//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Settling In // Story: Mason's Quest // by gplane1749 //------------------------------// Mason’s Quest Chapter 4: Settling In Mason and Sunny were walking down the path that led to the caves entrance. The two stallions soon reached the blocked off entrance. Sunny stopped and concentrated, his horn started to glow a light blue that matched his coat. “I think my magic is charged up enough for me to teleport us back to the caves.” Sunny told Mason. “Stand right next to me so I can get us both back in one piece.” Mason felt the disorienting effects of teleporting for the second time that day. This time Mason kept his eyes open for the experience. He saw “So what will I be doing as your apprentice?” Mason asked “ I mean I am not a unicorn so I can not learn magic.” “I will have many uses for you Mason even if you will not be able to learn my magic ways.” Sunny told him. “You will help me with my magical experiments and collect needed supplies. You may not be able to perform magic but boy will know how to do it. After your apprenticeship you will probably be more knowledgeable than most unicorns.” “Ok, that sounds good to me. What are we going to do first?” Mason asked. “Not so fast there Mason, I till need to show you around the caves so you know where you will be working.” “Ok, that sounds good to me.” “Great lets get started.” Sunny started walking down the corridor. He stopped at the first door to the left. “Here is where our other houseguest stays.” “What do you mean by that? Is that really Discord in there?” Mason asked skeptically. He just could not believe it. “Why yes it is. The princesses have trusted me to keep the frozen statue of Discord down here.” Sunny answered. “How can he talk? Isn’t he is frozen in stone?” “He could not talk at first but I was lonely down here so I enchanted the stone to allow him to talk. He is actually pretty good company for a malevolent sprit of utter chaos and he’s pretty well read too.” “Wow, you are in charge of one of the most powerful things in the known universe and a huge magic reserve.” “It is not that important almost nopony knows about the magic and Discord is as weak as a kitten. It is the family job and I am proud to do it. Now it is time we move on to the other rooms. Here is where you my apprentice will be sleeping. ” Sunny pointed to a small and simple wooden board door. Mason reached out a hoof and turned to knob. He poked his head inside wanting to see his quarters for the next five years. “Sunny, this is a tiny broom closet.” “Sorry wrong door. I should really get signs for all of these. I am always getting lost. Your room is right across the hall.” Sunny proudly opened the door the Mason’s new room. It was sparsely furnished almost Spartan. There was a dresser, bed, nightstand, lamp and a window to look into the caves. “Sunny why is there a window if we are underground? All I can see is a few crystals and some rocks.” “The frame is enchanted so that it can show somepony the view out of any window as long as they have seen it before. To activate it you just say what you want to see. Here let me show you.” Sunny looked out the window and said “The right window in the tallest tower of the Canterlot palace.” The window rippled and swirled like water in a fierce wind. The image changed from the cave to an aerial view of all of Canterlot. It wasn’t a still image but a real live view as if Mason and sunny really were at the top of the Canterlot palace. “Wow, that is amazing. It will work for any window right, as long as I have looked out of it before?” “That is correct. Why don’t you give it a shot Mason?” Sunny told him. “Okay then here goes. The attic window in the house at 49 Oak Lane.” Again the window rippled and morphed into another image. The window looked to be on the second story of a house. The street below was almost empty and the houses looked not quite broken down but still well worn. The ponies that lived there cared about their houses they just did not have enough money to fix them up to top condition. At the end of the road was a large tree. The tree stood proudly over all the houses and was the reason for the name. “Wow. The view is just as I remembered. This was my favorite spot to sit when it was raining, back when I was still a colt and lived with my parents. We used to go down to the park and I would play around that tree for hours.” Mason told Sunny. “Thank you for including this in my room Sunny it means a lot.” A single small tear rolled down Mason’s cheek. “This gives me a little piece of home.” “I will let you get to bed Mason it has been a long day.” With that Sunny left the room closing the door softly behind him. Meanwhile in the “houseguest’s” mind. “Weak as a kitten eh we will see about that.” He said to himself. Suddenly a burst of magic caught his attention. “Oh a transport spell spinning out of control, I just love these. This is strong one and it is about to hit critical mass maybe I should give it a little nudge in the right direction.” “Ok everypony it’s time to play your favorite game show “Wheel of Worlds”! Here is how it works. Contestant number one will spin the wheel and whatever world it lands on is where we put the portal. Are you ready?” “Of course I am. Now to give this wheel a good spin.” The contestant spun the wheel so fast it was only blur. The wheel slowed down and landed onto a world. “Ah yes that will do nicely. Maybe one of “them” will come through.