Blazing Wings

by FriscoPony

Chapter 8

The Training Grounds were in a valley with all four sides surrounded by a mountain. There was a cloud obstacle course above the cloud peaks. On the obstacle course were loop clouds, air generators, weather clouds (courtesy of the pegasi) and a watch cloud for instructors. When Hurricane looked at the wind generators, he shuddered. Comet looked concerned at him, remembering what commander Blazing Sun had said yesterday.
“Hurricane,” she said, “don’t worry about those; we’re probably going to do some laps around the valley first.”
Hurricane, eyes on the generators, took the words as comfort, but then he looked at Winter, talking to another stallion and having fun. “Yea, I guess you’re right,” he said.
“Morning Cadets!” boomed Stonewall. “Hope you all had a good night’s sleep, now line up with your partners that you were assigned yesterday!”
Comet looked back at Hurricane with a gentle smile. “Good Luck Hurricane,” she said as she trotted over to her partner.
Hurricane smiled, but then frowned as he trotted over to Winter Chaser. Winter didn’t say a word.
“Alright then, welcome to day one cadets,” Stonewall began. “Today we are doing the obstacle course. Some of you, as I am aware of, have done this obstacle course before for your last training session before leaving your flight schools for here.” He then pointed up towards the obstacle course. “You will fly through 5 loops, break 5 clouds, fly through 5 wind generators, then dash back here. Any questions?”
“Are we doing this solo?” asked Hurricane, praying to Celestia he didn’t have to work with Winter. Winter Chaser looked at Hurricane with an expression of anger. I see you didn’t learn any humility yet, he thought to himself. Don’t worry Hurricane, I’ll show you humility up there.
Stonewall looked confused, knowing that Winter and Hurricane worked best together. “Why on earth would you think I’d let you get away with that?” laughed Stonewall. “You will be flying with your respective partners. You must work together as a team to reach your objective, now get ready cadets! Take you marks!”
Winter and Hurricane prosed each other side by side, ready for the long flight ahead. Hurricane was ready, but at the same time he felt he wasn’t. He had a feeling that the whole world was on his shoulders, but at the same time he was empty. He had never had a feeling like this before. What’s wrong with me, thought Hurricane.
“Start!” roared Stonewall.
The 5 teams of ponies roared towards the course. Winter and Hurricane maintained a stiff lead up until the loops. Hurricane rolled into the first loop to make the turn a little bit easier, but Winter had other ideas. Winter bumped Hurricane out of the first cloud ring, and unfortunately made Hurricane lose his momentum. “Are you ok?” said Winter hiding a dark smirk.
Hurricane recovered, but he didn’t see winter’s smirk. He thought he just caught a bad wind. “Yea I’m fine, come on let’s go,” said Hurricane flying through the next loops.
Stonewall only looked on, knowing what Winter had done to Hurricane. He didn’t stop them; he just wanted to see what would unfold.
Next came the clouds, Hurricane quickly bucked one, but Winter aimed for a cloud that was right behind Winter. He kicked it with ease, but at the same time kicked Hurricane. This time Hurricane felt that something was wrong. He turned around to see that Winter had cleared the rest of the clouds. “Are you sure you’re ok?” said Winter, again hiding a smirk.
“I’m fine,” said Hurricane curiously. “Maybe you should go into the air currents first this time.”
“No you take the lead,” Winter called. “I’ll keep up.”
Hurricane took the lead, but comet and her partner were watching from a distance. “We better keep up with them,” she said. “Come on.”
Stonewall continued to watch, as he began to take down notes, and scores.
At last came the current generators, this is where Winter’s plan was about to come to fruition. Hurricane bent low to prepare to maneuver around the air currents. Just then out of nowhere, Winter grabbed hurricanes hind legs. This time, Hurricane knew who was causing the confusion.
“Surprise!” said Winter flinging him into the Air Current.
Hurricane wasted no time. “You’re coming with me!” said Hurricane flinging himself and Winter down towards the earth. Hurricane wrapped his legs around Winter’s wings and his forward hooves strangled Winter on all fours. Hurricane’s wings remained closed as they plumited to the ground below. “What’s wrong with you Winter?!” he called. “I want to be your friend, but if you want to pull my father’s approach with me, then we will both go down together!”
“Your dad wanted me to…embarrass you…so you’d quit...,” said Winter weakly.
“He did what?!” said Hurricane angrily. As Hurricane was trying to get more information about how Winter and his dad had somehow organized a hidden deal to make Hurricane’s life as miserable as possible, he didn’t notice how close the ground was as they made an impact.
“Hurricane!” screamed Comet with tears in her eyes. Stonewall flew over to her.
“I need you to go get the medic, and tell her that those two are also under arrest.