//------------------------------// // The Night I Couldn't Remember // Story: I Hate Ponies // by Shadow Speck //------------------------------// Another day of work, except that we got work done pretty quick. As I was walking home, I saw some guy with long hair and glasses, wearing a t-shirt with the words "Brony" on it along with a picture of a pink pony below it. I shoved him as I walked by. "Get a life!" I shouted at him. Looking back at me for a moment with a blank face, he then turned around and kept walking in the other direction. This was something I'd expect from a guy who likes girly shows. I continued my walk home with a scowl on my face. When I got to my apartment, it was about nine at night. I sat down on the couch with a sort of dreadful feeling, turning on the TV. I worked late and was hardly ever home at this hour, so nothing really good was on. I switched over to the one channel that always cheered me up when I was younger... cartoons. At least I didn't have an obsession over it. I'm always a tired person, hardly getting any sleep. Having a bad day didn't help. Pretty soon, I dozed off. ----- I opened my eyes to a sun shining down at me, straight from the middle of the sky. Blinded by the light at first, I stood up wondering where the heck I was. The only thing around me was some grassy hills and trees. The sky and the air around me felt more clear than I had felt in years, being a man living in a city full of smog everyday. Regardless of the intense light the sun gave, the mood was strangely... perfect. Regardless of how real it felt, I must have been dreaming. I could have pinched my own arm to wake myself up, but it was too nice of a dream for that. A few feet away from me was a dirt path. As I walked over to it, I noticed a wooden sign to the side. On it, I read the words as "Everfree Forest". I did the only thing I felt like. Walking.