//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Foreign Skies // Story: Take to the Skies // by DamnToasty //------------------------------// Take to the Skies Chapter 1: Foreign Skies Written and Edited by Robertbel98 I sat restrained in my place as the Plexiglas canopy slowly lowered into its locking position. I looked around the cockpit, seeing multitudes of controls and vibrant glass panels. As I raised my head to the side of the canopy, I was greeted by a man standing on a yellow stepladder next to me. I analyzed his uniform, seeing the name Lennox. Our eyes met as he gave me thumbs up to confirm my preparation for takeoff, and I repeated the gesture in acknowledgement. The man slowly recedes down the ladder as he began to dismount. The man reached for a small radio strapped to his chest. He then proceeded to speak into the mic, contacting the Primary Flight Control. After several moments Lennox looked up from the radio. He raised his arm giving a thumbs up before running off the launch area. I look forward seeing the clear skies in front of me. I took a deep breath and grasped the throttle on my left side. I exhaled right before slowly pulling the throttle forward. A loud hum from the engine was my response as I continued to pull forward. The aircraft gently inched forward, the engine creating a flurry of dust on the deck below. Using the stick on the right console I positioned the jet as it continued to accelerate. Taking one last breath I grabbed the throttle and lunged it down sending the plane flying off the side of the ship, completing the short takeoff. As I continued the craft proceeded to gain altitude. “Tower one, eagle six is in the air for routine recon of designated AO, over,” I voiced into the com peeking from the left side of my helmet. “Roger that, eagle six you are cleared to proceed, over.” “Roger that, tower one, out.” The transmission ended with a slight static as I moved the com away from my face. I glanced down to check my altitude. The dial read nine-thousand feet. Noticing this I reached over grabbing the grey rubber oxygen mask. I slowly pulled it over the bottom half of my face securing it in the two Velcro straps on the side of the helmet. I once again redirected my sight in front of me looking out the window. As far as I could see was an endless aura of blue. Beneath me the soft cloud cover blinding me from the world below. In the distance I could even discern the rim of the Earth as it emitted a slight atmospheric glow. The sight never got old. The dial now read ten-thousand my desired altitude. I eased my back a bit just staring out at the world in front of me. I once again took a deep breath admiring the endless sea of skylight. My peace was interrupted by a strong gust of turbulence. I sat up grasping the controls and looked out the canopy then down at my radar, I was shocked at what I saw. A massive green blur encompassed the circumference of the digital screen. I looked back out of my canopy only seeing blue skies. I was hit by another sudden gust of turbulence. Something was not right. On instinct I reached for my com moving it right next to my respirator as I began to speak. “Tower one this eagle six. I was looking down at my radar and it’s picking up a massive storm front, but I don’t see anything out my window. Could this be possible instrumentation or are you guys picking up the same thing, over.” No response. “Tower one?” I was greeted by the same utter silence. This just didn't make any sense. I was only five miles off from the carrier. The on board coms have a range far exceeding that! Once again a burst of air shook the plane this time without end. I gripped the control stick as tight as I could, as I tried to keep the jet steady. The turbulence was relentless. I watched as my aircraft shook and shuddered around me. To my utter shock surges of electricity began to run through the controls of the plane emitting a clear violet light. I felt as the surge of energy reached my hands. The burning glow seared through my gloves lightly scorching the skin. I lunged back emitting a loud yell. I clenched my teeth trying to compensate for the pain. As I started to regain control of my body I looked down, continuing to see purple glow coat the interior of the cockpit. I redirected my sight to the joystick. The light engulfed the controls. To my surprise the stick was being held steady. The turbulence began to settle as the plane came to a complete halt, levitating ten-thousand feet in the air. I remained shocked breathing heavily in my place, looking frantically around the cockpit trying to find some way to end this. Suddenly a blinding whit luminescence formed outside the glass panel, covering my entire vehicle including myself in a bright white aura. A soft hum sounded, and then I noticed the plane beginning to dissolve around me. I watched in horror as the same began to happen to my body. I did the only thing I could, just sat there and watched. I shut my eyes tight as the light consumed me. A loud sound almost resembling that of camera flash was the last thing I heard. _____ I reopened my eyes, taking a deep breath as I did. The plane was holding steady at ten-thousand feet continuing forward at its normal pace. Spastically I began feeling around my capsule checking to see if the haunting white light had stayed. I discovered that the cockpit was in an average state. No anomalies remained. I glanced down at my radar at the center of the control panel. The large green storm front that had once covered my screen now seemed to have disappeared. I sigh. “What the hell was that?” I say to myself in an exhausted voice. I look to my side finding the com still dangling from my helmet. I slowly pull the microphone over to my side moving it closer to my face. I take a few more breaths before speaking into it. “Tower one, this is eagle 6, do you copy?” I was met with nothing but static on the other end. “Son of a bitch!” I yell in frustration. I had no idea what was going on. It was like I was isolated form the rest of the world. Out of nowhere a red flashing light followed by an evident beeping started to ring through the aircraft. Looking down at my radar the once calm screen had come to life showing a small mass advancing toward my plane, and fast. I held the throttle tight in my grip and pushed it slightly forward, sending me into a quick burst of speed. I was frantically turning in all directions trying to shake it. No matter what action I took the mysterious object kept on my tail, gaining speed as I did. On reflex I reached for the chaff pulling the lever. A bright flurry of sparks emitted behind me remaining lit as they began to descend to the earth below. My eyes bulged as I noticed the object still continuing to gain on me. Out of desperation I pushed the throttle even further followed by another sudden burst in speed. “Maybe I can’t outmaneuver it, but I can definitely outrun it.” I looked down at the airspeed indicator; the jet was right on the cusp of breaking Mach one. Still, the small object persisted. “Dammit, this isn't getting me anywhere!" The projectile was almost right on top of me. As it approached I realized my fate. Closing my eyes I began to pray. I remained like this for several moments, and then moments became minutes. My curiosity began to peak. I slowly opened my eyes. The aircraft was completely intact. “This doesn't make any god damn sense it was right on top of-” I am silenced as I look outside my canopy window. I could not believe what I was seeing. Outside my cockpit flew a cyan pegasus. I knew what to call it from my teachings of mythology while I was still in school. It was beautiful, covered in a light blue coat of fur, a rainbow mane protruding from its head and running elegantly down its back blowing in the wind. My eyes then focused on its face. Those big eyes just staring right at me, I did the same. We couldn't take our eyes off each other both washed away in a sea of confusion and astonishment. I slowly begin to turn to face the elegant creature. Not noticing that the sleeve of my flight suit had snagged onto the throttle. I turn to it quickly, and then I was met with a massive jolt as a loud boom echoed from my jet. I zoomed away into the horizon.