//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 - Razorpoint // Story: Season Unending // by RealBarenziah //------------------------------// The ocean was quiet and gentle as it lapped against the rowboat. Twilight was halfway between the boat anchored out at sea and the southern Skyrim shore. For some reason Cardinal thought it fit to have Dinge row her to shore. He wasn't scowling at her or anything, but he certainly wasn't happy. Twilight glanced back at the ship. The mist from the cold water was already starting to fold it thinly in a gray veil. The crew was sorry to see her leave, but they sent her off kindly. They wished her luck, and and when she was on the water all of them crammed up against the railing to wave goodbye. Even the Albatross had landed on the railing and fluttered its wings at her in farewell. She looked back to the shore over Dinge's shoulder. It was dark and gray. Not at all like the warm, sunny shores of Equestria. The wind picked up a little, and it bit into Twilight's skin with icy jaws. She wrapped the fur-lined cloak Rarity had given her tighter around her shoulders. Dirge squinted at her. "I doubt that rag will keep you alive very long," he said. "My friend Rarity made this for me," Twilight said, scowling. "She's a gifted seamstress. I think it'll protect me just fine." "If you say so," he grumbled. Twilight's expression softened. Dinge was showing concern, in his own way. "I understand you were doing your job," she said. "When you pushed me, I mean. No hard feelings." He grumbled in response, but didn't say anything more. Twilight looked again at the mountains ahead. They rose ominously into the sky. Many of the tops were obscured by low, wintery clouds. Everything was gray, and colors were muted. The seasons had ended early for Skyrim; it already looked like the beginnings of winter. "You're really going in there?" Dinge said. "Yeah." Dinge looked over his shoulder at the mountains. Without looking at her he said, "Be careful in there." "I will. Thank you." Razorpoint was a small settlement. It was a collection of stone houses with straw roofs built very near to the water. The shore was impaled with several small docks, most of them fallen and deteriorating with age. There were two small fishing ships docked there, and one of the ponies working there spotted the oncoming rowboat. He walked to the end of the dock and waited for them to get closer. "Good afternoon!" He called as Dinge put away the oars and retrieved the rope. "We don't get many visitors in these parts." He motioned for Dinge to toss the rope. He caught it in his mouth and quickly tied it to the dock. "We're only here to drop off a traveler," Dinge said. The fisherman helped Twilight onto the dock, and Dinge followed. The fisherman was a sruffy-looking colt with a fish cutie mark. His coat was a dirty sand color and his messy mane was a graying brown. He had a sheathed knife around his waste that was probably for gutting fish. Twilight thought there must be some griffons in town, since ponies don't eat fish. "You're the traveler?" The pony said curiously. His accent was thick and fluttery. It was unlike anything Twilight had heard in Equestria. "Yes, I'm Twilight Sparkle," Twilight smiled. "Welcome to Skyrim, Twilight Sparkle! My name is Chorolf." "Pleasure to meet you." Chorolf turned to Dinge. "You're leaving her here all alone?" Dinge grumbled something unintelligible in response. Twilight turned to him and said, "Don't worry. I'll be fine. Thank you for bringing me, I appreciate it." She levitated a few coins from her back. "Here, for your trouble." "What?" Dinge said. "No, I..." She magicked the coins into the small pack he kept on his front leg and said, "Just take it, I insist. Thank you, and good luck on the rest of your journey." Dinge didn't know what to say, so he just nodded. Twilight smiled and returned the gesture, then headed toward the shore. Chorolf exchanged a few words with Dinge then caught up to her. "Oye, lass! Where are you headed?" Twilight paused. "Oh, well...into town I suppose." "Have you ever been to Skyrim before?" Twilight shook her head. "No. I'm here to research and document this province. There is shockingly little information on it back in Equestria." "Ah, a scholar! Not many of those around these parts. I wish you luck on your venture, but Skyrim is a dangerous place. You're going to need some guidance. I have to get back to work, but you should visit the Inn. It's the big building in the middle of town, you can't miss it." "I will, thank you very much, Chorolf." "Good luck, Twilight Sparkle." Chorolf returned to a small ship tied to the dock and Twilight stepped onto the sandy, rocky, Razorpoint shore. The town was right against the docks, and she spotted some other ponies walking around. The buildings were built together along a main road. Ponies trotted to and fro, chopping wood and carrying the pieces indoors, transporting crates, sweeping the wooden porches, among other things. Twilight's ear angled toward the loud clanging of a blacksmith's hammer, and spotted a strong but worn-looking Clydesdale. He glanced back at her with a unwelcoming look in his eye. She quickly pressed on. Everypony walking the streets nearby looked at her suspiciously. They weren't used to having strangers in town. Twilight shivered. The air was biting cold and dry. She thought she might need more than just a cloak for her travels. The "Razorpoint Tavern and Inn" was a large building with a small set of steps leading up to the porch. The slope of the ground, however, put the building partway underground. The door creaked heavily when she pushed it open. She was greeted with a large, warm room heated by a large fireplace in the center. There were a few battered tables and benches scattered about with a counter on the far corner of the room. The warm, dim light of the fire and candles contrasted with the cold, dampened atmosphere outside. Twilight was approaching the counter and scanning the few patrons in the inn when she froze. Her jaw fell open as she stared at the creature sitting by the fire. It was a giant lizard of some sort. It's build was similar to a pony but it was covered in reddish scales and had a long, strong-looking tail with tiny spines. One of its clawed hands grasped a bottle of wine. It's neck was thin and supported a reptilian, almost dinosaur-like head. When it spotted Twilight, she saw that it had piercing slitted red eyes. She jumped when it spoke. "What are you staring at?" He growled with a slithery, slimy voice. His teeth looked as sharp as razors. It took Twilight a couple of tries to stammer, "I-I uh. I was just-" The lizard got up and took a step toward her threateningly. "You'd better unstick your eyes, girl, or you might lose 'em." Twilight was at a complete loss as to what to say. The creature glared at her with the eyes of a killer but she just couldn't move. Suddenly came an equally slithery voice beside her, "Back off Tanza, can't you see she's a foreigner?" Another lizard thing had appeared beside Twilight. This one had green scales and curling horns. His eyes were greenish brown. "That's precisely why I don't like her!" Tanza said. "Sit down, Tanza. You're drunk." The red lizard grumbled and sat back down, taking another swig out of his bottle of wine and staring into the fire. "Don't mind him," the green one said to Twilight. "He is just bad-tempered." "T-thank you." "Although, you should probably stop staring at us like you've never seen an Argonian before." Twilight blinked at shook her head. Her eyes were still as wide as dinner plates. "I apologize. And, in all honesty, I haven't." "Well, I'm not surprised," She followed him to the counter. "Equestria is probably about as isolationist as Blackmarsh - that's our homeland." "How did you know I was Equestrian?" "I thought you were Breton at first, but then your coat is a dead giveaway, um... what was your name?" They sat down on a bench by the counter. "Oh, Twilight Sparkle." "I am Julanza. Your coat, anyway, it is purple. And not just any purple. Bright, shiny, noticeable purple." "So?" "So, how many brightly colored ponies have you seen in Skyrim so far?" "Well actually...none. Everypony I saw in town had dull colored coats. Browns, grays, a few dirty blondish ones, I think I spotted a rusty one." Twilight and Julanza accepted a pair of warm tankards from the barmaid at the counter. Julanza paid for both. "Exactly. Nord ponies typically have dull colored coats. Bretons have more color, but no race has as many bright hues as the Equestrians. At least, that is what my books tell me." "Julanza and his books," growled Tanza from the fire. "You read a lot?" Twilight asked. "Is that why you know so much about all these races?" "My mother knew many things about the world. She taught me all that she knew, and I learned more through books. Skyrim herself also taught me. I grew up here and the more one knows about this country the longer he will survive. I know many things, yet you seem to know so little. Why do you come to such a hostile place armed with so little knowledge?" "I came here to gain knowledge, learn as much about Skyrim as I can. I want to record my travels and report my findings back home. In Equestria there is little no information about this land to be found." "Ah, so you are an adventurer," Julanza smiled. "I'm not sure if I would call myself an 'adventurer'. Maybe a determined researcher?" "Let me guess: you are in need of a guide?" Twilight's ears perked up. "I am! Would you be interested? I plan on traveling all over the country; you would be gone for a very long time." "Hmm," Julanza said, tapping his chin in thought. "A very long time, you say? I will have to think it over." "Of course. I understand that you-" "I've thought it over. I will do it!" Twilight blinked. "Wow. That was fast." "I have been waiting for this opportunity for many years. I have longed for a reason to go adventuring." "Really, adventuring? I'm not sure if I really plan on anything quite as exciting as that." "Ah, you say that, Equine, but adventure tends to sneak up on you here. There are few who can avoid it." "If you say so," she shrugged. "There are many things you should know first. Lesson number one-," His tail suddenly came up and dropped a familiar coin purse in his front claw. "Hey, that's mine!" Twilight said. "Never trust an Argonian. We are a sneaky bunch. We are gifted thieves." He placed the coin purse on the bar in front of Twilight. "Lucky for you, I'm not interested in stealing from you. Equestrian money isn't going to help you, anyway." "Oh. Of course," Twilight's ears sagged. "I'm not sure how I can pay you for being my guide, then." "I'm sure we will think of something along the way - what are you doing?" Twilight flipped through the pages of her journal. "I need to start recording my journey. My arrival here in Razorpoint should certainly be documented. Oh, you don't mind if I use your name, do you?" "Go ahead. But before you go into that, try a bit of that Nord mead. There's nothing like it in Equestria, I'm certain." Twilight took a draft of the warm beverage. The tankard reminded her of cider season at Sweet Apple Acres. The drink, though, hit her in the stomach like a block of lead, and she coughed heavily. "Goodness!" she gasped. "And I thought Applejack's spiced cider had kick to it!" Julanza laughed when he had swallowed a good few gulps. "The drink here is hearty, and it keeps you warm against the icy winds. You will get used to it." He took another gulp. "There is much we should discuss before the journey." "Are you sure you want to go? You're fine with up and leaving Razorpoint? Just like that?" "The fishery won't suffer my loss. And there will be work for me if I return." "Wait, 'if'?" "Of course. This is a dangerous country. And if I don't die, who knows? Maybe I will discover a new life waiting for me." "Please don't try and get yourself killed." He laughed. "I make no promises, Twilight Sparkle."