//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Training // Story: Prince of Games // by Blitz Gamer //------------------------------// When I woke up, it took me a while to remember where I was. I'm not exactly a morning person, And after what had happened yesterday, I was hard-pressed to believe that any of it had been real. Once I finally woke up fully however, I saw that it hadn't been a dream. Waiting for me on the foot of my bed was an envelope with my name on it. I opened it up to find that Stratagem had left a note for me. Blitz, if you are reading this, Then it means you have finally woken up. When you are ready, press the button on your desk to call me. It seemed that the old dragon had a sense of humor. I looked over at the desk and saw the button the note spoke of. It was dark blue, about an inch in diameter. I pressed it, then decided to look in the closet to see if there was anything I liked. When I opened it I saw that all of my clothes from back home were there, including my formal wear. The only new thing was a simple black hoodie, with a zipper, two pockets, and twin drawstrings, with a large D-pad symbol on the back. I put it on, and was surprised by how well it fit. Then I realized that if they had known when I would be born, it stood to reason that they would know my size. Just as I finished zipping it up, Stratagem entered the room. "I see you found the gift I left for you. Tell me, how does it fit?" " It fits great. Stratagem, I've been wondering, how did you know when I was going to be born? Was my birth prophecized or something?" "Yes, yes it was. 50 years before a gamelord is born, a scroll will appear naming them, and giving instructions on where to send the portal scroll and when the scroll will be found. The portal scroll contains a spell unique to each gamelord that, when spoken, opens a portal to the room where you first met me. When they arrive, I give them the same explanation of reality that I gave you, and then introduce them to the rest of the order." "Now that explanations are out of the way, shall we get started with your training?" "Yes teacher" "Good. Follow me." As Stratagem led me out of my room, he explained the layout of the Citadel to me. "Right now we are in the residence wing. Every part of the Citadel leads out from the central hub chamber. When we reach the training room I will give you a map so you don't get lost, although you will learn the layout in time." When we reached the hub chamber I was struck by just how HUGE it was. The ceiling was a good 20 feet off the ground, and the marble walls were about 150 feet in circumference. Doors of oak littered the perimeter of the room. However, the other thing I noticed was just how EMPTY the room was. "Stratagem, where is everyone?" "Out protecting their worlds. They only came to the Citadel for your induction. The only permanent residents are myself, a few staff members, and any trainees." "Don't you have a world to protect?" From the way he stopped in his tracks, I knew I had said the wrong thing. When he finally spoke, there was a great sadness in his voice. "My world was destroyed long ago because of my own foolishness, and I am now the last of my race in existence. You had no way of knowing, so do not worry. However, please do not bring it up again. Now, on a lighter note, let's start your training, shall we?" It was obvious that he meant for me to keep silent. As he led me down one of the Citadel's numerous hallways, I couldn't help but think about how pained he must be inside. Finally, we reached our destination. Stratagem opened the door, and led me into a large dojo. "The first thing you must know is that every gamelord has different abilities, depending on their race and personality. However, all gamelords have the ability to open portals, and access hammerspace, an infinitely large storage dimension. In the next few weeks, I will be teaching you how to use these abilities. Now then, lets begin." And so over several weeks, I learned how to open portals to specific and random destinations. To access a specific dimension, I had to have gone there previously, either by random visit or by being taken there. I also learned about hammerspace. Basically, hammerspace is a dimension that exists solely for storage purposes. As a gamelord, I could reach into hammerspace at will to retrieve and deposit items. I also learned the Data Purge, a powerful spell that would turn back the clock to before the influence of a gaming realm entered a realm, at the cost of a massive amount of energy. It also required every bit of influence to be within the world. If just one molecule of what had been influencing the world left it, the purge would not work. Stratagem also taught me about video games themselves, how they worked, the different genres, and how they first came into existence. Once I had mastered those skills, Stratagem had one last thing to teach me. "Blitz, there is nothing left for me teach you. Now that you have mastered the skills of portaling and accessing hammer space, you must discover your other abilities for yourself. Once a gamelord has reached this point in their training, they are sent out into the gaming realms to learn about themselves and develop their skills. Before you go however, there are a few things you must do. First, you must visit the armory. When you are there, you will feel a weapon call out to you. It will be the weapon that best fits with your future fighting style. Once you have found it, return here." "Yes, Stratagem." You might be wondering why I was acting so calm. After several weeks of training under him, I had come to greatly respect Stratagem as a teacher, and I knew that he would not be telling me this if he thought I wasn't ready. With this in mind, I headed of to the armory. When I got to the armory, nothing really stood out. I walked past racks of axes, swords, and maces, but none of them spoke to me. Then, when I was looking through the back, I found it, or rather, I found them. Sitting on a low shelf, covered in dust, was a pair of metal metal hooflets. I put them on, and twin beams of cobalt energy emerged from each. They seemed to be powered by my magic. If I concentrated, I was able to alter the length of the beams. I decided to call them "Beam Claws". I put them in my hammerspace-enabled saddlebag and returned to Stratagem. "Teacher, I've found my weapons." "Good, good. Now then, I have one last thing I must tell you. While here in the Citadel, you stay in your original form. However, in realms other than the Citadel and your home realm, you will take on a different appearance." "A different appearance!? What am I going to look like then?" "Calm down little one, and I will show you. The appearance you take on is that of a human being." Stratagem then caused an image to appear in the air. It was a pink skinned bipedal creature, wearing a pair of blue jeans, a black hoodie similar to my own, and a pair of sky blue sneakers. On top of its head was a mound of short curly cyan hair similar to my own, and its eyes were exact copies of mine. "This is how you will appear while traveling through the gaming realms. Now rest up. Tomorrow, your journey of self discovery begins."