A Para-military Paranoid in Equestria 2

by The Last Renegade


I miss them. Axel and Ryder. Axel mostly, as he was my best friend.
Pieces of the conversation from the day I had lunch with them repeated in my head.

" Ah y'know. Same old same old. What about you Jack?" Cliff asked.
" I been out country lately. I won't be in touch for a few years so, yeah. What's up with you Ax?" I looked up, Cliff talking to himself again.

I looked down at Ponyville, my compound, everything. I have a lot here. Too much if that. I really don't know how I got that compound built in a month.
I looked at my wings and got ready to jump.

" Hup." I jumped off. I put my wings out and pulled up about fifty feet off the ground
' Never gets old.' I thought as I landed at my place.
" Home sweet home." I opened the door to see Rainbow laying in some blood. I instinctively grabbed my gun.

" Rainbow!" I shook her.
No response. I grabbed her and ran out and nearly broke the door off it's hinges.
I flew as fast as i could to Twilight's.

I kicked in the door. " TWILIGHT! GET OVER HERE!" I screamed out as she ran in.
" What happened?" She questioned.
" I don't know! Get her to the Hospital! Now! I think I know who did this!" I ran out.

I was headed for Kyle and saw him outside Sugarcube corner talking to Fluttershy.
I think I made my point when I landed.
" You son of a bitch!" I grabbed him by the throat and smashed him into the wall.
" I'm gonna stick a fucking grenade down your throat and watch you explode!" I Screamed in his face. I was in pure rage at this point.

" Jack! What are you doing?" Fluttershy... Screamed? At me.
" He might've killed Rainbow!" I smashed his head into the wall again.
He grabbed my arms and started fighting back.

" I'll fucking kill you! And then I'm gonna chop off your fucking head, you son of a bitch!" I shouted at him.
After a minute of battling I grabbed my choking stick I carry around and hit him across the head as hard as possible, knocking him out instantly.

I had the heart to take the scumbag to the hospital where I met with Twilight.
" What happened?" She asked me.
" He did it. I know he did. I beat his face in with this." I took out the bloody stick and showed it to her.
" How's Rainbow?" I added.

" Don't know. The doctors are checking her now." I saw some doctors cart Kyle into a room and I sat down, arms folded.

It was about an hour before the doctor came back.
" She'll be heal over time, but for now she has to stay here." I nodded.
" And Kyle?" Twilight asked.

" You really hit him hard. He's awake if you want to see him."
We both nodded and walked into the room where Kyle was.

My hands and feet hurt like hell from landing so hard. I didn't care. I stared at him for a while. I don't think I was this pissed off in... Ever.

" Kyle. I know you did it." I stated, with absolutely no emotion.
" You're right." He coughed out.
" Kyle, I fucking hate you. I brought you here for one reason. A lot of people wanted you dead. I saved you, and you hurt me. I could kill you right now. But I won't. I want to see you suffer. This is why they called me Psycho."

" They also call me." I started, removing the sunglasses I was wearing to reveal red eyes. " Vengeance. I do to others what they did to a friend. I don't care what happens to me. As long as I avenge that person." I lowered my head and stared at the floor.

I slowly began walking out the door after I put my shades back on and walked into the room where Rainbow was.
I pulled up a chair and fell asleep in it.

* A week later. *

I visited the Hospital every day. It wasn't a week until she started waking up.
" Ungh." I woke up to see Rainbow waking up. " Doc! She's waking up!" A doctor ran into the room and I got out of his way.
" Jack?" She asked.

" I'm here." I grabbed her hoof. " How do you feel?"
" Who did this?" She asked.
" Kyle. I beat him until my arms got tired." I said.

" Why do you always wear those glasses?" She questioned.
' Ah shit' I thought to myself.
" I never got to see your eyes. I want to see them." I looked at her in confusion.

I tilted my hat down to cover my eyes as I took the glasses off. I closed my eyes.
" Because I'm not normal. I've always" I started, tilting my hat back up and opening my eyes.
" Had red eyes. Nobody else has red eyes on Earth. And I like to wear these glasses. Make me look cooler." I finished.

We're talking red like, bright red.
" I always thought of myself as normal but, I knew I never was. I was labeled as crazy, insane, or as the Marine Corp. named me, Psycho. Kyle was always normal, my team was normal. I was Insane. Didn't care who I killed. The red eyes are because I was always the one guy who Avenged friendly deaths. Or at least, that's what I think it is." I calmly said.

" You know, you're always too calm." She told me.
"Heh." I laughed. " I know. Years of craziness, you learn to keep calm."
I put my glasses back on and sat back in the chair.

It was a long time until Dash came back home.

* 3 Months Later *

Today was the day Dash came back.
" Ready to go?" She nodded at me.
" I'll carry you back" I said as I lifted her onto my back.

I walked out side and took off towards home, where there was a 'Welcome back party' Hosted by, who else, Pinkie Pie.
I landed and helped Rainbow inside.
" Surprise!" A bunch of ponies rose up.

I did a little half-smile.
" I got something to do. I'll be back, you enjoy the party." I started walking to Fluttershy's place, where Kyle moved in.

I knocked on the door and Kyle let me in.
" What do you want?" He angrily asked me.
" Come on. Party at my place. You hurt anypony there, I will kill you. Don't think I won't" He followed me back to my house.

" So. Anyway, how's Mystic?" I asked him about his foal.
" She's fine." He tripped over a rock.
I burst out laughing.

" Damn you're clumsy!" I helped him up.

We got back to my place at, what I could tell was, Noon.
Kyle started talking to ponies as I went over to Dash.

" How you feeling?"
" It's good to be home. I missed this place." I smiled at her.
" I haven't been here in days. Stayed in a tent outside the hospital." I said as I cracked my back. " Much better. You know why Kyle attacked you?" She shook her head.

I got up and walked over to my bar where some ponies were waiting.
" Cider." They said one after another.
"Cider coming up." I turned and poured some cider for them, and some vodka for me.
"Here you go." I took a drink from my shot glass.

" Russians know how make a drink, I'll give them that."

Four hours and some random music later, I went to Kyle.

" Why'd you do it?" I asked him.
To which he replied. " To hurt you."
I turned to him, completely calm, I told him " You smell, you are not a good person, you are a traitor, you are a worthless piece of crap." I looked into his eyes. " And I don't like you. Plain as that."

I felt a small pain in my chest. A knife.
" You're gonna need to do better than that." He looked down at the knife angrily.
" What the fu-" I put my hand on his mouth.

" There are small ponies present." He looked around and punched me in the face.
He then ran onto the stage where he challenged me to a fight.
" Come on, I put you in the hospital for two months, I can do it again."

I saw him run towards Rainbow with the knife.
' Wrong move bitch' I smirked.
Royal Guards knocked him to the ground where they arrested him.

" I WILL KILL YOU JACK! I WILL KILL YOU!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.
" Have a nice trip! Hope the court case goes well!" I laughed.
I walked back to Rainbow who was confused at what just happened.

" Don't worry. He's been arrested. " She started crying. "What's wrong?" I asked, confused as all hell.
" It's just... I feel like I'm always being saved by you. I used to be able to defend myself. Now I can't."
I lightly punched her fore leg. " Come on. I'll teach you some things." I signaled for her to follow me downstairs. " Plus I saved you only twice."

" I can't fly down." She had a point. Her wing was hurt pretty bad and hadn't fully healed.
" Climb on." I helped her onto my back and I flew down the hole.

I lead her to an empty room.
" Alright, first try- " I trailed off until half an hour later.

" Now for a last resort. Hit me decently hard right here." I pointed to my jugular vein.
And she did, I was out for five minutes.

" Nice work. That can be used if Kyle ever gets to you. Speaking of, I think he's a little... Mentally unsafe."

I can't much remember much more of the day until around 8 P.M. when I woke up on the floor with Rainbow eating dinner.

" What happened?" I looked around. The place was cleaner than I left it.
" You passed out with a bottle of something." I looked at my hand and there was an empty Mountain Dew bottle.
" How the hell did I get this?"

I heard a pistol load.
" I'm back." It was Kyle. " Killed the Guards and grabbed one of your friends from Earth." He laughed insanely.
" Jack..." A voice called out from behind Kyle.

It was Axel.
" How the fuck?" I saw Axel reach for a nearby revolver and slide it to me.
" What the?" He pointed the gun at me.

I quickly picked up the gun and shot Kyle in the head. I got up and walked to my friend.
" Ax. You okay? How did you get here?"
" I'm good. I've really been here a while. A month I think, in a town far from here."

" So you know what's happening?" I helped him up.
" Yeah. Nice to see you." He hugged me. "Nice to see I'm also not the only brony in the team too." He whispered.
" Anyway, Rainbow, This is a good friend of mine, Axel. We fought side by side for years." She waved.

" Nice to meet you. So, Jack. Mind telling me what just happened?" She asked, in shock from the killing.
I took off my blood splattered glasses, Axel looking into my eyes.
" I never seen your eyes before."

" I'll explain over dinner."

We talked and talked. Rainbow got to know Ax too.

" You can take Kyle's old room. I got to report this to Celestia." I walked outside and took to the skies.

* The Castle *

" Celestia. I need to talk to you." She flew down to where I was standing.
" What is it?"
" First, Kyle killed some Guards. I had to use deadly force. Second, one of my friends back home on Earth is here." I explained to her.

" I know. I heard he was in Equestria. He arrived a month ago. As for Kyle. You said deadly force?" I sighed.
" I killed him, I had to. My old friend Axel is here now though. You want me to bring him here in the morning?" She nodded.
" I'll see you then." I took off again.

Back home. Finally I can sleep.
" I'm back. Good night." I noticed Kyle's body was gone.
" They took his body to be buried in two days." He told me.

"Hey. You know what happened to Ryder?"
" Mmhmm. He got married and... That's all I really know." He explained.
" You know I'm married?" He looked at me questioningly " Yeah. Married Rainbow a few months back."

" Wait wait wait wait. A few months? Is that where you where? Here?" I nodded.
" Anyways, Night Ax." I headed down to the bedroom where Rainbow was sound asleep.
I slipped under the blanket and fell asleep pretty fast.