A colt and his favorite princess

by Bareback Writer

A hop, skip, and jump to Nightmare Night

The next few months were a blur to him, but not without some hitches. For one thing, Spike took a lot of convincing, a bag of gemstones, and a hankie from Rarity that was supposedly 'borrowed' , to get him to let Pip stay with them and to be quiet about his past. But compared to the rest of the mane six, who visited often enough to notice off the back that something was up, Spike was foal play. In the end, Pip's secrets were told and kept; guarded by the only thing powerful enough to hold, the infamous Pinkie Pie promise.
With that problem solved, it was timed to deal with the next, school. It would surely be a problem if a foal as young as Pip wasn't in school; but considering that enrollment included parent/teacher conferences, it was decided that he would be home-schooled. Granted it would be a bit more work on her part, but Twilight liked the idea of having a pupil of her own. However, what Twilight didn't expect was that though he had no previous educational opportunities, Pip could absorb information faster than a "ultra-dry sponge in a lake", as Applejack put it. Within a month, Pip had gone from foal level books, to books that even Twilight found daunting, he was practically a genius when it came to the modern pony language. A compilation of his own poems and short stories he made ended up becoming a Manehatten best-seller, written under the name Parchment Pile, a strange name yes, but it worked for him.
It was probably about three months after Pip started living with Twilight that news spread about a custom made home being built in Ponyville. Though construction in Ponyville wasn't uncommon, what was strange was that a letter delivered to Twilight from Princess Celestia, by Derpy instead of by magic.
"How strange," Twilight stated.
"What is?" Spike asked, broom and dustpan in hand. After noticing the letter he couldn't help but laugh, "Twi, that's just a letter, you send those to the Princess several times, so how is it strange?
Twilight was not amused at first, but couldn't help but give a small grin at the joke. "That's not what's strange Spike. This letter was mailed to me from Princess Celestia herself."
Spike stopped his laughter immediately. "Why would she do that? Actually, a better question is 'what does it say?'"
"Let's see…hmmm…hmm…EXTRA HOUSE!?" Twilight gasped.
Spike nearly choked on air. "WHAT?!"

Later that day…

Pip was coming home from a long day of playing with his new friends. "Man," he sighed stretching his body, "Who knew that a Rainbow Dash fan club meeting could be so boring."

On one particular cloud above Ponyville…

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Rainbow Dash, whose hoof was now clutching her chest.
"What's wrong Dash?" Scootaloo asked with a worry-ridden tone.
"Nothing, but I sense something's wrong in the world of awesome."

Back to Pip…

Pip arrived at the library door and was about to open it when a VERY enthusiastic Pinkie Pie practically pulled the door off its hinges.
"Sorry sugar cube, she's just a little riled up about Twilight," Applejack explained.
"Why? Did something happen?"
"Well," AJ coughed. Pip just looked at her with confusion. "You see Pip; we came over to ask Twilight to settle a disagreement between me and Pinkie-"
"I still say cupcakes are better than any apple treat." Pinkie interjected, her brow scrunched and serious face on.
"Now's not the time Pinkie," AJ shot back. "Anyway, when we got here, we found her staring at a letter from the Princess saying that she's going to build her a house for her and Spike so they don't have to live here anymore."
"So why did Pinkie include me in her…um…sentence?" Pip asked with a still confused look on his face.
"That's something I wanted to talk to you in PRIVATE about Pip" Twilight said appearing seemingly out of nowhere. AJ and Pinkie got the memo and left.
"So what's going on Twilight?" Pip asked eager to know the connection between him, a letter, a house, and the princess. Over the months, his paranoia about government started to drop to simple speculation of a foal his age. Still, this news was none the less nerve-wreaking.
"Well," Twilight coughed, it was getting old really fast. "Pip, what Applejack and Pinkie Pie say is true. I did receive a letter from Princess Celestia saying she's paying to have a house made for me and Spike-"
"And me…right?" Pip interjected.
Twilight looked down with a look of shame, something that gave Pip a pit in his stomach. "It's not that simple Pip. You see…when your living here, everypony thinks you just come here early to read. But if you're living with us in the new house, they would know something's up…and, well…um…" Twilight couldn't find the words to say what she needed.
Thankfully, because he was a 'genius', Pipsqueak knew where the conversation was headed. "It's okay Twilight Sparkle," he said, using her full name as a sign that he was speaking seriously. "I understand, I can try to find someplace else." He slowly turned to exit the library before his tears started, but a hoof stopped him.
"Wait Pipsqueak…please?" Twilight plead, her eyes on the verge of tears themselves. Pip saw this and took a deep breath.
"Alright," he said. Twilight's face lit up with glee. This made him blush a little. Despite his age and position, Pip couldn't help but feel a special connection to Twilight. Spike was the only other being that knew of his feelings. Most of the time, Spike would tease him, saying he had a crush on her. Though he understood how it would seem that way, Pip felt that it was different. But then again, had he ever been in love before? He had read many romance novels, mostly ones that had the high seas as a setting, and this didn't seem anything at all. But he still felt something related to it, something related to the emotion called 'love'. It wasn't till he was about 12 when he got "The Talk" from her that he realized what it was, the love for a mother.
"There's something else you should know about the letter," Twilight spoke. "You see, the princess says that I don't have to move into it. To be more precise, she wrote, and I quote, 'If you have no need for it though, you need only say so and I will have it re-made into a new building for another purpose.'" Pip looked at her with a small grin.
"Does that mean you're going to decline?"
"Well, that's what I wanted to talk about. You see, I don't need it, but I do have need OF it."
"What do you need it for?"
Twilight grinned, "Well, though I don't need a new house, I can think of somepony who may."
Pip didn't have to think for long before he got the hint. "ME!?"

2 months later…

Though it had been a brief one, Pip and Twilight still argued on whether or not he would use the house. But as time has shown many a time, the greater logic won. Now here he was with a house fit for him and possibly another pony. There were two full sized beds, a complete kitchen, bathroom, etc. This night was to be his first night there, but he knew he wouldn't sleep that night. It wasn't that he was scared to. At least it wasn't all because of that. It was that night that he would experience what would be one of the greatest nights he had ever experienced, Nightmare Night.
"PIP!" he heard one of his friends cry
"HURRY UP!" he heard another.
"TIME IS CANDY!!" he heard one pink pony yell.
"Alright, Alright. I'm almost done!" he yelled back. He was going as a pirate, complete with a rubber sword and eye patch. It still felt incomplete though. Then he saw a bandana he had gotten from Twilight as a house warming gift. He tied it around his head and looked in the mirror. He was ready.

Most of that night was rather boring to be honest. Though he could fane his enthusiasm, he still felt the same as on any other Nightmare Night. The stories were just lightshows, the games mediocre compare to the ones he had played in other towns, and the music horrid. But then something happened, something that would change his little colt life forever, Princess Luna came to town. With her arrival, things for the most part suddenly felt more festive. The fear the townsponies displayed were the best acting he had ever seen. Such passion, such vigor, such commitment. It was spot-on. If only he knew the truth.
As the night went, he enjoyed the fear game he and the other ponies played on the night princess. But right as it was getting good, Luna snapped. She had forever banned Nightmare Night. He, for the life of him, couldn't understand why she did it really; but for some reason, he still felt bad about what had transpired that night. Had he been wrong to act so scared. But that was what Nightmare Night was about. It made no sense to him. He was so distracted by his thoughts that he was unaware that he and his group had made it to the Everfree forest. It was tradition for foal to leave candy in front of the Nightmare Moon statue as payment so that they weren't 'gobbled'. As he stared at the Nightmare Moon statue, he looked back on his favorite night. Realizing that for once in a long time, he felt happy. Not because he found food to eat, or evaded a pony patrol; but because he had fun. Granted it was fun ill-fit at the time, but he still had fun. Putting his candy bag down, he sighed, "Goodbye Nightmare Night…forever." All of a sudden the night wind blew, and a voice echoed through the sky.
Pip and his group of foals hid in a bush scared out of their wits. Then Pip saw the statue revert into Princess Luna. He was now more confused more than ever now. He stared as Luna and Twilight talked. What he heard surprised him.
"I am not certain that did what you meant for it to do Twilight Sparkle," Luna said.
"Had she never scared anyone before?" Pip thought. Slowly he inched forward.
"Just wait," Twilight assured as she wore her strange costume of some old pony from the past if Pip was right.
"For what? For…For them to scream some more?"
He couldn't believe it. She really thought they all feared her. No wonder she banned Nightmare Night. This just made him feel even worse. He had to make it right.
"Um…" he interrupted, bravely yanking on the royal mane.

Later that night/early morning…

It had been years since he felt such a rush. Not only did he get to meet Princess Luna herself, but he had gotten her to un-ban Nightmare Night. The rest of the night soon became festive. The games became fun, the treats were sweeter, and everything went better than expected.
But now it was time to rest. The morning was coming and the ponies started packing the tents and games up. Pip couldn't be happier to see his new 'home'.
"*yawn*Man…that was the best Nightmare Night ever!" Pip said with fading glee. He allowed one more yawn to escape him as he opened the door. But what he saw in front of him woke him back up in an instant.
"Young foal, what art thou doing?" Luna asked, a quizzical look on her face. She was standing next to Twilight who had a look of both surprise and horror on her face. He looked at them both, but was interrupted by Luna. "Did thy parents not teach thee not to intrude into another pony's dwelling? Pip must have been too tired to think when he answered.
"But I live here," He regretted the words the moment they left his mouth. But he knew he couldn't take it back, and he was too tired to think of a way to get out; a little too late though.
"What dose thou mean 'live here'? Twilight Sparkle, explain." She commanded turning to the purple pony.
Twilight was at a loss for words. Not just because she was surprised by the development, but because she didn't know what to say that wouldn't be the truth. She held honesty with her friends, especially those in the royal family. But she made a promise to Pip not to tell.
"Uh…you see…I mean…um?" she stammered.
Princess Luna looked at her with an even more confused look."Is this not your new home for which my sister generously gave thee?" she asked.
Pip stared at his close friend and favorite princess for what seemed like hours. Here Twilight was, trying not to tell his secret or saying anything that could lead to questions, all for him. It gave him a sense of happiness that she wouldn't do such a thing. But he couldn't watch this, it hurt too much.
"I can explain Princess Luna," Twilight and Luna both looked down at the little foal.
"Explain what young one?"
"The reason why Twilight is stuttering and why I said what I said." Luna stopped, looked at Twilight, then to Pip, then back to Twilight, then back to Pip.
"Please do."
"The truth is…*sigh*" he couldn't believe he was doing this, but he had too. "I do live here. Just me and no one else. Tonight was to be my first night. Before, I was living with Twilight in her library house. But when she got the letter saying she was getting a new one, she decided to give it to me instead." Pip explained. For a moment he waited for the princess to gasp and go on a rant, but was surprised by a simple, "hmmm…". He looked up to see Luna with her hoof to her chin.
She turned to Twilight, "Is this true Twilight Sparkle?"
"Yes your majesty," Twilight replied, head hung down in shame. "But…"
Twilight took a deep breath. "I know it looks bad, but please don't kick Pip out. He's had a hard time lately. I know he's under the legal age limit, but this house is under my care and…and'' Twilight couldn't say anymore. Her heart was racing as she felt a sense of dread. No one could say even TRY to defy a princess without a lot of courage, reason, and/or possibly a lot of stupidity. To her surprise, Luna simply answered "Very well, we will allow it."
"Huh?" Pip and Twilight asked in unison.
"You forget, we have not been present for 1000 years. To us, tis' nothing out of the normal." Both ponies were about to breathe a sigh of relief when Luna continued, "However, seeing as this is not the kingdom we once knew, we cannot allow such an action to pass without supervision."
"But I plan to visit him every day."
"We apologize Twilight, but your studies are far more important. We know the perfect pony to watch over…Pip? Is that your name young foal?" Pip nodded. "Right, we know the right pony to watch over young Pip till he is of age."
"Who?" Pip gulped, afraid of the answer.
"Well, *AHEM," Luna tried to hide the blush on her blue cheeks. She couldn't explain why, but the thought of leaving Pip to some other pony then herself felt incredibly uncomfortable. On one hoof, she was a princess, and this task was well below here standards and expectations as a princess. On the other, because she was a princess, could she not choose to do this of her own accord. Surly this would be the right thing to do, take care of him till he's legally old enough. Yeah, that was it, just a service, no, a duty that a princess such as herself must fulfill.
"Who knows what kind of ponies could be out there. Waiting to take advantage of such an innocent, nice, rather attractive young foal." Luna stopped her thoughts right there and took a breath to continue, still trying to conceal her blush. "Seeing as there are no available nanny ponies, I suppose I will have to suffice."
"WHAT!?" Twilight and Pip asked, again in unison.