//------------------------------// // Equestria and easy first impressions // Story: My Roommate is a pony? // by Meh121 //------------------------------// Besides being really disappointed in the whole portal thing, that was soon made up quickly with the sight of Canterlot. There was a giant castle like for real it was sweet, it was all big and it beat the portal thing. Well there was actually much more then a giant castle. In fact I was surprised in the city, it was very modernized, even without our human buildings there. There were stores, restaurants, almost everything we had they had. Besides the castle not everywhere has that. Twilight stared at me and watched me spin around looking at everything, before she made a slight sound that snapped me out the mind control, that was known as Canterlot. "You'll have plenty of time to sight see later on, let's not forget why we are there." Twilight said reminding me. "I know I know." I sighed before following her. She moved rather quickly through the streets, I guess when you used to live here you get used to this type of stuff. I looked around seeing posters for NFL play offs, on some of the pony restaurants. I over heard a group of people talking about how the Patriots, and Texans were going to the Superbowl. I quickly walked up to the group and laughed. "Sorry to break into your conversation, but are you kidding me the Ravens are going to the Superbowl, not just because they are my favorite team but let's face it the Broncos were the number one team this year." I was interrupted my Twilight using her magic to drag me away. "Are you trying to make us late?" Twilight asked. "Sorry I couldn't help myself." I chuckled like an idiot. "Well control your self before I put a muzzle and a leash around you." Twilight said sternly. I was mocking her from behind making childish expressions. I stopped right before she turned around and smiled at her. 'Hah she has no idea what I just did.' I thought to myself as I walked with her. "You do know I know you were mocking me right?" Twilight asked me "How I was behind you, how did you know?" I asked her shocked. "I didn't but you just told me." Twilight said with a smug face. I sighed as I noticed we were by a fountain, towards the out skirts of the town. I watched her as she sat down on a bench, I stood next to the statue of the pony holding something. I looked at the statue more closely and noticed it wasn't holding something, it was wearing something. I looked and noticed five other statues, I cranked my head at Twilight's flank and looked at the statues. I saw her give a slight grin. "Yes that is Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, and I." Twilight told me as she stood up. "Why do you have a crown, and the others necklaces, or amulets what ever they are?" I asked looking at her. "I guess I never told you, okay so the items you see each of have are the elements of harmony. They are the most powerful objects in Equestria, but they are just not object you can use. You have to require a bond with the elements of harmony my friends and I have that bond." Twilight said. "Whoa that's so cool." I said in amazement. "Oh it's nothing besides not to brag but we've only saved Equestria twice." Twilight whispered in my ear. "Only I mean how many people or ponies can say they saved their country, or planet what ever this is. Besides our military I really can't think of people who just save the country." I said. "Military don't you mean guard?" Twilight asked. "No I meant military I forgot you never watch this news, or have any classes that really do with keeping up on it." I pulled out my phone and pulled up a map of the world. I made a circle round the U.S in red, I made a circle around the middle east in black. "Ok so as you know we are the red, the area in black is known as the middle east. It has many countries in the area we are at war with mainly Pakistan. We are on a mission to try and stop the terrorist group known as Al' Qaeda. Others will say it's over oil and other reasons personally don't ask me. I just hope those out there make it back alive, that is my only thing I care about." I said. "I don't get you're all humans why fight each other?" Twilight asked me. "I have no idea it's a question that I've wondered, and others have since the beginning of time." I said. I heard other hoof steps behind us. I saw Twilight turn around and give a bright smile. "Mom, Dad!" I heard her say loudly behind me. 'So much for some more logical talk, the only smart girlfriend, err first marefriend I get and we barley get time to talk about logic.' I thought, before I stood up and turned to face her parents. "Mom, Dad I'd like you to meet Tyler." Twilight said introducing me. I saw her father reach out his hoof, which I took and shook. "Good to meet you Mr.Sparkle." I said. His response was about to shock me. "Please call me dad." Mr.Sparkle said. "And of course call me mom." Mrs.Sparkle said. 'Oh great these type of parents, don't wanna make a bad impression, don't want to make a bad impression.' I thought "Totally don't wanna mess up on this, or I'm so sol, no pressure dammit." I said out loud with out even noticing, I saw three faces turn around and stare at me. "Sorry I'm just gonna be honest here, I'm really nervous and I don't want to make a bad impression. Bec...because I really love your daughter with all my heart, I would give up anything to be with her. I love her eyes, her personalty, look my point is your daughter is perfect. I just don't want to mess up and make a bad impression." I sighed looking down at the ground. I saw Twilight run up to me and hug me, I returned it back and whispered in her ear. "I love you more then anything in this world." I whispered in her ear. "I love you more then anything in Equestria." Twilight whispered into my ear. "I love you more then anything in the all the stars in the universe." I said. "I love you more then anything in the universe." Twilight said. We both stood up, I looked at her...well my parents I guess now as well. They both were giggling. "You two remind us of us when we were younger." They both said in unison. I blushed knowing that was a romantic reference. "Look son you don't have to worry about making a impression, we can tell you love our daughter and that is all we could ask for, human or not it doesn't matter as long as she is happy we're happy." Dad said. "Thank you dad, and mom I'm glad to hear that because I'm gonna be honest, I would have messed up so much today." I sighed in relief. "By the way is that a guitar, and some cubical lunch box on you?" Mom asked. "No it's a electric guitar and my amp, besides video games and Twilight I love this thing." I said. "Electric guitar never heard of them." Dad said. "Not a surprise considering how until February no electric guitar style bands are playing, that's a long list of music types I don't want to list." I told them. "Okay enough small talk for now, let's head to where you'll be staying for a while." Both parents said, escorting us to their house. I looked around noticing the snow all over the ground, it looked so beautiful the sound was so peaceful of the snow crunching, it reminded me so much of home. (Not home sick just saying it reminded me of Michigan.) "How long do you think you can take us at the house?" I asked. "Stay as long as you want, you two can use Twilight's old room." Mom said. 'There is something different here that I like, maybe a longer visit would be nice. Plus Twilight could see her friends, it would be a good thing for her.' I thought. "How come you asked that?" Twilight asked curious. "I don't really know yet...." I said with a smile. "You sure did pick a mysterious one Twilight." Both of our/her parents said. "I know and the best part is he all mine." Twilight said with a smile. Eventually we made it to the house, it had a amazing view the castle that loomed above, although it seems like it always does. "Please make yourself at home." Dad said. "Come on follow me." Twilight said walking up a set a stairs, I quickly followed her until we came to a stop. She opened the door revealing her old room. I set my things in a corner, and kicked my shoes off. "So did you figure out why you asked about staying here longer?" Twilight asked. "I just have a feeling it's going to change both of us, mostly you but there will be some changes for me as well." I said, "What type of changes?" Twilight asked pushing me down into the bed. "I can't place my finger on it yet." I sighed. She lightly punched my shoulder. "You know I'm glad you said those things, I'm glad my parents like you and I'm shocked they are letting you call them mom and dad, you know for once in a long time everything seems to be working just fine." Twilight said. "You know I meant it...every word done to the last period, I don't want to ever lose you for once everything does seem to be working out just fine." I sighed in relief. "What time is it Equestrian time?" I asked noticing it was extremely bright. "About noon why?" Twilight asked. "I'm tired could you wake me up in an hour or two please." I said. Twilight just giggled before she kissed me and left the room.