//------------------------------// // Introduction // Story: Prince of Games // by Blitz Gamer //------------------------------// My name is Prince Blitz Gamier Lu Luna Lu Lores, and this is the story of how I learned that it was. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start at the beginning, with me being left on the doorstep of one of the most powerful rulers to ever live. Princess Celestia was alone in her castle, roaming the halls, unable to sleep. The light of the moon shone in through the large windows that lined the halls. Gazing upon her sister's prison, the Solar princess cast her thoughts back, as she had done so many times before, to that fateful day when her little sister fell into the depths of madness and re-emerged as a wicked mare of darkness, hell bent on creating eternal night. Hundreds of years after sealing Nightmare Moon away, Celestia was still wondering if she had done the right thing. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the castle's front door. "I wonder who that could be? All of my little ponies should be asleep at this hour." Celestia thought to herself as she opened the door, only to be met with empty air. Confused, she stepped forward, trying to see who was there, when her hoof bumped into something. Startled, she looked down. what she saw was a small wicker basket, the contents covered by a small blue cloth, to which was pinned a small piece of paper. Raising the basket to eye level, Celestia saw that the only thing written on the paper were the words "Blitz Gamer." Just then, a small cry sounded from inside the basket. Surprised, Celestia removed the cloth covering it. Tucked inside was a small, pale blue unicorn foal, with a bright cyan mane. As it opened it's eyes, Celestia saw that they were a deep blue. "You must be Blitz." she said, smiling. "Well then my little unicorn, it looks like you are in need of a home. I think that the royal academy has some spare room. Why don't I go find it." With that, Celestia turned and walked inside, taking me with her. Twelve years later. I walked into the library to find a filly I had never met before sitting in my usual spot, her nose in one of my favorite books. I smiled, as it seemed we had a lot in common. “Excuse me?” I asked. She looked up, startled. “you seem to be sitting in my spot.” She blushed. “I’m sorry, this is my first day here.” “Obviously, since you’re talking to me” “Huh?” “I’m Blitz Gamer, orphan and resident outcast , abandoned on the princess’s doorstep and raised in the academy. And you are?” “I...I’m Twilight Sparkle” “Oh, Celestia’s new apprentice!” Her blush deepened, “Y-yes” “Have you always had that stutter?” “N-n-no. I mean... no I usually don’t stutter, it’s just that you were so forward, and I’m not used to being recognized.” I chuckled, “Well, you better get used to it. If Celestia herself takes you under her wing, people tend to recognize you. I speak from experience.” “What are you talking about?” “Like I said the princess took me in. I would be surprised if ponies all over Equestria didn’t know of you already.” “But if Celestia took you in then how are you an outcast?” “See for yourself.” I turned, showing her my bare flank. She gasped, just like everyone else, except for those who just laughed and trotted away. “Nobody likes a blank flank.” I told her. “I’m sixteen years old and still don’t know my special talent.” “That’s terrible! I could help you look, if you want.” I turned, taken aback. “I've spent my whole life looking, and you’re the first pony to ever offer to help.” “But ponies should help each other out!” “How right you are, and I gladly accept your offer” And so, each day when she had time, Twilight and I would scour the library, searching for anything I might be good at. Week after week, scanning the shelves, finding interesting books, trying different things out, and getting to know each other quite a bit. Then, one day, we found something that fit me. Ironically, we finally found it where we had first met. Twilight had just come in, and I could tell from her expression that she had been thinking hard. She asked me, “Blitz, is there any reason why this is your favorite spot in the library?” “Not really”, I answered, “It just sort of felt right, now that I think about it” “well, I think I know why” “And why might it be?” “There’s a scroll, right behind you, with your name on it. At first, I thought it was for you to mark this place as your spot, but after seeing your hoof-writing, I realize that it must be meant for you to read” “What scroll? I never noticed a scroll.” “This scroll” her horn glowed with its usual purple sparkle as she pulled out a scroll I had never noticed before with my name written on it with elegant script, as compared to my usual chicken scratch. “How long has that been there?!” “Judging from the parchment, I’d say about 66 years” “so this scroll has been waiting here for me since 50 years before I was born? I guess I had better read it then” I opened the scroll, and all that was written there was one line: “Gamier lunatore no portala” As I said the words, I felt something stir inside of me, something familiar, as though it had been there all along. Twilight gasped in shock, making me look up from the scroll. Right in front of me, summoned by my words, was a spiraling blue portal, the center was marked by a grey plus mark. I felt drawn to it, as though I was meant to go through it. “Twilight, thanks, for everything, but I have a feeling I won't be seeing you for a while” I took a deep breath, and walked through the portal." I exited the portal, looking around in awe. I was in what could only be described as a palace. The walls were solid marble, covered with rich tapestries and exotic murals. Instead of torches, the room was lit by glowing gemstones that hung from the ceiling, each one emitting radiant white light. “Where am I?” I wondered aloud. “A good question, and one you will find yourself asking very often in the future” The voice was unspeakably old, sounding as though it had existed long before Equestria had been formed. I turned around startled, trying to see what had spoken. In front of me was a creature I had never seen before, not that I got out much, being an orphan and all. His body was long and serpentine, banded in black and white, with the same grey plus that had marked the portal appearing in the center of each band. He was nearly 30 feet long, with a white head, a long snout ending in a pair of whiskers, and a pair of antlers stretching out from the top of his head. He had small white scales making up his face, with large spikes flowing out of his spine. And his eyes, his eyes were piercing green, and it seemed as though they could see into my very soul. I knew, that who ever this being was, he had more power than Celestia could ever hope to wield. “Who, who are you? What are you? and why am I here?” “To answer your questions in order: I am Stratagem, I am what’s known as an Asiatic Dragon, and you are here, Blitz Gamer, because this, is where you belong. You are no ordinary being. You are a Gamelord, one who can travel throughout dimensions, fixing things when worlds collide, helping those who are unable to help themselves. Blitz Gamer, welcome, to the Gamelord Citadel.” I was unable to speak. This seemed like a dream. How could something so fantastic possibly be real. Thing is, I knew it was true. Somehow, deep in my heart, I knew that everything this ancient being was saying was the truth, and that I had finally found my calling. Just then, I felt a tingle on my flank. I turned, and saw that the gray plus that marked the portal and Stratagem had marked me too, and it just felt right.