Living The Dream: Love conquers all...Right?

by Kickass222urmom

Outdated information

Chapter 8

1/4/2013 8:43 AM
Albany, Kentucky
Clinton County High School.

Mark, David, Peter, and I sat on the hood of the truck, Mark's truck, and looked at the school in front of us. Twilight sat in the back seat of the truck reading a novel we had picked up for her.

It had been about two weeks since we had left Puerto Rico. Well, we didn't really want to leave. That place can be pretty fun once you get past the gangs and drug dealing.

We had finally tracked down Seth and Zorrow to their home town. We don't know where they live exactly, but we know what school they go to. Do we know what they look like? I wish. All we know are their names.

Peter jumped off the hood and looked at us, "Well, who's going in to find them?"

David raised an eyebrow, "Why can't we just wait for school to end?"

Peter held up two fingers, "Two reasons. One: That's like seven freaking hours! Reason two: We may not be able to find them while everyone piles out of the school."

I nodded, "He has a point. So, who wants to go in after them?"

Mark laid back on the hood, "Not me. I said I would never step foot in a school again and I'm going to stick to it."

David smiled, "I'm not from America, I won't fit in."

I waved a finger at him, "Puerto Rico is a American Colony, remember?"

He shrugged, "Doesn't mean I look American, right?"

I sighed, "You have a point. That just leaves Peter."

Peter shook his head, "Nope, I'm not going in."

I crossed my arms, "You have to."

He put his leg up on the truck and put his hand on his knee, "I'll break it!"

I sighed, "Fine. I'll go."

Peter smirked, "Thought so."

I turned for the school, "If you hear alarms, come get me."

Mark laughed, "I'll be the first one there."

I shook my head and walked up to the front doors. Locked. Damn, they must lock their doors so that people can't get in and so that students can't leave and come back. Now what?

I looked at the wall and saw a buzzer. Hmmmm, maybe. I pressed it and a woman's voice came over it, "Yes?"

I cleared my throat, "Uhhh, yes, I had to go to my truck and get my homework, but I can't get back in."

A short pause, "Students aren't allowed to leave and reenter the building."

I sighed, "Come on, I just had to get my homework."

"I'm sorry, but its against school rules. What's your name? I have to mark you truant."

Oh shit, what do I say? "I'm sorry, but the information you are seeking seems to be old and may have been deleted from the system." Why did I say that?


I turned and walked back to the truck, "No way in. Doors locked and the bitch receptionist won't open the door."

David facepalmed and pointed towards the building, "Find another way in."

I sighed, "Okay, I'll look."

I turned and walked back to the building. I walked along the outside wall, looking for a open window or way up to the roof. Finally, I came across a small and slightly opened window. Probably a bathroom window. Perfect.

I jumped up and grabbed the edge. I then pulled my self up and slithered into the window.

Well, I was able to get through the window, but I fell out on the other side face first. I sat up and held my nose, holding back a yell of pain. I looked under the stalls to see feet in every one of them. Full bathroom.

I stood and walked over to the sink and looked at my face. Thankfully, it was only red, no bruises or blood. I turned the sink on and splashed some on my face. Letting the cold water cool my face.

I grabbed a napkin and began whipping my face. As I was drying my face, a stall door opened. I didn't pay attention to it till I heard a loud scream.

"A BOY!" Said a screaming female voice.

The bathroom soon filled with the screams of the other girls.

My eyes widened. A girls restroom! I thought I was in the guys!

Two of the stalls opened and the girls kept screaming.

I began backing towards the door.

Suddenly, they charged towards me.

Well shit, I'm screwed.

The biggest one slammed into me and tackled me to the ground, where she then began to claw at my face. The other two followed her lead, both clawing and punching.

One girl turned to one that was standing in the corner, "Go get Principle Splone." She turned back and began ripping at my shirt.

My face was on fire from the scratches and it was only getting worse. I did the only thing a guy in my position could do. I pulled my hands free and grabbed the fat one's boobs, causing her to jump off of me in surprise.

I twisted and lunged for the door, slamming face first into the wall next to it.

I shook my head and pulled it open. I then pulled myself through it and slammed it shut with my foot.

I crawled for a few feet before a pair of large hands grabbed my collar and pulled me to my feet.

A large man in a business suit stood in front of me, a pissed expression on his face, "Why was you in the girls restroom?!"

I was at a lose for words. This guy scared the shit out of me!

He began dragging me down the hall, "Your in a heap of trouble young man!"

Five minutes later
Principle's office, receptionist area

I sat on a small bench looking at the ground.

This sucks! I got caught and I didn't have a chance to look for them.

The Principle was talking to the three girls, asking them about what had happened.

I sighed, so much for the plan.

My phone began to vibrate. I pulled it out of my pocket and hit talk, "Hello?"

"Hey, Lance, I have some bad news." Said my uncle with a slight laugh.


"Well you see, that information I gave you regarding your two friends is outdated. It turns out their not in school anymore. I'll send the GPS data soon."

My eyes widened. They're not even here! "Damn it! I have to go uncle Leon."

"Okay, see ya Lance."

I hung the phone up and dropped it in my pocket. I then jumped up to my feet.

The receptionist looked at me, "Sit down!"

I laughed held up my middle finger, "Up yours!" I then ran out of the office at full speed, towards the front doors. When I reached them, they were locked. SHIT!

I heard the sound of someone running towards me. I backed up and took a deep breath. I then charged towards the door and jumped through the glass panel. I rolled out side the door, smiled happily. Then held my face, which was now covered in glass.

I stood and towards the truck, "GO GO GO!"

They jumped off the hood and jumped in the truck. It started as I jumped in the back seat.

I looked through the front window to see the Principle and the girls running towards the truck.

Mark put the truck in reverse and gunned it out of the parking lot backwards. We hit the highway and he spun it around till it was face the right way and gunned it again.

I sat back in the seat and sighed.

David turned, "What happened?"

I smiled weakly, "I jumped through a window, which was the girls restroom. Long story short, I was beaten and almost punished."

Peter turned to me also, "So, what about Seth and Zorrow?"

I shook my head, "My uncle gave us out of date info. Turns out they don't even go to school anymore."

Mark looked up in the rear view mirror, "Where are they then?"

I pulled my phone out and uploaded the file to the GPS, "Here." I handed it up to him.

He nodded, "Alright then, we'll be there in thirty minutes."

I sat back and looked at Twilight, who looked worried, "Don't worry, I'm okay. Just a few cuts."

When she nodded and went back to reading, I turned to the window and tried to hold back the screams of pain that I so wanted to let out.