was taken aback. "You meant every word?"
"Of course. Didn't I tell you on Nightmare Night? You’re my favorite princess ever."
Luna couldn't help but flush. "W-Well I thank you for those words. But we'll have to tame that silver tongue of yours."
This time Pip blushed. "Princess, I didn't mean those words to be taken like that. It was a complement."
"OH!" Luna gasped. For a while, the two were silent. So silent, the creaking of the wooden floor could be easily heard. Finally, Pip broke the it.
"You know Princess Luna…" Pip's heart was beating faster than he could run. He didn't know why, but it felt good in a way. He didn't know how else to put it. He felt something both similar, yet new. Could it be that he was crushing on Princess Luna. A lowly peasant such as himself, falling for somepony as regal and beautiful as her.
"Yes?" Luna asked jerking him out of his trance.
" Ah, I-I would be honored to be your first friend."
"And I am honored to be your favorite princess ever."
"C-Can I ask you something?"
"What is it? Is it another question of my, um, relations?"
"No! I mean yes! I mean, sort of." Pip took a deep breath. What he said next, he knew, had to be said. "Would you mind if…if I called you my first crush?" Pip's cheeks burned as he asked. He looked down half expecting silence, half expecting rejection. He got neither.
"O-Of course not! We would be honored." Luna stuttered. Never had a pony before asked her if she minded. It was hard to say no to somepony you already thought was special.
"Th-Thank you princess."
Luna looking at the young colt, in a moment of whimsy, kissed Pipsqueak on the forehead, hoping it would relax him, and in turn, her. It succeeded thankfully. But it also left something else.
For the rest of the day, both talked of other things, but neither lost the blush on their cheeks. And in the back of their minds, both had thoughts of each other, and possibilities the future may present.