//------------------------------// // Day 2 // Story: Greetings from Equestria.. Help Me...Please.... // by Asylum //------------------------------// You remember how I said I’d tell you about my trip to Ponyville, well sadly I never got there. Actually I didn’t even make it out the door. That manticore from yesterday was on my porch this morning, sleeping. Now as a rational individual, I made a decision that was clearly the only option available to me. Not the only option I suppose, but by god it was funny. How to best describe it… I guess you could say the manticore had a “shocking” surprise when he woke up. Now as I’m sure you inferred from the god awful pun, I tased the over grown cat. It seemed like a good plan at the time, the cat in its surprise would sprint away in fear much like I had last night. BUT NO! It just HAD to destroy my new picket fence after my friendly wake up call. I know me and it didn’t get along very well. It being a horrible cliché, and me being a sane man, but I’m going to miss that fence. Maybe I’ll make the headstone out of what’s left of it… Hmm that might be in poor taste… Well I am currently trying to wait out the beast within the comfort of my home, which for some contrived reason still has heating… I know its “magic” and all that, but it still gets on my nerves. I don’t like magic on my nerves, gives me a headache. Ignoring that I’m basically doing what I would normally do before coming to Equestria, waste time on the internet! I mean why bother going outside and meeting the characters of the show when I can just watch it. Hmm if any of them ever get access to the Internet I’m doomed… Bah no point thinking about that right now. Besides these videos won’t watch themselves! Maybe I’ll get around to actually exploring tomorrow when there aren’t angry cats waiting to maul me… That is assuming that manticore is willing to leave… I’m going to go ask it, I’ll be right back… Yeah that ain’t happening anytime soon. I guess I’ll to do something about it eventually why today. Well I guess I’ll cut off this entry for now, I’ll write some more after I get the pussy patrol off my lawn… That sounded worse then I thought it would… So I’m back, stuff happened, manticores gone. To be honest I didn’t actually think that was going to work. I know it’s a cartoon and all, but by god that was an awful plan even by my standards. Either way, I guess I figured out how to repel incredibly dangerous feral beasts. Well I minus as well tell you guys considering I’m still here to talk. Although theres not particularly much to say in the matter. I got a hose and sprayed the beast from my second floor window. I’m actually a little disappointed, now I actually have to go to Ponyville… Didn’t think about that… Well I guess I could just say that I don’t want to, but I’ve made a commitment to the faceless hordes of the internet, the only promise that matters. Still… I’m sure nothing bad will happen at all and I’ll get along with all of the characters just fine, I mean it’s not like ponies are paranoid xenophobics with a mob mentality. Yep Zecora was welcomed and accepted, right away… I’m doomed… I’m going to go and try to find a manticore to piss off before tomorrow… Maybe some timber wolves... TL:DR Filler