//------------------------------// // The Baltimare deal. // Story: The Grape Family: Expanding the Business // by Grape Vines //------------------------------// I stand underneath a big oak, resting and watching the pristine pastures. My mind is lulled into the thoughts of the past, reminiscing. I think back to the time of my colthood, laughing at myself. I drift to when I got my cutiemark, a bundle of grapes and a bottle of red wine. Many thought I would become a common drunk, I strive to prove them wrong. I skipped ahead to my first love, Autumn Rain. I was so happy yet acted like a foal, it lasted six months. Not bad I thought, forgetting the sadness it caused. When it was time my friend Field Wing and I joined the Royal Guard, great memories but only memories. Broke out of my stupor by the call of a phoenix over the field. I chuckle slightly at how it reminds me of the family business my brother runs, almost destroyed by the death of our father. Yet mow I'm in Baltimare finding new pastures to expand. I made a mental note to buy these pastures before I left for the library. I left to go find the owner, an old stallion of the name of Cherry Seed. I walked quite a ways to the farm house before spotting him among the cherry bushes, I started walking to him. He spotted me and met me half way. "Hello there Mr. Vines, how do ya like the pastures?" he said as we were face to face. I cleared my throat before speaking. "Yes it's a nice bit of land you got here, reminds me of home" I responded. He frowned at what I said "So you're still thinking 'bout buying this place?" I nodded "But first I would like to know more about the land". He raised an eyebrow at this "Sure well this land has been in the family...." I zoned out right when he started talking, only picking up things like how old the family owned the land, and how he also wanted to give the land to his grandfoals. I sighed inside as it reminded me of the other families I've visited. They all wanted to keep the land in the family so I usually couldn't even get them to consider a offer. "Excuse me" I told the old stallion. "I know how important this land must be to you and your family, so I have a deal that will benefit both of us." This caught his attention "Oh really? What do you have in mind?"" He said. I cleared my throat before answering him. "The Grape Family will take control of half the fields and grow grapes instead of cherries, and we'll pay for our portion which is the settled price of 10,000 bits, plus 5% of profits to your family." The old stallion took awhile to think of the agreement, he looked as if he was going to take the deal but he shot me a quick offer I couldn't take. "20% and you have a deal." I cleared my throat politely. "Sir, with all due respect my family doesn't need these pastures. My brother has already told me to move on." I paused a bit before continuing. "I'll give you you 10% of profits and my farm hands will help harvest your part of the pastures. We both know you need this more than me and my family." I concluded. Cherry Seed seemed to drop at what I said, I gave him my sympathy. He just wants best for his family, like many other elders in families... like my father. I've been through this before with tons of other families across Equestria. Each time they were reluctant to sell but they needed to. I either bought all the land and let the family live on it and receive a fair portion of the profits, or they got the deal I'm trying to give the old stallion. "I guess I don't have much of a choice, fine you have a deal." He sighed, I almost didn't catch what he said due to how quietly he said it. "Good, I'll have the contract written up in a day. Once you sign it half of the payment will be given to you and you'll receive the other half once my family's workers set up and are ready to work." I said without putting on a false smile, I knew he didn't want to sell so I wouldn't bother mocking him with my smile. "Wait a minute, half up front?" he asked me accusingly. "Yes." I said "My father made a mistake paying for 50 acres right up front, three days later a scheduled tornado went out of control and took most of the fields that my father bought with it." I paused before continuing. "Know I trust there won't be any complaints with our agreement?" He simply nodded and turned to look over the fields. "Good, I'll be on my way then." I said turning towards the dirt path that lead back to Baltimare. As I got farther and farther from the farm and it's owner I started taking in my surroundings. The weather was perfect this time of the year and the weather pegasi left enough clouds to block out the direct heat of the sun. I sighed aloud as I trotted down the path. "How many more deals like this I must make like this?" I asked to myself, I picked up the habit to talk to myself when I made my first deal to a poor family that lived on land my father sold to them. They're still there if my memory serves me right I thought to myself. For about an hour I trotted on without thinking, just enjoying the time I had to myself which ended quickly as a gray unicorn mare came into my view. I planned on just passing her and give her a quick nod but she apparently had other plans as she turned and started walking with me. "You don't mind if I walk with you sir?" She asked me. I thought about it a moment and decided I shouldn't be rude. "Sure" I responded, we walked a bit more without conversation making the silence awkward for me. "So what's your name?" I asked her. She looked in my direction as if questioning why I asked. "Gray Gem." She answered, she looked away when she said it. I looked towards her surprised by her actions. "I get the Gray part but why the the 'Gem' I mean it's a nice name, I'm just wondering." I said trying to continue the conversation. "It's for my eyes, or at least that's what my father said to me." She said opening up a little more. I looked at her again this time her eyes. They were kinda like gems I thought to my self. "Well your father was right. Anyway I'm almost at my stop." I told her as we entered the city part of Baltimare, I didn't notice we had walked that lone.Time flys I guess I thought to my self. "Oh well I guess I'll see you around…?" She said. "It's Grape Vines, pardon me for not telling you earlier." I told her. She laughed a bit. "It's alright, anyway I'll let you go" she said. I gave her a nod before heading towards my apartment. I trotted on to my apartment thinking of today's events. I stopped infront of my apartment digging the key out of the front pocket of my jacket. Times like these I wish I had a horn I thought as I struggled to get the key out of my pocket and into the lock. I finally opened the door and walked in. I took a moment to take in my home, it was a modest apartment in my opinion. Maybe a bit messy but still nice. I closed the door with my hindleg and took off my jacket off as I walked into my bedroom. I tossed the jacket aside and crawled into my bed, deciding I would turn in early today.