Spike the Noble Dragon (Massager), or, Applejack asks Spike to massage her

by Mightyfinemorning

Chapter 2

The question was, of course, how she could ask Spike without appearing overly suspicious. What she was about to do was to ask a male dragon to touch her hip, and the implications were rather hard to miss.

But was there any reason for her to be embarrassed by it? She once went to the Spa and had been massaged by a stallion, but she didn't mind at all!

Except that stallion didn't possess such glorious sharp talons; Yessiree, that was the problem. Spike’s massage was dangerously delicious and deliciously dangerous, making her desperately long for it. Her poor body was already abused by it, refusing to accept sleep.

It was all Spike’s fault, really, for letting her suffer unnecessarily. He probably hadn't realized it yet (and Applejack too, till now), but he was probably the only one with hands in Ponyville. There was no way she could have anticipated his handiwork beforehand.

His service wasn't like a drug. It WAS a drug. She needed it, or else she wasn't sure if she could control herself. It was like tasting the famous Apple Cider her farm produced every once in a while for the first time, only infinite times better, its effect a whole lot stronger, lasting for a much longer period. Now that she knew how sweet the little dragon’s touches were, there was no way going back. She needed more. He had to massage her for a very long time. Only then could she be satisfied.

“Uggh, Ahm just gonna ask Spike to massage me. Sheesh, what could go wrong? It’s not like ahm asking him on a date. A simple massage. Completely innocent. Eeyup… Ah think.”

Applejack sat down in her bed, trying to think the best way to ask Spike. Honesty was good, but sometimes it made things a little bit inconvenient. She could easily imagine what face Twilight Sparkle would make if she asked her friend to let Spike have a day off to massage her. She would ask questions—lots of questions, which could lead to situations which Applejack dearly wished to avoid.

Ah know this is embarrassing. Ah mean, who would ask her friend to massage her?

Nope. Not embarrassing at all. Come on, it’s just a massage. Maybe Rarity would make fun of me. So what?

Well, sugarcube, ah honestly don’t think ah could stand it. Ah would moan as soon as his claws squeeze my flesh.

And that’s why Ah mustn't let others know. Some things are better left unknown…like mah brother and his doll.

Applejack sighed. Her conversation with her inner self went just as she expected. The real issue was not the possible implications that could be made from the scene. The fact stood firm that she and Spike were just good friends. There could be absolutely no way that the massage could develop into something inappropriate. According to some books Twilight had (Applejack wondered why they were in her library in the first place, but guessed it was best not to ask) Applejack was wrong, but the world of fictions was hardly applicable to real life.

Still, while his touches would not magically make her want to have sex with him, it could still make her feel really weird. Just thinking about Spike massaging her made her drool and left a sizable damp mark on her pillow. If he really touched her, she would moan, drool, and cry out his name in a rapturous bliss. His electrifying touch would transform into music to her ear, the divine chorus singing angelic melodies…

Applejack slapped her cheek lightly. Oh no. She gulped. It was happening again. The tantalizing world of imagination took her in an instant. She could not win against such powerful force.

But she wanted her fantasy to come to real life, didn't she? The dragon’s touch was definitely worth it risking her dignity. What if the dragon’s touch would make her look silly? If she could somehow convince Spike to come to the Sweet Apple Acres, there was no need to worry about potential Peeping Toms. Her apple farm covered wide land, and she knew some places that were free from watchful eyes of Ponyville residents who were bound to spread both truths and rumors like wildfire.

Eeyup. Applejack smiled rather deviously. Her plan could work. The idea was beginning to form in her head. She could ask Spike to come to the farm and help her. Twilight wouldn't suspect much. Then she and Spike would get to work… And she would allow him to continue his service…

Applejack could finally get some sleep, dreaming of Spike massaging her in various parts, and using his exotic techniques for a very long time.

Applejack leaned against the fence, whistling in the tune of the labor song Granny Smith taught her when she was young. She had a good feeling that everything would work out to her favor. She still felt sleepy, suppressing a yawn or two, but the plan she made in the expense of her sleep was perfect. The part of the farm where she was was seldom visited by others, including her family members. There was no need for her to worry about unwanted intruders.

“Hey Applejack! Sorry I’m late.” Speaking of the devil, Spike was running towards her from a distance, waving his hands.

Those hands. Ah like it. Applejack grinned under the shade of her hat. How had she waited for this moment! She took a deep breath just to make sure her panting wasn’t noticeable. Just seeing the little dragon had triggered her memory, affecting her body in process.

“No problem, Spike!” Applejack yelled, waving her hoof in return. “Hope Twilight isn’t too angry about asking you to come here!”

“Nah, she doesn’t mind at all.” Spike chuckled. “Heh, she’s still reading her books! Anyway, what’s up?”

“You know, Spike,” Applejack said in what she thought to be most natural tone, walking slowly towards Spike. “Uhm, Ah know this would sound strange…”

“Yes, Applejack?” Spike tilted his head. “Is something wrong?”

Applejack felt her confidence fading away. Sweats trickled down from her forehead, and she was sure it wasn’t the temperature that made her perspire.

“Listen, Spike. Ah know you don’t have to help me any more… um, but ya know, hmm…”

“You want me to help you?”

“Well, Ah suppose that’s what I wanna say. But, uh…”

“Don’t you worry, AJ! Of course I’m happy to help you anytime. Friends help each other, as you always say.”

Applejack knew she had to cast the dice.


“Uhh…what?” Spike was looking at her with a confused look. “You wanted me to make you something?”

Oh darn it. Applejack wanted to cover her face with shame. How did she mess this badly? All the sentences she had practiced in her bed were now nowhere to be found.


“Alright, Spike. Ah want… want ya to…” Applejack gulped. She had to say it before she was too overwhelmed by her wild imagination. “Spike, Ah want you to…” The images of the last night’s dream rapidly filled her mind. She found it hard to think. His hands… so… good…

“Want me to do what?”

Applejack tried to catch her breath. Why was it so difficult to breath? All she had to do was just say it.

“Applejack? Are you okay?”

“-ssage me.” Applejack stood upright, trying to get a hold of her falling body. With the strength and willpower that were to be only found on an earth pony, Applejack commanded her legs to do their work.

“Sage you? What does that mean?”

Alright, AJ. Time to make things happen. No more nonsense.

“Massage, Spike.” Applejack thought she could finally breathe normally now. The worst part was now over.

“…Massage?” Spike was looking even more confused now. “Sure, why not. But why me? I think you could go to the spa.”

“Nope.” Applejack shook her head, enjoying how the little dragon was scratching his head with his talon. If he scratches me with those…gosh. “Ah just want you.”


“Glad ya could understand. Now why don’t we begin…right now!” Applejack said, almost shouting, making the most innocent smile as she could. She lied on the grass, looking at Spike. “Don’t ya worry, Spike. Do you remember how you scratched by back part yesterday? Just start from there.”

“Alright….” Spike said in an uncertain tone, reaching out his talons to her hips. “Hmm…right. I think I should start here.”

And then the moment she had been waiting finally happened. First she felt nothing; but that was only the calm before the storm. Applejack was about to urge Spike to increase his pace, but her complaints were immediately drowned by the intense pleasure bombarding her like Twilight’s magic spells. It felt good. It felt SO good!

Spike’s services were excellent. His talons first started from her upper back, and then gradually slid down to where her cutie-mark was. His touches were gentle, softly treading upon her skin. His sharp talons bit into her fur, but the light pain only served to intensify her pleasure. She found herself silently begging Spike to dig his hands deeper into her body, not caring about potential cuts and bruises.

Applejack closed her eyes. Surrendering her vision was the only way she could bear the intense sensations that were nearly wrecking her body. Her memory had warned her of this, but back then Spike wasn't putting all his effort to his hands, and it had ended too soon.

Not this time. Just as she thought when it was over too soon, Spike began again. His talons applied extra pressure to her hips, and it made her gasp. They slid smoothly back to where he first started. And then he repeated the steps. His hands were making the fur in her skin ebb and flow, creating a rhythmical pattern.

“Am I doing okay, Applejack?”

“Don’t stop, please.” Her eyes still closed, it was the only words she could say at the moment, her mind already half-blank which she thought would be just warm-up. “Please…”

Spike’s talons stopped, but he resumed his motions. “You know, Applejack, I once read a book about massaging when I decided to read the books in library because I felt really bored. I’m glad I can finally help someone with what I’ve learned!”

How nice of ya, Spike. She didn’t bother to ask why anypony (or anyone in this case) would be interested in such a thing, but she supposed that didn't matter. Her mouth watered just at the thought of the little dragon utilizing his skills which she was yet to experience. Indeed, knowledge was power, in this case power to make her prisoner to Spike’s service. It sounded awkward, but that was the truth. She had to admit her mistake. His massage was not like a drug. It wasn't a drug either. It was something else, more powerful than anything she could ever think of.

“Uh-huh…” Applejack merely nodded, his touches keep interfering with her reasoning. Each time his hands swept her body, they traveled in slightly different paths, making sure she wouldn't find the touches dull.

“I should try something different now. I think the book said to start from here…” Spike stopped moving his hands, but before Applejack could protest his talons had moved to her front right leg. “This should be good. The book said it would be really effective for earth ponies who worked all day. Want me to tr—”

“Yes. Ah’d love to, Spike.” Without a second thought Applejack answered. If he knew some skills she was yet unaware of, then she had to let him do whatever he wanted. “Really appreciate, ah, your massage, oooh… oh!”

Her eyes shot open. She could feel the extra pressure on her leg. Spike was holding it quite tight, like squeezing out of a lemon to make lemonade. But strangely she didn't feel much pain. Instead, there was a wave of relief as the dragon’s talon caressed her muscles.

“Feeling good? Apparently this is good for cramped muscles. I’ll do all fours, if that’s okay with you.” Spike said proudly, continuing his moves.


Spike’s grips started from her hoof, gradually going up. Every firm squeeze was accompanied with her light, quiet panting of relief. When his hands reached the top of her leg, the process was repeated, this time starting at the top and gracefully going down. Again the incredible feelings forced Applejack to give up her vision.

When he was finished with her right front leg, he moved to the next one. Bucky McGillycuddy and Kicks McGee weren’t missed, as he carefully tended them as well.

“And now I shall do your hooves. It might tickle a bit…”


She wasn’t Rainbow Dash, but the moment Spike’s talons touched her hooves she nearly jumped (had she had wings, she thought she could actually fly). The simulations she had received so far was nothing compared to what she just experienced now. If the former was a shock, the latter was an electrocution. It was a pleasure mixed with adequate amount of pain, the two contrasting elements beautifully harmonized. It was a sweet pain, a deadly ecstasy, and fatal pleasure all combined.

“Oops, I’m sorry! Are you okay? Should I stop?” Spike spoke in a flustered tone.

“Nope.” It was all Applejack could say while her body was wrecked with his extraordinary skills. Tears welled up in her closed eyes. Her brain probably couldn't understand what was going on her body.

After he tended all of her hooves, he returned to her legs. The initial shock swept her again, destroying her reasoning. Her head was spinning.

It wasn't right to say her body was trembling upon his touch. It was convulsing, moving on its own, no longer controlled by the brain. Applejack was sure she couldn't feel her hooves, but her immobile state felt extremely satisfying. It was true happiness, like eating a hearty dinner after a hard day’s work. It was a reward to her toils she had to face every day. And Spike was her savior, doing miraculous deeds.


Spike was right. Amidst her almost crazed state she could feel her fatigue going away. She felt her body was in its most comfortable position she could ever imagine. She felt really a strong urge to take a nap.

And she really did, her consciousness getting replaced with her deep sub-consciousness, tortured with extreme bliss.