It will all be clear soon

by Ao Oni Demon

Who are you?

You know what is kind of funny about my predicament earlier, with the room? One of my favorite songs is "White Room" by Cream. Just thought you would like to know. Anyway, so here I am; I just blacked out after escaping that creepy house and hearing something trotting to me. Fine time to fall asleep.
I wake up not in a bed or on a floor of any kind, but surprisingly in the air, surrounded by a purple light around me. I screamed as loud as I could, and then the purple light went away as I dropped to the cold grass floor. It was nighttime, so I couldn't see too well around me, and I think I got a black eye from tripping over so many roots. Long story short, I couldn't see, like at all. I also couldn't move, a side-effect of falling on the ground too much. While I was struggling to get up (and failing miserably),
I heard someone ask "What happened to you? Are you ok?" It sounded very concerned and also sounded just a bit older than I was (much like how a twenty-seven year old girl compares to a fifteen year old girl, with me being the fifteen year old, and the voice being the twenty-seven year old).
I was going to come up with something witty to say, but all that I could say was "Owwwwww." The voice of the girl I heard stepped into my line of sight. The first thing I noticed was that she was a unicorn like me. She had a lavender coat, and a pink and purple mane. She also had a funny-looking tattoo on her side, that I wanted to ask her about.
"You poor thing. Here let me carry you to safety." The purple mare said. Her horn began to glow a light purple, and I was lifted off the ground. I was startled, but too scared and tired to do anything. She started to gallop, but kept me close as we passed through the clearing. I begin to feel numb as my head starts to feel lighter and lighter. Finally, I blacked out.
When I come to, I notice that I am back in a bed, and I still feel numb. I struggle to get up, grunting as I have trouble moving. "Don't strain yourself," I hear that same girl's voice from earlier "You look like you have been through a lot." She sounded concerned. I was now able to come up with a witty comment "How do I look doctor?" (Ok it isn't witty). I looked over at the lavender mare just looked at me, concern in her eyes.
At the moment; I should have been more concerned by my current situation, the fact that I was hallucinating by seeing talking ponies. I should have been really concerned that I was so badly hurt that I could barely move, and to top that off; I was in some random person's home. At least she was nice and didn't seem bad. But all I could really think about was the mirror I woke up next to.
"Excuse me for not talking so much but, I think I'm hallucinating." I said "I keep seeing you as a pony." The lavender pony just looked at me confused, she then shook her head and said "You must of landed on your head really hard."
I looked at her and asked "Where are we, who are you, what happened, and why didn't you take me to the hospital?" She looked startled at the sudden burst of questions I had thrown at her, but she quickly calmed down and answered the questions one at a time.
"We are in Zecora's hut in the Everfree Forest." She started (I was skeptical at this statement) "I am Twilight Sparkle, the student of Princess Celestia." She continued "I don't know what happened to you. I was just walking over to my friend, Zecora, when I heard a loud thud. I went to check it out and I found you unconscious on the ground. You were hurt really badly; you had broken bones, cuts, scrapes, and bruises." I winced as I remember falling a lot while running through the forest. She then answered my last question "I didn't take you to the hospital because we are too far away to take you. I didn't want you to get anymore hurt on the way there. Plus there is a cockatrice out there somewhere and I didn't want to bring either of us into trouble with that."
"A cockatrice? What's a cockatrice?" I asked. "A cockatrice is a creature that looks like a chicken, but it can turn you to stone if you look into its eyes." Twilight said. I stiffened, what place was this that had such mythical creatures.
I got out of the bed and onto the wooden floor. I limped over to a window, while Twilight came close to me too help me walk. When I got to the window and looked outside; I noticed that everything looked much more colorful (even though it was dark out).
'Is this what it's like to be tripping on acid' I thought. "Why is it so weird that you see me as a pony?" Twilight asked.
"Because there are no such thing as talking ponies, on Earth." I snapped; I don't know why I snapped, I just did. I mean this shouldn't be rocket science, even though I was seeing ponies.
She just stared at me for a bit before her eyes lit up and she said "If you are hallucinating," She put and emphasis on the 'are'; "then why are both your front legs and back legs broken?" She finished.
"Well I don't think that my 'front legs' are really broken." I said (I was just asking for what was about to happen).
She looked at me for a moment then said "I really don't want to have to do this, but..." she inhaled then tapped my front legs.
A burning pain shot through my legs as I buckled and fell to the floor. I took me a second to understand that she was right, I was a pony and I was far from home.
I began to cry, thoughts of never being able to see my friends and my aunt swirling in my head.
"What is wrong with being a pony?" I heard Twilight ask. I sniffled then looked up "Its no that, it's that I won't be able to see my aunt anymore." I whimpered.
"Oh" she said, her voice full of concern. "There, there. It will be ok." She whispered trying to comfort me. She began to pat my head and saying things to cheer me up. But I wouldn't budge... even though she kind of sounded like my late mom...