The Ride Never Ends

by Mr Bones


That night two specially made carts drove into the cave at breakneck speeds. In the lead cart sat Applejack, Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle. Pulling the this cart was Rainbow Dash. Behind them was Fluttershy pulling a cart solely occupied by Rarity. Rarity and Twilight provided magical lighting to the rear and front of the two carts.

Keeping her gaze foreward Rainbow dash yelled back “Thanks for the anti encumbrance spell Twilight! This cart weighs like nothing!” The magic surrounding them seemed to force insomnia, a small blessing for the task at hand, but a very boring one for the unoccupied riders of the cart.

MR BONES WILD RIDE has broken down!

A week had passed. Everypony was on edge. Spike had been sending and receiving daily reports to and from the Princesses; who were very concerned for everypony's safety. Rarity called ahead to Applejack.

"Can you belive what this tunnel is doing to my coat? I don't know how many trips to the spa it will take to get it all out."

Applejack frowned "Well ain't that the biggest of our problems. Still these tunnels are mighty unnatural."

"Twitcha Twitch! Everypony bail!" yelled a wide eyed Pinkie Pie, who leaped into Fluttershy's cart with Rarity, managing not to knock them both out of the cart.

"Pinkie, what are you -"started Twilight Sparkle, who she cringed at what she saw. A stopped car dead ahead. "Get out everypony, obstruction ahead"! screamed Twilight as she telekineticly cut Rainbow Dash's reigns, accelerating her forward even more quickly, and safely above the obstruction. Applejack had already bailed with Spike. Twilight jumped.

Instead of landing in the cart she clipped Fluttershy’s torso. Fluttershy and Twilight fell under the cart. The cart bucked it's occupants as it flipped forward from it's new living anchor. Further down the track there was an explosion obliterating their lead cart, the parked car, and any of their contents.

MR BONES WILD RIDE has crashed!

For a moment, everything stopped. Fluttershy looked but saw nothing ahead. Everything in the explosion had been absolutely obliterated.

"Is everypony alright?" called Applejack.

"I'm OK"! moaned Spike.

"Fluttershy and I are fine, no injuries"! called Twilight.

"I got so much dirt on my coat"! whined Rarity, who’s hornlight clearly illuminated Pinkie Pie, who was rolling in said dirt.

"Rainbow Dash?" asked Twilight, who was busy righting herself.

"I'm cool" Rainbow Dash’s cracking voice yelled from out from the darkness ahead.

"I know this is getting rough an all, but we need you over here Rainbow". called Applejack.

There was no response.

"Everypony get in the cart". said Fluttershy, eyes wide in terror.

Twilight wasted no time righting the cart with her telekinesis.

At once the cart feel back on the ground roughly. Twilight's light had gone. By Rarity’s horn-light they could see the dull metal pincers taking Twilight Sparkle away for but a second, before she disappeared into the darkness.

The cart was engulfed in a light blue light as Rarity finished Twilight Sparkles work. Pinkie Pie jumped in as Rarity followed.

Rarity was starting to cry "Applejack, Spike, get in now"!

She heard no response.

Rarity paused, cringing slightly.

"Spike? Applejack? Stop this horseplay now"! cried Rarity.

No one else remained.

Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy spent a moment of silence.

"We simply must get them back." said Rarity.

Fluttershy gulped and quickly let out an "Agreed."

Pinkie Pie stammed a little before recomposing herself "Let's move girls."

Fluttershy took off once again. A few weeks of relentless travel later and they neared the ride entrance. Before they saw the light of day they saw Rainbow Dash who was continuously barreling down the corridor, only to momentarily be whisked outside by the levitating pincers. Soon she could fly close enough to land on the cart itself before the pincers could grab her.

“Thank Celestia you all showed up, Everyone else is at the ride entrance. We are going to fit as many of those faun thingies as we can onto our cart and get out. Celestia's orders.”

It was not long before they were bathed in light at the exit. After they recovered from the temporary blindness they could see Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Spike, and a gaggle of the humans standing at the front of the queue. Twilight Sparkle picked up all the humans remaining at the queue with her telekinesis and forced them into the cart. Rainbow Dash traded places with Fluttershy at the reigns. Not sparing a moment, they took off

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash both worked together to pull the Cart, as Twilight Sparkle and Rarity cast illumination and anti encumbrance spells on the cart, to assist them. Although Rainbow Dash was doing the lions share of the work, the efforts of the others helped make up for the increased workload.

A few more weeks passed in transit they reached the incline to the surface. They could hear Shining Armor barking orders to the guards posted outside. While outside of his normal duties, Shining Armor felt a personal responsibility for his sister's safety and had arranged to pick up the returning captives to the Faun Embassy, as well as ensure the safety of Twilight and her friends on their way home. Thanks to Spike they had been able to coordinate this well in advance.

Suddenly their exit was surrounded by dirt pillars. A brick ceiling started to materialize. The fanatic shouting of the guards was quickly muffled. Through the dismayed unicorns magic they could see a statue of Mr. Bones and a red sign. It read "MR BONES SAYS THE RIDE NEVER ENDS". A translucent pink bubble blocked the track up ahead. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy immediately started to brake.

"No"! yelled Twilight, "Go full speed ahead"!

"Are you insane? We'll all crash"! yelled Rainbow Dash.

"Just do it"! ordered Twilight

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy made one last push. The pink bubble opened briefly for them and then collapsed behind them as the dirt fell in. The bubble then reformed around them, just in time to stop a pincer from descending upon them.

They brought the cart down and landed by Shining Armor and his encampment.

They were free.

"Twilly"! Yelled Shining Armor as he embraced his sister.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash traded the cart off to some pegasi guards to take the fauns to the Faun Embassy in Canterlot.
The humans in the cart kept insisting that they wanted off "MR BONES WILD RIDE" but did not attempt to free themselves and they were soon carted off.

"Spike, Take a letter." said Twilight.

"Dear Princess Celestia,
Today I learned that no matter what challenges you face, they can be overcome with dedication and friendship. Even if your friends sometimes suffer setbacks it's important to stick with them until the very end.
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle".

With a puff of dragonfire Spike sent the letter. Wandering off Twilight Sparkle saw Pinkie Pie staring at the sky, silent.

"Are you OK Pinkie?" asked Twilight Sparkle with a concerned look on her face.

Pinkie Pie took a few seconds before responding.

"I have the strangest feeling someone is watching me."