//------------------------------// // She Lives on, Inside Me // Story: Scootaloo's Last Wish // by scootaloo55 //------------------------------// Chapter 6: She Lives On, Inside Me Sweetie Belle and Applebloom didn’t turn up to school the next day and Cherilee had the day off. There was a Funeral on, Scootaloo’s Funeral, and most had turned up, many of which hadn’t known the filly that had put a sense of adventure into the hearts of her friends. Even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon turned up, and said their speech. Mainly out of guilt. They really did admire the young pony. Each took their turn to speak, with only a precious few being really heard. Applebloom climbed the steps and stood next to the small hoof-crafted coffin and placed the pegasi’s blanket and scooter inside it, next to the bestest friend she had ever had, who now layed still, with a peaceful sort of smile on her face. “S-she was tah bestest friend a-ah could ever have w-wished for.” She said through sobs of pain. “I-I… she only just fulfilled her dream… she learnt t-tah fly a-and got her mark and I-I-I….” Applebloom couldn’t talk anymore. Her eyes were full of saltwater and her voice was muffled. It wasn’t long before Applejack ushered her away from her friend’s final resting place. Sweetie belle was next. She sang a heart-warming song, in honour of her beloved friend. Though it was only short, You have lived your life, You have fulfilled your dreams, And walked into the light. You may be gone, But you are forever in our hearts, We will miss you, Our angel, Scootaloo. She sang it beautifully, before breaking into fresh tears anew. Rarity placed a beautiful silver cloth on the coffin’s lid. It was embroided with gold and laced with diamonds. There was a picture of a pair of wings and a halo, made with sapphires. A tear escaped from Rarity’s eyes as she closed them and walked away with sweetie who was still crying. Even Pinkie left a cupcake and her hair was unusually straight and she didn’t talk for the whole time. Then it was Rainbow’s turn. She stood silent at the coffin’s table and cried silently. “S-she was m-my secret joy. The o-one who k-kept me going, motivated…. I-It’s m-m-m-my fault and I-I’m so s-s-sor-rry-y-y!!!” Rainbow pulled something out from a small bag and placed it on the coffin, it was her pride and joy, her ‘best young flier’ award. She wept over the coffin and stroked Scootaloo’s mane before finally leaving with the rest of the gang. The town felt like a ghost town. Abandoned, with nopony’s happy squeals or giggles. Everypony was at home, mourning a loss of a young filly many hadn’t known. Outside the library, everyone stood around Rainbow, who had felt the sudden loss like a bomb exploded in her heart. “S-she’s really is gone…” Fluttershy said. There was another sudden flash, much like Scootaloo’s and something else had appeared. Rainbow Dash’s Cutie mark had changed. Everyone’s jaws dropped open, their eyes wide with shock. She still had the original cloud and rainbow lightning bolt, but now the cloud had a beautiful pair of wings, with one silver and one gold, and with a small purple lightning bolt in the middle of her rainbow one. The blue mare stopped crying and smiled. “No she isn’t… She lives on, inside me.” -END- -Rainbow Dash then went on to become a member of the Wonderbolts, just like Scootaloo had wished for. She often visited Scootaloo, mainly in dreams and visions. She knew they probably were only conjured from her imagination, even if they felt real, but she knew that one day, they really would meet again.