//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: Blazing Wings // by FriscoPony //------------------------------// “Attention!” called a drill instructor in front of the group of 28 ponies. “Line up you cadets!” All 28 of the ponies lined up in a perfectly straight row. Hurricane and Winter Chaser stood in excitement trying to keep from breaking a fool hearted smile. They couldn’t believe this was happening, they were about to begin their new life in the Air Brigade Academy. The Academy itself was massive. It had a massive 3 story main building surrounded by 4 dorms, each at a corner of the facility, a mess hall to the north, and the training grounds about 5 miles to the north. It was a massive Academy which rivaled that of the Royal Guard Academy, which was slightly larger. “Captain on deck!” called the drill instructor with his sunglasses and uniform on. He, and the other 3 drill instructors, turned around and saluted the 3 captains of the academy, Spitfire, Blazing Sun, and the commander of them all, Ace, a notable flier from the dark pony war. “At ease,” Ace said lifting his forward hoof. He was much decorated, as he wore an officer’s uniform, with the mare of honor medal, a Royal Guard pin, and an exclusive medal from Celestia herself. He wore an officer’s hat, with the emblem of the Air Brigade in gold. Hurricane and Winter couldn’t believe they were in the presence of such a legend, they found it hard to keep their cool, but somehow, they managed to stay serious, hoping and praying to Celestia that they wouldn’t do something stupid. “I welcome you all to the Air Brigade Academy for Talented Pegasi,” he said to the group of 28. “I formally congratulate you. As you all know this school is only for the best of the best out of the flight schools around Equestria. Only 500 pegasi attend this academy, and the training lasts for roughly a year. As you all know, I am your head commander and captain, Ace. To my right is respected captain Blazing Sun, a graduate of the Academy and one of the best fliers I have ever seen. He is in charge of the drill instructors. To my left is Spitfire, who is in charge of the Wonderbolt Academy. She will organize competitions to test your speed and ability. I hope you all enjoy your days here at the Academy, now Blazing Sun will explain what goes on here.” Blazing Sun, a bluish white Pegasus with a navy mane and tail, stepped forward. “As well as Ace, you have my congratulations as well for getting into this prestige academy.” He then stepped forward and began pacing the 28. “However, just because you are the best of the best of your schools, doesn’t mean you have the right to do whatever you want, and a wise pony.” Hurricane and Winter shuddered at the boom of his voice. “Here you will learn what it means to work as a team,” he continued. “There may be an I in brigade but there is also a r and an e in brigade. Would anybody like to guess what that means?” “Rigid and Excellent?” asked Winter trying not to embarrass himself. Hurricane merely shook his head embarrassed. Well there goes my good name, he thought to himself. Blazing Sun walked over to Winter and Hurricane, staring Winter down. “Good Guess,” he said as he looked Winter eye to eye. “I can see where you have the rigid part from,” he said trying to make an example of Winter, “Where did you get this scar of yours cadet?” Winter took this as an insult. “I got it saving my friend Hurricane,” he said. Hurricane cringed. “It was a minor training incident that’s all,” he said. Blazing Sun then looked over towards Hurricane. “Is that correct, Hurricane?” he asked sternly. “Yes sir, it is,” he said embarrassed, “I made a silly mistake charging head on into a wind turbine, I wasn’t fast enough, sir. It won’t happen again, sir.” Blazing Sun looked sternly at Hurricane, removing his shades. “I certainly hope not, for your sake, cadet. You make a stunt here, your sorry flank will be sent home crying to mama, CRYING! Do I make myself clear?” “Yes Sir!” Blazing Sun then put his shades back on. “As I was saying,” he continued as he started pacing the 28 again, “it was a good guess, however, the R and E in brigade represent ‘respect everypony’ as maybe one unlucky day, you’re going to rely on your fellow cadets to save your sorry flank, as Hurricane here learned the hard way, right hurricane?” “Yes Sir,” said Hurricane. “Now that is settled,” continued Blazing Sun, “remember the golden rule, ‘treat other ponies the way you want to be treated’. But enough of me talking, I’ll make this quick. You will be given a small booklet of the rules and requirements here at the Academy once you assigned your dorm, roommate, and drill instructor. So let’s get your name off of this list here…” Hurricane had never been so embarrassed in all of his life. I can’t believe it, he thought to himself, we haven’t even started training and I’ve already been made the laughing stock of the academy by my best friend. I know he meant well but he should have kept his mouth shut. Winter looked at Hurricane and noticed how embarrassed he was, but what he didn’t know was that a mare was also looking at Hurricane in a rather confused manner, but neither of the two stallions noticed as they were busy. The list of names continued on as the 28 soon dwindled down to 18, then 14, 7, until at last- “Hurricane and Winter Chaser will be roommates in dorm C to the south west. Your instructor will be Stonewall Well. That’s all everypony, training will start at dawn, if you have any questions find your drill instructor,” boomed Blazing Sun. “Dismissed!” “Yes Sir!” replied the 28 ponies. They all then went off to their respected dorms and looked for their rooms and prepared to start their new lives in the Air Brigade Academy.