//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Spike the Noble Dragon (Massager), or, Applejack asks Spike to massage her // by Mightyfinemorning //------------------------------// It was obvious. She couldn't go to sleep. Applejack wondered why, tossing and turning in her bed. Tomorrow she had to buck apples like any other days. She was supposed to be asleep by now, but for some reason, she couldn't. Her body refused to sleep. Yet she was feeling more tired than usual, mainly because of a peculiar incident that had happened today. She didn't know a timberwolf could be that huge; she also didn’t know Spike would actually end up saving her life. In the end, all was well. She no longer needed to worry about the potential disaster the little dragon could cause whenever he was around trying to ‘help’ her daily works. She continued to roll around her bed, but the usual signs from her body that she accepted as a reminder to go to sleep were not there. In fact, she felt really excited. She was quite short of breath, and every part of her body tickled like somepony was rubbing bird feathers all over her. Her heart was beating furiously and she could hear the the rhythmical sound without checking her pulse. Everything was fine. So why was she feeling excited, unable to get the rest she really needed? The issue between her and Spike had been completely settled. Though she had to hear Twilight’s lengthy lecture later in the day about how timberwolves were supposed to be animated by dark spirits that filled the Everfree Forest (of which she had heard countless times from Granny Smith), she find it reassuring to find the remaining timbers so degraded that it was highly unlikely that the damned beasts would come back and threaten her and her friends. Her friends too, really didn’t have any issues that Applejack could think of. Rainbow Dash looked a little bit off right after she had to prove her element, but it wasn’t rare for the tomboy pegasus to recover from the most grievous wounds, and soon after she was as ready as she could ever be. Rarity was a little distraught after she found out what had really happened in her house which, as Applejack had witnessed, involved Spike, but after he had promised her to accompany along her next jewel-searching mission, she hugged (or rather chocked, in Applejack’s view) him and returned to her usual mood in no time. Twilight and Spike were probably getting along very well by now, as the dragon did not appear in Sweet Apple Acres after the incident. And Fluttershy… if she had any worries, she made it sure that even the Element of Honesty could not find it. Actually, her usually timid friend actually seemed to enjoy the whole incident. Really, Applejack could not pick one issue that had been left unresolved. “Ah, consarn it. Just go to sleep, will ya?” Applejack whispered to herself, mainly to relive her roused body. She closed her eyes and breathed manually a few times, imagining she was in a wide, verdant meadow. Yes, there she was, lying in the soft grassland, gentle breezes touching her fur. There was a tree standing above her, offering a cool shade. The warm rays of the Sun lightly touched her so that she needed not to be bothered by the brightness… It was working. She felt her mind drifting away to that pleasant land! Applejack sighed happily, satisfied with her method which worked every time. She stretched her hooves, letting her tired body claim its sweet reward… And then there was Spike… Applejack smiled, and he nodded his head, stretching out his claws towards her… Wait. Wait. Spike? Spike?! Applejack opened her eyes. She touched her neck with her hoof. Her heart was beating as wildly as it could. Why him? She stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out why. Scootalo had told her how Princess Luna came to her in a dream and helped her. Did the little dragon have the same power? But even if he did, it was not a nightmare she was having. She was about to fall asleep in a very pleasant state, but it all changed when he appeared. “Ugh, Spike. What are you doing in my dream? Ah’m trying to get mah sleep here. Gosh, what has gotten into me?” Applejack muttered, knowing it was her who thought of him in the first place and made him appear in her dream. Sure, he had saved her. But that didn’t explain much. As much as she was thankful for his noble act, it was just ridiculous to dream about him right now. “Why now?” She said, not feeling sleepy anymore. “Hmph, Spike’s a good fellah…could this be?” Nah. Applejack shook her head. That was just probably the most absurd idea she could ever come up with. Lately everypony (and by this she meant EVERYPONY) had gradually begun to realize whom Spike dedicated his heart to: the Ponyville Fashionista, representing the Element of Generosity; or to be put simply, Rarity. The little dragon’s behavior changed noticeably when around her. The white-furred mare too had been acting extra-generous towards him, and Applejack wished the best for the two. She knew some ponies were expressing their concern over the love between them, saying how could a love bloom between a pony and a dragon, but if the pair loved each other in all honesty, she saw no reason why not to bless their union and hope they would realize each other’s truthful love. So, to be put simply, she did not love Spike, nor did he love her. They were just good friends, after all. “Then why?” She was not expecting to get an answer, but asking herself sure did help to organize her own mind. “It doesn't make sense. Nope. Ah mean, he was bein' mighty sweet of him, but honestly most of the things he did ended up quite bad. Oh. Ah did like his scratch… Umm, picking up just the right spots…” Wait. Wait. Wait! And then the sudden realization hit her like a cart full of apples. In her dream he was stretching his hands towards her— Yep. She knew it. She felt it. She had definitely FELT the sweet soothing sensation of the little dragon’s claws gently scratching her flank, especially taking extra care on where her cutie-mark was, making sure to caress any cramped muscle from her labor… Applejack had always thought that dragon claws were supposed to be very sharp and thus capable of tearing and slicing anything it came into contact. Spike was a little dragon, but to her, that didn't mean his small talons were any less dangerous. She was tremendously mistaken. His small (or ‘ petite’, as Rarity would've called it) hands certainly knew how to scratch. It felt good. It felt so good! His hands had stayed on her body no longer than a few seconds, but during that moment they moved so delicately, like a pianist’s hooves on her instrument, playing a fine tune. They left not a single cut but only euphoric memories Applejack wanted to cherish for a very long time. Not even the spa ponies were this good. Oh, such heavenly touches he had… “Wait, no, this is not supposed to be happen! Ugh, why ahm I drooling? And why it is, whoo-ey, so darn difficult to breathe?” This was troubling. She was getting aroused just by thinking Spike scratching her body! Not just any parts of her body, but around her hips! A mare’s special place! He touched her! And worst of all, she liked it! She wanted him to do it again! There couldn't be any other explanation. She wanted to be touched and scratched by Spike. Even if he didn't notice himself, the little dragon possessed an exceptional skill in massaging, and it felt MIGHTILY good when he had displayed his art upon her. Just remembering that moment automatically made her blush. The more she tried to pass it off, the more her head urged all of her five senses, especially the touch, to recreate the scene they had found so ecstatic, making sure to etch the very sensations in her head. How wonderful it would be, to let Spike’s hands once again freely roam around her body, them touching and squeezing the right places, to grasp firmly onto her poor muscles always subject to great toils, to rub around her cutie-mark, applying extra pressure and almost making her moan, starting from her waist, and then finishing off her hips… He would whisper, ‘Feeling good?’ in her ear, and she would nod, too dazed to say anything, her eyes rolling, tongue dangling… No. Giddy up, AJ. What was up with the sudden influx of such questionable thoughts into her mind? What she needed some sleep to get rid of all these nonsense. There was no time to waste. She had to go to sleep so that she could wake up early and start doing her daily chores. Well, but how could she? The images she summoned clung to her like metals to a magnet, reinforcing her excited sense, flaming her spark of imagination. They constantly distracted her to think nothing else but Spike's claws and their potent effects. His claws were unlike anything she had ever experienced. Pony hooves, nah. With their round surface, hooves were, in all honesty, blunt tools when it came to scratching. There were times when her faithful limbs could not do its job, especially if she felt itchy on her back side. Then she had to rub her body against the tree barks, which was a bit rough and could get little splinters inside her fur if she wasn't careful. They were all nothing compared to the little dragon’s simply divine claws. By Celestia, that was how good she felt being touched by them! They worked like a fine machine with a set of arms doing amazing maneuvers, pinpointing the exact place she felt itchy, and proceeding with the scratching process. And this peculiar machine was also MIGHTILY fine with the massage. How wonderfully Spike’s claws gripped her skin, pinching and loosening it so lightly… By now her heart felt like it was going to burst. Her body too, was affected by her prolonged agitated state, slightly trembling. Sweats began to seep from her back, and she felt really hot. Applejack knew she was hopelessly wide awake now. She got up from her bed and walked to the window. Maybe some cold air could help her settle down her temper. Outside the moon was high up in the sky, telling her it was almost midnight and she really needed to get some sleep. “Well, if ah could, ah wouldn't be here in the first place!” She felt like shouting, but managed to keep her voice reasonably low. She didn't want to wake up her family members, as well as their questions, which were bound to make things very awkward. It was ironic how she really needed Spike’s help now. She wanted it. She wanted to Spike to do her like he did today. She really had to ask Spike to massage her, or else she would continue to suffer from her present condition every night. Her mind and body in accord remembered his touch, which in turn became a desperate plea to her reason to taste that delicious sensation again, affecting her mood very seriously. There was simply no other choice. She was going to ask Spike to massage her.