//------------------------------// // Reunited // Story: A world away // by Meilha //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash and Trixie were very lucky. Because it just so happened that the plane they stowed away upon would be traveling overseas and landing in the city where Damien's private island was located a ways out in the ocean. But by the end of the planes trip, they were both starving. Once again they waited until no one was looking, then sprinted out and hid. They took on the sight of the huge city and started walking. Trixie said, "I don't know how many big cities there are in this world, but I know I could see one from Damien's house. It's possible we're near where we need to go!" "Can you take this rope off so i can stretch my wings already?" Rainbow Dash tried. "No, not until we arrive at Damien's house. I promised him I would bring him all six of you." "Why are you even following his orders anyways?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Because he said I could rule the world with him if I helped him get all of you." She replied. Trixie knew that ponies actually did exist in this world, but pegasi and unicorns definitely didn't. She thought the wings and horns would arise suspicion, and Trixie used her magic to grab a hat and a jacket from a nearby stand. She put on the hat and gave the jacket to Rainbow Dash. "Now we have a disguise," Said Trixie. Rainbow Dash wanted get the rope off so he could fly again, but he had no idea where this guy Damien was at and how to find him. So she figured the best thing she could do was follow Trixie and see where she took her. Then her stomach grumbled, and she remembered how hungry she was. "We need to find something to eat," Rainbow Dash said as they walked along the side of the road. "Agreed," Trixie said has she felt her own stomach start to growl. __ __ __ Fluttershy woke up and felt terrible after sleeping on the hard ground. The old newspapers gave her only a little padding. She got up and winced at the pain in her wing. The pain had gotten even worse than before. She looked around and the first thing she noticed was her hunger. She hadn't eaten anything in many hours, and she couldn't think clearly. She exited the alley and started to look for some food. There had to be something in this city she could eat. __ __ __ By mid-day Rainbow Dash and Trixie had still gotten nothing to eat. They tried stealing some from a hot dog stand and the man, frustrated for his misfortune in ponies begging for food, chased them off. Trixie suggested she pick up the rude man and throw him to the ground, but Rainbow Dash said that she was pretty sure their cover would be blown if she did that. So they kept looking for some free food, or at least some that wasn't being watched, when Rainbow Dash spotted something and she froze, mouth gaping. "What is it?" Trixie asked and followed her gaze. Then she saw it too. A wanted poster, with a drawn picture of a yellow pony with pink hair that looked exactly like Fluttershy. They were going to give money to whoever turned her in, but it didn't say why she was wanted. "She must be somewhere in this city!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "We have to find her!" Rainbow Dash took off with new enthusiasm, half expecting to see Fluttershy just around the corner. Trixie yelled at her to wait up and tried to catch up with her. But, as if planned, when Rainbow Dash turned the corner she ran into Fluttershy and they both tumbled to the ground in a heap. "Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, not fully believing what she was seeing. Fluttershy's eyes were wide as she tried to comprehend what was going on. Then Rainbow Dash remembered Trixie, and thought now would be a good time to lose her. "Follow me," Rainbow Dash said as she ran down the sidewalk. Fluttershy followed her finally realizing somepony she recognized was finally here. As soon as they were far away from Trixie and hidden, Fluttershy started firing off questions. "Where have you been? What's going on? Where are we?" "Wait!" Rainbow dash said, "Could you gnaw this rope off?" Fluttershy gnawed off the rope and Rainbow Dash stretched her wings. "Man my wings are sore." She said. Then Rainbow Dash explained everything Trixie had informed her and Fluttershy felt a lot better that she knew what was going on and one of her friends was with her. "Now let me ask you, what happened to your wing?" Rainbow Dash asked. Fluttershy told her about being shot out of the sky and being taken care of by a nice man named Elijah, but she had no idea where he was now and worried about him. "Hey, do you by any chance know where Damien's place is?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I think I might remember it if I see it. It's near this city," she replied, "But can I get something to eat first?" Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, "Yeah, good idea."