//------------------------------// // Out of sync // Story: The origins of Ditzy Doo // by Joshua PickleSmith //------------------------------// Chapter 3: Out of sync Ditzy had at that distinct point in time, closed her eyes and kept them shut, she didn't want to see the shocked faces of the students or the surprised face of Miss Sharley. Oh who am I kidding, she won't be surprised she will be as forgiving and nice as ever. Ditzy opened one eye after a few seconds to see the classes faces only to find that all the occupants of the room were grouped together at the window. "What the?" "What is that?" "It looks so pretty" said members of her class. Ditzy could only imagine the faces she was imagining in her head of the other fillies was now stuck on her face, what were they looking at? Ditzy tried looking through the window but it was blocked by all the other ponies. Sure she was glad no one noticed her critical error. But she had to find out what everypony was making a fuss about. "Wow it's incredible" another pony said again. "That's it! I'm going to see what is happening" and at that moment she opened the door to the classroom and hurried out of the building. As she opened the door with a thud she saw a rainbow of different colours almost flying towards her. the colours impacted her with unrelenting force and pushed her back against a wall. "My head, where am I" said the confused Pegasus, just as soon as she asked she remembered the answer. "I'm in school, uh what happened, something happened, something about muffins, oww my head" Ditzy slowly and steadily got herself up off the ground and placed herself on damp floor. "actually on second though, I'm gonna sit somewhere else" she proceeded to get up and sit somewhere which wasn't wet but she soon realized that the whole floor was wet, heck all the doors were open, a few windows were smashed. "It's like a tornado was in here," she said with a hint of confusion. "What is happening and what time is it" shouted Ditzy to the empty space of the corridor. "There you are Ditzy, I have been worried sick, are you OK." Ditzy recognized the voice as Miss Sharley, she sounded the same even though what she was saying was supposed to be said in a worried tone, nevertheless, Ditzy was glad to see somepony. "Oh my what happened here, please come up to the classroom quick!" Ditzy and Sharley entered the first floor classroom which was covered in flowers, butterflies and other happy stuff. The other students had hid themselves under their tables, as if expecting an explosion. "what is wrong with everypony?" said Ditzy. "You should get under your table as well Ditzy, who knows if it will happen again... wait a second what happened to your eye" "My eye?" "is there something wrong with it?" "Nice eye Derpy derp" shouted one of the more obnoxious members of the class. "What is wrong with my eye!" said Ditzy slowly becoming more paranoid. "Oh, hehe nothing is wrong" Said Sharley with the worst poker face imaginable Ditzy without saying anything set out of the classroom and into the Filly toilets. "Ditzy Doo come back here at once" said Sharley surprisingly out of character, but even despite the surprising outburst from the ever loving pony, curiosity got the better of her and she looked into the mirror hanged above the taps. With a short pause Ditzy took a deep breath and said "OK, I think I see the problem.... but does the problem see me."