//------------------------------// // Trumpets for past times // Story: The Harlech's Song // by doddythechef //------------------------------// Make anchor came the call across the ship, they had finally reached the port of New Saddle, a large wooden dock stood surrounded by many fishing vessels which all seemed tiny compared to The Harlech, yet in this port there sat anchored was the Red Finch, a seventy-two gun second rate of the line. There were only two of these ships that had been built in the whole of the known world, both thankful owned by the Equestrian navy. The other was called 'The Merlin' and it was moored in the city of Rineland in Reno, it was there for the protection of trade to Equestria and her allies. There was only one other ship larger than all others by far, it was the Alicorn's Redemption, a huge one-hundred and twenty gun ship stationed at Manehatten docks, it the Harlech was a jewel then the Alicorn was the was that housed it. The Harlech sailed into an empty pier for mooring, next to it was a small sloop called 'The Finch', a simple twenty-six gun ship. The crew seemed to be unloading upon the peer, the usual items of trade could be seen. The crew working in pairs to unload the hull, empty barrels, old melted wax piles and crates with the words Equestria burnt onto it were being carried ashore. The crew collapsed as the last crate made it ashore, they looked as if ready for bed even tho the sun hadn't even reach midday yet. Across the whole dock ships could be seen full of ponies unloading their own cargo, others loading and a couple had been re-engineered as cruise liners for the population, grand ribbons and colours had been throw upon these old war ships. to the simple pony folk it seemed a brand new ship of luxury, to the eyes of Captain Tailgate the scared of battles could still be seen from cannon ball dents to charred wood and even the copper showed scratches where ships ran into shores to escape a barrage. Tailgate returned his eyes to the docks and more importantly to his crew that awaited his order, he began to walk down the gang blank and of his ship. He turned to his crew in full uniform and bircone upon his head, the dock master trotted to his side awaiting him to sign off his cargo to New Saddle. He grasped the provided quill with his teeth and left his mark and with a flask as quick as lightning the dock master was gone and dock crew appeared to shift the cargo. "Well done my crew a fine trip indeed, I must report to the Naval Depot for our next mission. I will allow a 2 day leave here at New Saddle so enjoy and make sure if you get in a fight, win! I don't want you to embarrass my ship because you lack a bit of fight in you! Now go enjoy your rest!!" even before Tailgate could finish off his word the crew cheered and rushed off into the coastal town, most likely to the nearest tavern for grok, cider and probably a mare as well. Tailgate signed as he looked upon his empty pier space before looking into the town to spot the Naval depot, it wasn't hard to spot due to it being painted blue like the sea and a golden boat sat in the bell tower of the building. Tailgate only manged one step forward before Soapberry tugged on his tail, it was as if she waited for him to move just so she could stop him, but Tailgate didn't regard that as a bad thing. Soapberry came face to face with Tailgate, her perfect green eyes fixed upon him, they look almost like real emeralds. She didn't speak a single word and simply pressed her lips to his as her eyes closed. He pulled away leaving Tailgate entranced, she simply giggled before tapping him to bring him back to reality. "I live i always told you Tailgate I love my stallion in uniform" and before he could reply she was gone galloping to catch up with the crew. Tailgate stood to attention to tidy himself up and to hid his blushing from the other captains on the docks, the last thing he wanted was to gain the nickname lovesick. He began to make his way to the Naval office by passing through a few small side streets, the road had been laid in a cobble fashion with wide lanes to ensure easy transport of goods to the docks. To each side were small merchant shops selling various wares, from plants that only could be found in Holiopolis to the awe inspiring wood carving of the dragons from Firelight Woods. All these items had been shipped to here from these far of civilizations over countless months and each item with its own unique story of its travels, how it was forged and how it will end, as if it had its own life of silence yet witness so much from endless seas to bitter winters. Tailgate finally stopped staring into the eyes of a carving, it was a pony in steel armour laying a rose on a shield with the markings "A S" engraved into it and below the words "freedom together" had been etched in with simple sapphire enamel. "How much for the carving dear merchant?" Tailgate inspecting every inch of the model noticing the steel pony was in fact a young alicorn and was a mare which was more striking, the merchant's hyper voice quickly rang out " 35 Bits dear captain". Tailgate observed more of the carving seeing the cutie mark etich into the armour was an eclipse of the sun and the moon, "Deal, and have it 5 more bits to have it shipped to my ship in pier 6, The Harlech" and with that he passed over a small pouch with 40 bits exactly in it. With the nod the merchant called out an assistant who loaded it onto a cart for delivery. After a quick more browsing of other merchant stalls he finally made it to the naval depot where a large iron fence surrounded it, at the entrance was a bronze plated gate its about 6 armed royal guards on duty, each carrying steel spears. Captain Tailgate signed in and was accompanied to the main hall by a guard, it was a large shell with a marble flour and a few guards at each corner but apart from that the hall stood empty. As soon as the door closed another opened to the side in which a uniform emerged dressed in a white uniform with bronze coloured tassels holding it together, upon his head was a black metal helmet with the royal seal embroidered in silver upon it. He stood with his muzzle higher than Tailgate and let a small snigger out before announcing his name, "Captain Tailgate of 'The Harlech' and Lieutenant of Fawntaine the Rear admiral will see you now" And with that he turned his back to Tailgate and walked inside, Tailgate followed as wells to meet the another Unicorn, this time dressed in a full black naval uniform with a golden trims. He had papers levitated in front of him as Tailgate sat down. Tailgate spoke first "It's not often I get called by my full title,there must be something wrong" A rusty winded breath replied "Your quite right boy, the colony of Gallopfrey is in distress, the colony ports have become blocked by continues piracy and out sloops have taken heavy loses. The Naval Command has seen it fit to supply the Colony with heavy coastal guns to protect its self, but we need two ships to escort the 3 unarmed cargo ships. That is were your ship comes in and you partner Captain Steampine, he commands 'The Humming Bird' a 40 gun ship." "Wait a minute admiral this is the same colony that raided these shores not a hundred years ago and still have grievances with the southern kingdom of Cervidas, where i was bestowed my honor of Lieutenant for defending against their ships." The rear admiral didn't change his pose as if expected Tailgates argument, "I fully understand your stance but part of the agreement of these guns is for the Gallopfrey government to be removed and to become part of Equestria. These are the orders i have received and how they are you command. Have you crew ready in three days, you are dismissed captain." Tailgate stood and saluted the Rear admiral and voiced an "Aye Sir" and turned to leave, the officer still held his muzzle high to Tailgate. As he turned to leave he knocked the Rear admiral's wine glass onto the officers pristine white uniform, Tailgate met him at eye level and voiced his opinion of him, "there you go pretty boy, why not trade that for real blood and serve on the ships" and with a shove on the officer Tailgate left the Naval depot with the Rear admiral laughing at his officer who had burst into tears due to a stain. Tailgate made his way to the town center in search of the tavern for his crew, he soon found it by the sound of a piano ringing out and drunken singing filling the air, and also the drunk sailor falling out of the door also helped identify the tavern. Tailgate still in full uniform stepped over the collapsed sailor and pushed the thin door open to reveal the large room filled with a many tables and a single bar with the piano at the far end of the bar. The ponies inside had formed areas such as on a couple of tables hoof wrestling was taking place while on others dice betting games, both games betting away what fortune they had. To the back ponies sat in their crews simply drinking and laughing and singing to the piano. As Tailgate entered other sailors and captains watched him make his way through the tavern, it was the same for everypony that entered the tavern either to drink or to prove himself no crew member was an exception even the same activities occurred when captains competed against each other. Tailgate finally reached the back of the tavern to meet the gaze of his crew, they were all drunk or on their way being so. Tailgate removed his hat and placed it upon Soapberry's head as he pulled up a chair, she instantly smiled and rested upon his shoulder as a crew member slide a tankard of cider to him. Logger head was the first to ask the obvious question, "So captain what is the next mission?" Tailgate first took a gulp of his cider before answering, "Well dear Loggerhead there is good news and bad news, for the good we get an extra day on shore" The crew began hitting their tankards together and cheering at the news, Bellen then piped up with a small squawk and began clicking his talons, "Whats the bad news captain?" Tailgate once again had another gulp as the crew waited on edge, "Were sailing with three cargo ships that will be carrying coastal guns and the Humming Bird as partner ship, to Gallopfrey. Were to expect enemy ships as we sail and once we arrive we are tasked to defend the docks as the cargo ships moor." Loggerhead slammed down his drink in fury as he heard the mission, now his talons were the ones clicking and his feather had become flustered, "Gallopfrey !! How dare Equestria supply them weapons! They're a bunch of back stabbing thieves!" The tavern fell silent as a crew stood up on the far side, much dirtier looking and a few black eyes could be seen, they were mostly earth ponies with the odd pegasus and by far they did not look pleased. "What did ya call my hone you half bred freak!" Tailgate rose and so did the set of the crew behind him, Soapberry even rose still wearing the captains hat, only now in a side style to look like a pirate. "Why don't you just sit yourself down before we show you the copper side of our ship, you bunch of treacherous, cowardly, fools!" and that was the last straw for the Gallopfrey crew, he blew his top "bring it on ya gull strangling, sea dog!". The two crews met in the middle to fight it out throw each other into tables or using bottles on one another. Tailgate took on the rival captain making his hooves come into contact with the enemies muzzle and gut before spinning past him to trip another crew member, now he took on two but rather than punch he dodged each hit causing the Gallopfrey crewman and captain to hit each other rather than the captain, eventually they knocked each other out leaving him with nopony to fight, but it didn't take him long to help back another crew member. In another scene Pintle was back to back with Soapberry defending off rather well until Loggerhead showed up to ruin the run, he had managed to pick up a cider during the fight and seamed to be able to drink and knock out opponents at the same time. It didn't take long to leave the Gallopfrey crew laying on the floor for mercy, Tailgate's crew now stood triumphant but it was short lived, whistles began to blow down the street to signal the town guard, and with in a flash ever ships crew rushed out of any exit available including windows, all retreating to the safety of their ships. As the day drew to a close once again Tailgate stood in his private cabin but now his uniform ruffled and himself slightly bruised, Soapberry had fallen asleep soundly asleep on the bed still fearing Tailgate's hat. He walked over to join her blowing out the single candle in the cabin to allow it to be immersed into darkness.