//------------------------------// // The Truth Came Too late // Story: Scootaloo's Last Wish // by scootaloo55 //------------------------------// Chapter 5: The Truth Came Too Late Scootaloo sat in her clubhouse. Crying so much she left a puddle on the floor around her. She looked at her notebook. It had all of Rainbow’s tricks in it. She read over it over and over and then turned the page. It was a hand drawn picture of Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo picked up a red crayon and drew a cross on Rainbow’s heart. “What have I done? I’ve murded, hurt and upset ponies… and it’s all because of THIS!” she tore at her cutie mark again. She ripped every hair on her flank until her cutie mark was gone. Then she bit some more. Blood dripped off her as she bit a large gash into her flank. She sat in a puddle of blood and closed her eyes as she went dangerously pale. Then she fell over, unconscious. School had ended later that afternoon and parents and siblings were picking up their pony friends and family. Cherilee stood at the door saying ‘goodbye’ to all the young foals as they left. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle stayed behind with their sisters as the waited anxiously for their friends return. “I do not think she is coming back.” Rarity sighed. Applejack just nodded. “Nah, she’ll come back! Ah hope…” Applebloom said with hope. A young mare came to the front gate and stopped in front of the small group. Her wing was bandaged and had a patch stuck to her head but was otherwise unharmed. “R-Rainbow?!!” Sweetie and Applebloom looked at each other in fear. “She’s ah ZOMBIE!!” the two fillys ran behind their sisters and trembled. “Goodness, what on earth happened to you?” Rainbow smiled. “I only had a fall. The kid yelled something about a cutie mark and I blacked out. I’m still very happy for her, though. By the way, where is she?” Applebloom stood up and poked her head around Applejack. “Ah don’t know where she is. She got in ah fight with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. She kept tearin’ at her cutie mark and then ran off. She said she killed yah.” Rainbow looked shocked. “We have to find her! Applebloom and Applejack, you check her alleyway. Everyone meet here after they finished looking” The two Apple workers nodded and left. “Cherilee and Sweetie, you check Sugarcube Corner, she may be there.” They nodded and ran off too. “Rarity, you’re with me.” Rarity nodded. She had never seen Rainbow Dash so serious. Normally she was cool and outgoing. But it was obvious that she was under a lot of pressure. “What other places could she be at?” Rarity thought for a moment. “Well, for starters, the library?” Rainbow shook her head. “My fashion boutique?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “No way. She wouldn’t hang there if it was the last place in ponyville. Where else?!” Rarity thought for a moment. “She could be at the clubhouse but I highly doubt—“ “let’s go then!” And then Rainbow sped ahead with Rarity following not far behind. At the Alleyway, Applejack and Applebloom looked around. Her dusty blanket was stuffed in a corner, but the place was otherwise empty. Cherilee and Sweetie were greeted with cupcakes, cookies, lollipops and Pinkie Pie. But no Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash and Rarity turned up at the treehouse, unaware about what they were about to see. They walked through the door and stood still. The colour drained from Rainbow’s face and her mouth flew open. There was Scootaloo. Bloodied and hardly breathing. Her new cutie mark practically ripped off her flank only to be replaced with a large seeping cut. “R-Rarity! PLEASE PICK HER UP!” “But I do NOT want to get my hooves dirty, as much as the situation demands it. As a matter of fact---“ “WITH YOUR MAGIC!!!” Rarity quickly reacted, picking up the heavy mound and quickly galloping off with Rainbow swiftly running beside her. They didn’t even stop at the school to say ‘FOUND HER.’ They just ran past, leaving the four ponies only to look at the situation and run after without a second thought. At the local ponyville hospital, Rainbow sat outside in the waiting room, with her head in her hooves, anxiously waiting for the doctor’s report. “This is all my fault.” She said softly. “I shoulda just went to the school as soon as I got my cast on. I-I-I really shoulda…” a tear slid silently down her cheek. Applejack put her arm around Rainbow, sort of to calm her down and to comfort her. “It aint yer fault.” She soothed. There were hoofsteps and Rainbow turned her head to see the doctor walking towards her. “H-how is she Doctor… uhh… Doctor…” “Doctor Needle-Point and I have good news and bad news.” The group turned and listened intently. "yeah, what’s the news?” the doctor sighed. “Well the good news is, she’s alive. The bad news is she’s on a ventilator and mild life support.” Rainbow was worried. “Can we see her?!” “Well no but---“but before he could finish Rainbow was already In Scootaloo’s room, followed by Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. “h-hey kiddo… I-it’s me. I’m so sorry!” Rainbow rested her head on Scootaloo’s bed and cried. Her tears landed on the white blankets and Scootaloo’s eyes flickered opened and she looked at Rainbow. “y-you’re ‘cough’ alive…” Scootaloo managed a weak smile. “T-take it easy kid. y-you n-never did show me y-your cutie mark.” Scootaloo’s eyes welled up. She looked at her bandaged flank and pointed to it. “I-I-I ripped it o-off…” Rainbow smiled. Thankful that her little friend was ok. “I might have a solution.” She said. At that point, Twilight Sparkle walked in with Spike, who was carrying a magic book. “So this is the young filly in need of help.” Twilight concentrated hard, and the bandage disappeared, the gash closed up and her hair re-grew, revealing her new mark. ”It’s gorgeous.” Rainbow Dash said. “I’m proud of you.” Scootaloo smiled and went into a violent coughing fit. Doctor Needle-Point ran into the room with a nurse who was carrying shockers. “CLEAR!” the doctor yelled and the nurse quickly slammed them down on the young pegasi’s chest. She stopped coughing and her heart monitor went flat. “AGAIN!” the whole situation passed as a blur. It was bright. Scootaloo had no idea where she was. She knew her time was soon. The light threatened to overwhelm her. The heart monitor started beating again and Applebloom and Sweetie Belle sighed in relief. Scootaloo opened her eyes again. She knew she didn’t have long. “R-Rainbow Dash… Please… f-for me…” Rainbow looked at her fan. “W-what is it kiddo?” she sniffed. “P-please… join the…… W-Wonderbolts…. Use y-your talents, soar t-the skies…” And then she smiled at her friends and closed her eyes. The heart monitor went flat once again. The doctor tried all he could, the nurse also, but the Purple-Maned orange filly had taken her last breath. Twilight stood still. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle Ran out of the room crying but Rainbow Dash just stared at the Pegasi’s once lively body. “y-you were the only one w-who believed in m-me… I-I was so stupid… I-I’m so sorry… I…” The door opened and Fluttershy walked in and placed a wing around Rainbow, who was crying and sobbing over the sad loss of the one pony she had felt she had to protect. But she knew one thing. She had to become a Wonderbolt, not because of her own personal desire, but for Scootaloo’s sake. It was her last wish.