//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Lightness of the Heart // by BloomingWind //------------------------------// It was bright and early in the morning; it was another clear sunny day and with no clouds either to make it better. The weather patrol had out done them yet again with the massive thunder storm that was overdue, roared and thundered through the night all long, Fluttershy shutting the door behind and bidding farewell to her little rabbit, Angel. She started trotting away from her little cottage, watching her step trying not to step on any broken branches or twigs that the storm had left behind. She has always gone for an early walk through the forest this time of morning, greeting all the critters from their slumber and to make sure that they were alright, after the storm from last night. She stopped in her tracks, eyeing a very pretty violet flower that had caught her eye. She leaned her head down towards it, getting a closer look and took a sniff, letting the aroma of the flower fill her nose. But then she heard a loud sound that made her jump away from the flower and scurried behind the nearest tree. Her ears were back and she started walking slowly back from behind the tree and looked around at where that sound had come from. It was heard again, but this time it sounded like more of a howl of pain. Fluttershy knew that there was something in pain and it needed help, so she quickly started galloping towards the cry that echoed through the forest. She slowed down to a trot and could hear the howl clearer and louder, up ahead she could see a small clearing where some trees have collapsed to the ground and branches all over the grass. But there was something that looked unusual; it was a black and blue creature, in the middle of all the mess. She trotted closer to the creature and could see that it was breathing heavily, with its back facing her. The creature then tried to move and she stopped dead in her tracks, it got up on its too front legs but that’s all it could do. Another howling cry was heard and it was the creature, Fluttershy then noticed something red on its back, running all the way down to its belly. The creature then fell back to the ground with a thud and without thinking Fluttershy ran straight up to the creature. “Oh my, look at you, poor thing” mumbled Fluttershy to herself, looking at the injured creature in front of her. Fluttershy noticed that its ear twitched and slowly started moving its head to look at Fluttershy. Fluttershy met eyes with the creature for a moment, she could see that the creature was in pain and terrified at the same time. The creature then started growling softly, trying to get up again on its two front legs. “Don’t worry I won’t hurt you, I want you help you, you’re in a lot of pain aren’t you?” she said in a gentle voice and looked worriedly at the creature. Its growl then began to disappear and collapsed again on the ground, with its eye lids closing slowly and a soft voice. “Don’t worry; I’ll take care of you…” Eyes began to open slowly and a bright light caused them to close again. The creature blinked it eyes a couple of time to adjust to the brightness and looked around taking in its surroundings. The creature was lying down on a couch with a green blanket spread over, Fluttershy came walking in her lounge room and saw that her guest was awake. “Your finally awake after 2 days, that’s good and you should be feeling better too” she said happily and smiled warmly. The creature looked around the cottage again, then back at her, “I took you back to my cottage and cleaned up your wounds; they’re all clean and bandaged up.” The creature nodded slowly, and then laid its head on the couch, still keeping an eye on Fluttershy who trotted closer to it. “It was a pretty terrible storm last night, you must’ve got caught in the middle of it, did you?” she asked and the creature lifted its head and had its ears down, “So do you have a name, little one?” its hears shot back up and had a shocked expression, the creature’s ears went down again and its gaze to the floor. “Do you know where you came from?” she asked with a bit of sadness in her voice, the creature only shook its head, “I-I don’t remember, all I r-remember is when I was in a lot of pain and then saw you…” the creature said quietly and Fluttershy only nuzzled the creature’s head. The creature shot up from the surprise reaction of Fluttershy and pain suddenly rushed through all over her body. She howled in pain and collapsed back into the couch, “Oh my, I am so sorry! Are you alright?” panicked Fluttershy and looked at her with fright in her eyes. She nodded slowly and Fluttershy gave a sigh of relief, “I-I’m sorry for j-jumping like that…” tears started swelling in her eyes, but she blinked them away quickly. “There is nothing for you to be sorry about and don’t worry if you can’t remember now, then soon in time you will remember, but for now try and get more rest” Fluttershy said in a gentle voice and she nodded, closing her eyes. Only minutes later a knock at the door came and she could her Fluttershy trotting over the room. The door opened up revealing Twilight and Pinkie Pie at the door, “Oh, hello Twilight and Pinkie Pie, please do come in” Fluttershy welcomed and they both walked in the lounge room. “We came by to check if you were alright after that storm last night?” Twilight then said, “Yeah, it was a huge storm last night making all strange spooky noises!” Pinkie Pie added. “Yes I’m fine and thanks for coming and asking” answered Fluttershy cheerfully. She opened her eyes seeing the three ponies on the lounge room not too far away, the first one to notice her was Pinkie Pie, and she jumped over towards her, “Who’s this, who’s this?” asked Pinkie cheerfully. “Oh that’s um, well I don’t know who it is and she doesn’t know either” explained Fluttershy, “What do you mean Fluttershy?” asked Pinkie tilting her head to the side. “She means that she can’t remember who she is, right?” concluded Twilight, trotting closer to take a closer look. Fluttershy nodded slowly, “She doesn’t remember where she came from either or how she got there like that.” “Oh, but what kind of animal is she though? Is she a dog?” asked Pinkie very fast. “She’s actually a wolf, even though that’s the first I’ve seen a real wolf before, beside the timber wolves” answered Fluttershy and twilight nodded her head in agreement, “Yes it is rare to see a wolf like her in these parts” mumbled twilight. “What’s her name, what’s her name!” shouted Pinkie in excitement, “Pinkie, she doesn’t know what her name is” sighed Twilight. “Then we should give her a name, until she remembers her real one then!” said Pinkie cheerfully, “A name…” she mumbled quickly to herself, but Fluttershy heard it. “I think that’s a great idea Pinkie” Fluttershy agreed, “Oh, what should we name her? Maybe dinky, no blue, Pinkie wait that’s my name, shadow” rambled Pinkie, Twilight only sighed again and Fluttershy gave a small smile. “I KNOW THE PERFECT NAME! Light will be her name!” gasped Pinkie excitedly, “Why light Pinkie?” asked Twilight in confusion. “Duh, because of her blue bits on her coat they light up so brightly just look!” explained Pinkie and pointed at where the blue bits on her coat were glowing a bright light blue. Fluttershy then nodded and smiled, “I like it, Light it suits” smiled Fluttershy and Twilight then nodded in agreement. “Light….my name from now on.”