AppleShy Series

by PatRoison

Trials and Tribulations Part 7

The morning sun's first rays shone through the office window, and Dexter finished yet another pot of coffee. It’s gonna be a tough arraignment, Dexter thought. He stood up, walked into the break room’s restroom, and began to clean himself up. One look in the mirror told him that he needed more than a simple mane brushing and mouthwash.

He rubbed his eyes and looked back to the desk. The letter sat there and Dexter knew that he needed to find this Velvet. He took a deep breath and said to his reflection, “One problem at a time.” He smiled as best he could and said, “Now let’s gets to work.” The walk to the infirmary was short, and Dexter smiled at the sight of Fluttershy sleeping.

The yellow pegasus slept on her side with a foreleg covering her snout, and her ear and wing would flutter slightly. This stood in direct contrast with the griffon sleeping in the bed next to her.

Gilda lay sprawled on her back, her mouth open, and her tongue lolled out. Unlike Fluttershy’s quiet breathing, Gilda could cut down a veritable forest with her snoring.

Dexter paused for a moment before slamming the door, and he instantly regretted it.

“Eep,” Fluttershy squeaked as she shot toward the roof before her hoofcuffed leg pulled taut and she plummeted to the floor.

“Sorry about that kid,” Dexter said, “Didn’t think you’d react that strongly.” He helped her up and laughed at the annoyed look on Gilda’s face. “Didn’t think you’d wake up, princess.”

Gilda grumbled and rolled over.

“Anyway,” Dexter said bringing his attention back to Fluttershy, “We need to prep you for your arraignment.”

“Yes, I’m ready.” Fluttershy stretched her wings and tested her injured leg. Satisfied that she could put some weight on it, she faced Dexter. “Oh my goodness,” she gasped.


“You look awful. Did you get any sleep?”

Dexter laughed, “Don’t need it. Wanna know my secret?” He leaned closer when Fluttershy nodded and said, “I run on the power of pure awesome.”

Fluttershy giggled politely and said, “Maybe you should have some breakfast, um...”

“If you say ‘if that’s ok with you’, I swear I’m gonna cream you with a pillow.”

Both ponies turned to face Gilda causing the griffon to shrug and say, “What? Am I wrong? But seriously, lawyer. Get some grub. Otherwise this one,” she said pointing a talon at Fluttershy, “she won’t stop worrying about you.”

Dexter shook his head, “Sorry, no can do. We have to be at the courthouse, and I still need to prep her for the trial.”

“Yes, but, you still need to eat,” Fluttershy said. She gave Dexter a small smile and said, “Thank you for working so hard for me, but you can’t go without eating.” Her smile faded and her eyes began to shimmer slightly.

“Ok, ok,” Dexter shouted, “I’ll get a bagel from the break room.” He turned and opened the infirmary door and said before exiting, “Just stop giving me the eyes.”

Gilda laughed, “At least it works.” She turned back to Fluttershy and said, “Listen, I know you have a lot on your plate right now, but...” Gilda looked away and said, “Forget it.”

“Gilda, what’s wrong?”

The griffon scoffed, “After the way I treated you, you still want to help? Rainbow’s got a good friend.” A smirk appeared on her face as she said, “Of course I never thought you would be much in a fight. Looks like I was wrong there.”

“Um, I guess so,” Fluttershy said. A few moments passed before Fluttershy said, “Gilda, what were you going to say?”

“It’s not important.”

“It seems like it’s important to you.” Fluttershy turned away, “I know that we’re not friends, but I’ll help, if you want me to.”

The griffon lay still for a while before saying, “I’ve been thinking about Rainbow.”

“Go on,” Fluttershy said, “Is there anything in particular?”

“It doesn’t matter. We’re not friends anymore. She chose ponies over me. It’s done.”

“Um, Gilda?”


“I don’t think you’re friendship with Rainbow is really over.”

Gilda turned to Fluttershy and asked, “How do you figure?”

Fluttershy looked down, “I don’t think anything can be so broken that it can’t be fixed.”

The griffon scoffed, “You seriously believe that?”

Fluttershy sighed and said, “I, I have to.”

Gilda scratched the back of her head and said, “Yeah, well this different.”

Fluttershy smiled at Gilda, “You still want to be her friend?”

“I don’t know.” Gilda laughed, “I’m not gonna lie, we were a heck of a team. Never letting the other fall behind, always pushing to be better than the rest.”

“How did you and Rainbow Dash meet? I mean, if you- Eep!” Fluttershy barely managed to duck as a pillow sailed right over her head.

“I told you,” Gilda said with a smirk. She waited for Fluttershy to emerge from under the covers and said, “Guess it can’t hurt. I think I met her after she met you.” Gilda folder her forelegs behind her head and continued, “I was still a cub and my dad dropped me off at the Flight School.”


“Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said loudly into the sleeping unicorn’s ear causing her to scream in surprise.
Twilight gathered her wits and said, “I’m so sorry Princess. I just rested my head on the shelf because I was looking for that precedent I told you about, and-“

“Enough of that,” Luna said, “You need proper rest.”

Twilight shook her head, “I’m sorry Princess, but I got enough sleep. I’m so close to finding something that can save Fluttershy.” She began scanning the stacks again but stopped when she felt a hoof on her shoulder. Twilight turned to face Luna.

“I understand your concern for your friend. I also understand your need to redeem yourself,” Luna turned away before continuing, “But you cannot endanger your health in this quest. Rest is needed right now.”

“Good morning, everypony,” Rarity said trotting to the stacks. Her mane needed combing and her makeup had rubbed off in the night.

Princess Luna yawned and said, “I must be off. Do try and rest Twilight.”

“Of course, Princess,” Twilight said with a bow.

Twilight smiled at Rarity and said pointing to the southern stacks, “Good morning, Rarity. There is a washroom down that way if you want to freshen up.”

Rarity smiled and said, “Thank you Twilight, but I think for now my focus should be on helping Fluttershy. Were you able to find anything?”

Twilight smiled, “I think I have a lead that might do the trick.”

“Wonderful,” Rarity said as she scanned the bookshelf, “Is the book we’re looking for here?”

Twilight shrugged sheepishly, “I think so, but I’m not completely sure.”

“I see.”

“I tried staying up all night to find some-”

“Twilight, darling I’m not judging you. I was merely saying that I understand.” She placed a comforting hoof to Twilight’s cheek and said, “You are pushing yourself too hard.”

Twilight sighed, “But I’m so close.”

“I know you are, but will you allow me to help you?”

“Of course, but I also need to do something.”

“What’s that?”

“This,” Twilight said standing up gave Rarity a hug. The white unicorn returned the embrace. “I’m sorry,” Twilight said, “You’re right. Words aren’t enough right now, but they’ll do.”

Rarity smiled, “That means the world to me. Breakfast?”

“Yes,” Twilight said, “After we find something.”

The white unicorn smiled knowingly, “So you did find something.”

“Possibly,” Twilight said, “I found an old order that mentioned a self-defense law. Maybe that law has what we need to help Fluttershy.”

Rarity nodded, “That is an excellent idea.” She turned her gaze back in the direction where Spike slept, “I do hope he isn’t bothered waking up alone.”

“He’ll be fine,” Twilight said with a giggle, “I always wake up before him anyway.” She scanned the books and smiled, “Here we go.” Twilight levitated a set of books and the two ponies made their way back to the table. When they got there, they received a pleasant surprise.

“Shining,” Twilight said, “What are you doing here?” She set the books down and hugged her brother.

“Hey, Twily. I’m just checking in to see how you’re doing.”  Shining Armor took a seat and said, “I also wanted to update you on Fluttershy.”

“What’s wrong,” Rarity asked. “Is she hurt?”

“No, she’s fine, but there was a situation at the prison. From what I gathered, a pony by the name Trixie visited Fluttershy. Sometime during the visit, a spell was cast. The room was a mess and there was blood on the window.”

Rarity gasped, “But Fluttershy was unharmed, correct?”

Shining Armor nodded, “Yes, she was fine. I imagine that the blood belonged to Trixie. In any case, Fluttershy was rushed back to the infirmary where she’s being kept while her leg wound heals. The nurse on staff brought to the attention of the guards that Fluttershy had a powerful ward on her.”

Twilight tapped her chin with a hoof, “A ward would be a good idea, especially since there already was an attempt on her life.”

“Why wasn’t a ward cast on her already,” Rarity asked.

“I thought about it,” Twilight said, “But it would need constant upkeep, and they’re tricky to cast. Not to mention that they can be a bit unreliable.”

“Yes, but can’t you cast force fields?”

“Only on stationary objects,” Twilight replied, “Fluttershy would have to sit still for the duration.” She turned to Shining Armor, “Were you able to determine the strength of the ward?”

Shining Armor shook his head, “I wasn’t, but a griffon that also was in the infirmary tested it.”

“Griffon,” Rarity asked, “Don’t tell me it was Gilda.”

“I take it you know her?”

“Yes, we’re all quite familiar with that bully. First she makes poor Fluttershy cry and now she attacks her in-”

“Actually, according to the report, Fluttershy consented to the test. There was an incident when she was checked in, but it appears that it’s behind them now.” Shining Armor cleared his throat, “I just wanted to let you know how she’s doing. I really shouldn’t keep you two from your research. How’s it going by the way?”

Twilight smiled, “It’s going well. We have a lead on a precedent that might help us.”

“I might be able to help out with that,” Shining said, “What can you tell me about it?”

“Well, the precedent I found mentioned a case where an abused mare killed her boyfriend when he was in a drunken rage.”

Rarity scratched her chin and asked, “But how will that help Fluttershy?”

“I think I know what Twily means,” Shining Armor said.

“Please,” Rarity said with a smile.

Shining Armor took Twilight’s notes and said, “If I understand you right, then the precedent regards that the victim has prior knowledge of violent behavior, and I can see why you would need the specific law.”

Twilight nodded, “Exactly. Fluttershy clearly knew that Grey was violent, and that he was about to rape Rainbow.” She involuntarily shuddered at the thought, but she shook her head to clear her thoughts. “In any case, this law should help Fluttershy.”

“It will definitely be helpful to her,” Shining Armor said.
“I found it,” Rarity shouted not caring in the slightest where she was, “It says here exactly what you said Twilight. If there is probable and reasonable justification, a pony may do what is needed to protect themselves or a loved one from anypony that has shown a clear disposition towards violent behavior.”

Twilight grabbed the white unicorn and embraced her tightly, “That’s wonderful. We might have just saved Fluttershy!”

Shining Armor smiled and said, “Good work. I’ll deliver this to her lawyer. Her arraignment is in a few hours.”

“We shall join you,” Rarity said, “Now that we found what we needed, we should be by her side.”

Twilight nodded, “I agree, but I think breakfast is in order.”

“Somepony say ‘breakfast’,” asked a groggy Spike. He simply looked at the ponies in confusion as they started laughing.


It was the first day in a new school. A stressful enough occasion without the fact that she was a foreigner. Gilda surveyed the landscape of ponies uncertain of what to feel, so she chose a reliable standby, disdain.

“Well? Are you going to stand there or am I going to have to carry you to class,” her father asked.

“I can fly just fine,” Gilda said, “It’s just weird seeing all these ponies.”

“Get used to it,” her father said, “As long as I’m assigned to Equestria, you will be here.” He turned to leave before saying, “Don’t embarrass me.” With that said, he took off toward Canterlot leaving the young cub by herself.

“Yes, sir,” Gilda grumbled to herself before flying to the school. As she soared through the air, she relaxed. If there was one certainty in Gilda’s life, it was that she belonged in the air. She might have lacked grace, but she certainly made up for it with speed. Back home, she was among the fastest cubs in school, and she had a reputation to keep. Simply put, that griffons were better than ponies.

She landed on a cloud near the school and some pegasi landed next to her. One of them smiled at her and said, “Hi! I’m-”

“Not interested pony,” Gilda growled and made her way to the school.

The filly shrugged and took off.

Once Gilda entered the school, the culture shock took full effect. Back home, all the cubs would be forced to stand in line next to their respective classes and wait for the assistant headmasters to address them. Things seemed more lax here in Equestria.

Gilda walked to the office and knocked on the door. An elderly mare opened it and gave her a slight glare, “Here’s your class schedule, and we don’t tolerate bullies. This is your only warning.” Gilda took the schedule and walked away in a rare moment of self-control. With a quick glance to the clock, Gilda saw that she still had time before class started, so she decided to do some flying.

The skies were clear and perfect for endurance flying. Gilda readied herself to take when a voice called out.

“What do we have here?”

She turned around to see a pair of colts land next to her. “What do you want,” she growled as she dug her talons into the cloud surface.

“I don’t think I like your attitude,” the older colt said. “We might have to teach you some manners.”

“You can try,” Gilda said with a smirk, “But the two of you won’t be flying anymore.”

The two colts advanced on Gilda and just before they could get in striking distance, a blue blur landed in front of them.

“Hey back off,” shouted a small blue pony.

Gilda shoved the pony aside saying, “I don’t need you lame ponies to help me. I can take these guys out just fine.”

“Hey, I never said you needed help,” the blue pony said, “I just want to teach these guys a lesson.” She turned to the colts. “We’re challenging you two to a race.”

“Seriously, Rainbow Crash? There is no way you can take us on. You might be pretty quick, but with a slowpoke griffon as a partner, you’d have no chance.”

“Then what are you scared of,” Rainbow asked with a grin.

With a growl the colt said, “Fine. To the clock tower and back.” He nodded to his friend and they made their way to the starting line.

“A race,” Gilda asked, “Wouldn’t it be easier to beat ‘em up?”

Rainbow shrugged, “Probably, but that’ll be a bigger headache. Besides, it’ll be even more fun to beat these guys at their own game.”

With a shrug, Gilda followed Rainbow, and the four waited for the pony to start the race. Gilda noticed this pony was yellow with a pink mane and tail, and that she was being extra careful on the cloud she sat on.

The pony raised the flag, and Gilda’s eyes narrowed. This would be a perfect time to show just how good she was. The flag dropped and Gilda took off. With powerful flaps of her wings, she soared toward the clock tower certain that she left the ponies behind. That was until…

“Wow, you’re pretty fast.”

Gilda turned to see Rainbow next to her smiling broadly at her. She growled and flapped harder passing up Rainbow.

She was content that Rainbow would be behind her, and a smile emerged on her beak when she turned and saw no one next to her.

“We’re almost at the clock tower,” Rainbow said.

Gilda’s head snapped turned to the other direction and saw Rainbow there. The two made their turn at the clock tower and began their return. Gilda was so focused on Rainbow that she didn’t see the ambush.

The younger colt hid in a cloud and when Gilda flew by, he flew out and tackled her. The impacted caused her to plummet and he soared towards the finish line. Rage burned inside her, and she flew after the colt slamming him into a cloud. She grabbed one of his forelegs and swiped at him causing deep gashes on his face. His whimpered crying did nothing but add more fuel to her rage, and she lifted her claws in preparation to slice him again. That was when she felt something grab her. She turned to see Rainbow holding her arm.

“Let me go,” Gilda shouted.

“I’ll let you go when you calm down.”

Gilda shoved Rainbow to the ground, but before she could resume her attack, the blue pony stood between her and her victim.

“Come on,” Rainbow said, “This isn’t right and you know that. Look at him.” Rainbow pointed to the now unconscious colt. “He needs to get to a hospital.”


“What,” Rainbow asked, “How can this be good? Yeah you proved you’re tough. Nopony will want to mess with you, but nopony will want to be around you either.”

Gilda scoffed, “You say it like it’s a bad thing.”

Rainbow sighed, “It is.” She turned back to the school and saw some teachers flying towards them.

“What happened here,” one of the teachers asked.

Before anyone could say anything, Rainbow said, “I’m sorry. We were having a race and this guy cheated. I got mad and started a fight.” She motioned towards Gilda, “She tried to stop me, but he got in the way.”

The teacher glared at Gilda and asked, “Is this true, griffon?”

“Oh come on,” Gilda shouted, “I’m the only griffon in this dumb school. You could at least remember my name. And no, that’s not what happened.” She turned to Rainbow and said, “I don’t need ponies fighting my battles.” She returned her gaze to the teachers and said, “I started the fight, and I really don’t care what you do. As long as my dad is stationed in Equestria, I’m stuck here.”

The teacher huffed and said, “We’ll see about that. Come with us to the office.” He took to the air leaving the other teacher behind to tend to the colt’s wounds.

Before Gilda took off, she felt a hoof hit her shoulder. She turned around and saw Rainbow smile at her. “What,” she asked.

“Nothing,” Rainbow said, “You’re kinda cool. Name’s Rainbow Dash.” She extended a hoof.

Gilda looked at Rainbow and felt a smile form on her beak. She grasped the hoof and said, “Gilda.”

Gilda sighed as she finished telling her story and glanced to Fluttershy. “So that’s how I met her.”

“Thank you,” Fluttershy said.

Gilda rolled her eyes and said, “Whatever. You probably remember school life back then. Rainbow kept me out of a lot of trouble, and I helped her cause some.”

“I see. Well thank you for telling me. I always wondered how you two met.”

“She never told you?”

Fluttershy shook her head, “No. I never asked.” She turned to the door as Dexter walked in.

“Ok,” Dexter said, “I’m fed and we need to go.”

“Ok,” Fluttershy said getting up from the bed. She smiled at Gilda and said, “It was, nice to talk to you.”

The griffon waved her off, “Yeah, it wasn’t as lame as I thought. Take it easy Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy smiled and followed Dexter and a guard out of the infirmary. The walk to the police carriage felt shorter today, and Fluttershy was grateful for it. On occasion, she would glance to Dexter to ask him about the arraignment, but she stopped herself. It wasn’t long before they arrived at the carriage and left.

“Gonna be a nice day,” Dexter said.


“Ok, let’s talk strategy,” Dexter said drawing Fluttershy’s attention. He pulled some notes and said, “I know this might be a touchy subject, but it is my job to provide any possible means for defense.”

“I understand,” Fluttershy said with growing concern.

“Ok, then,” Dexter said, “In that case, I think we should consider your friend Rainbow Dash as a possible option.”

Fluttershy tilted her head before gasping in shock, “Absolutely not! It wasn’t Rainbow Dash’s fault.”

Dexter waved a hoof saying, “I know that, but think about it. If Rainbow didn’t introduce you two, then you never would’ve had a motive to kill Grey.”

Fluttershy shook her head, “I’m sorry, but no. Rainbow Dash is innocent, and I won’t use her like that.”

Dexter sighed, “Fine. I’ll keep digging.” He leaned out the window and smiled, “I like you.”

“Um, thank you.”

Dexter laughed, “I don’t know how you manage to have so much faith in your friends, but they must be doing something right. I guess we should wait and see what they find. We’re almost there. You ready?”

Fluttershy nodded in spite of her trembling, “Yes.


“I still think a Rainboom would be perfect.”

Trixie rubbed her face in annoyance, “You still haven’t told me why they would be casting this spell on the top of a mountain.”

Rainbow waved a hoof in the air and said with a grin, “For effect.”

There was a knock on the door and a voice called, “Ms. Trixie? I have brought your breakfast. Ms. Velvet said that you looked rather pale, so I took the liberty of making a more generous serving.”

Trixie walked to the door, “Just a moment.” She turned to tell Rainbow to hide, but the blue pony was gone. Trixie shook her head and opened the door. “Good morning.”

The stallion nodded, “Good morning. I hope you enjoy your meal.” He set the table with a bowl of oatmeal, a salad, a carafe of apple juice, and toast. “Will there be anything else,” he asked.

“No that will be all,” Trixie said.

“Then if you’ll excuse me then,” the stallion said with a bow and left the room.

Trixie quietly locked the door and turned around. “Where did you come from?”

Rainbow shrugged, “I was hiding. So, mind if I grab some breakfast?”

Trixie nodded, “Yes, help yourself, but I will need sustenance in order to maintain the spell.”

“Right.” Rainbow grabbed a small plate and served herself a small portion of the salad. “That should leave you enough to protect Fluttershy.”

Trixie nodded, “I believe this spell will be cast soon. I certainly hope it will be, otherwise I might have to release the spell sooner than I would like.”

Rainbow gave Trixie a comforting smile, “Everything you’ve done to help Fluttershy has been awesome. Don’t feel bad that you can’t do more.”

“Perhaps somepony should take her own advice,” Trixie said with a smirk.

“Funny. Anyway, I should head out.” Rainbow walked to the window and asked, “Is there any way that you can contact me? I’ll be hiding out on a cloud.”

Trixie tapped her chin and said, “I believe there is. Should I need you to come down, I’ll cause the weathervane on the roof to point against the wind. Nopony should notice.”

“And if I need to get down in a hurry?”

“I’ll rip it off the roof.”

Rainbow grinned, “Good plan. I’d better be off.” She opened the window and took off.

Trixie closed the window and turned to finish her breakfast. The nausea she felt the day before had greatly subsided, and now she felt more confident in her ability to maintain the ward. As she ate, there was another knock on the door.

Trixie unlocked it, and Velvet entered.

“You look better. Did you rest well?”

Trixie nodded, “Trixie slept fine.”

“Good. We must be off. It would appear that certain events are unfolding that are pushing the master’s plan forward.”

“Anything Trixie should know?”

Velvet shook her head, “No. In any case, we will conduct the test tonight.”

“And just how many ponies have you tested this spell on?”

Velvet smiled at Trixie and said, “None.”

“But that’s not possible. A spell of this magnitude would require test subjects.”

“Yes, but the master wanted to avoid detection, and a body count would be found eventually.”

“That’s good,” Trixie said as they walked down the hallway. “I imagine someponies wanted to use test subjects anyway?”

“Yes. Zephyr suggested we use orphans, but the master was quick to dismiss it.”

“This Zephyr, he seems to be a pony that plans things carefully.”

“He is. He even had a potential site to gather the subjects.” Velvet scoffed, “Of all the places, he picked a small orphanage in Ponyville. I suppose he either didn’t know or care that the Elements of Harmony live there.”

“Yes, about them,” Trixie said, “Isn’t your master afraid that the Elements will stand in his way?”

Velvet stopped at the door to the basement, “He knew it was a concern, but he wasn’t in a panic during the Nightmare Moon or Discord incidents. He observed, and noticed something.”

“What’s that?”

“He discovered that the Elements of Harmony do not work unless all six are together, and as luck would have it, Zephyr managed to capture one.”


Velvet nodded as she opened the door, “It turns out, that the pony we saw Thunderclap carrying to the basement was one of them. I don’t know which one, but remove any one of them, and their power is meaningless.”

Trixie nodded as she took in the sight of the basement. The large room was cleared with ample space in the center. The locations for the unicorns were clearly marked, and on a nearby dais was an old spell book. Trixie looked to the other side of the room and saw a doctor treating Applejack. She tried to walk towards her, but Velvet stopped her.

“That’s the subject. I, I wouldn’t speak to her.”

Was that concern, Trixie thought. She shook her head and said, “Trixie agrees. No need to get attached with fodder.” She noticed Velvet flinch when she that but didn’t pursue it. Instead, she walked to the spell book. She was about to flip through, but Velvet stopped her.

“You really shouldn’t do that. That tome is very old, and the master would rather you focus on the spell you were assigned.”

“Trixie knows that. She was merely trying to see how her part fits into everything.”

“An understandable concern. Would you like to study that spell?”

“No. Trixie will be fine.”

Across the room, Pinkie heard a familiar voice. Trixie, she thought, Why is she here?

The spells she saw were still on her mind. The first spell depicted an alicorn with detached wings and horn, but the second one scared Pinkie. She couldn’t place why, but it scared her.

Seeing Trixie gave her an idea. She grabbed a nearby piece of parchment and a piece of charcoal, and drew the spell as best she could remember. On the other side, she wrote a letter to Twilight. Pinkie rolled up the parchment and crawled to the door.

There weren’t many ponies in the basement, and Flashpoint and Thunderclap weren’t there. Pinkie breathed a sigh of relief, but she had a small problem. She needed to alert Trixie of her presence without alerting anypony else.

She grabbed a pebble and tossed it towards Trixie. The first one missed and Pinkie ducked back into the storeroom. After a minute, she tried again. This time the pebble hit Trixie on the hind leg.

Trixie’s attention was on Applejack until she felt a tap on her leg. She looked down and saw nothing strange, so she turned her gaze to the room. Trixie scanned the room and saw a door slightly open. After a moment, she spotted a blue eye. She then saw a pink hoof wave her over and then quickly disappear inside the storeroom.

Trixie cleared her throat, “On second thought, Trixie would like some time to study the spell.”

Velvet nodded and said, “Of course.”

“Alone,” Trixie added.

Velvet blinked and asked, “Why?”

“Trixie prefers to study in peace and not have ponies looking over her shoulder.”

Velvet shook her head, “I’m sorry, but we need to protect this book.”

“The book is held in place with magic, and where would Trixie go? Even the most advanced teleporting spell would only get Trixie so far.”

“You do have a point,” Velvet conceded, “Very well.” She turned to the doctor, “Doctor, how is she?”

The doctor looked back to Velvet, “She’ll heal, but she’s in a great deal of pain. You said that you found her on the grounds?”

“No, the guards found her on the path leading to the house, and I wanted to ensure she would recover.”

The doctor scratched his chin, “Strange place to place somepony you’re trying to help.”

“Yes, but the master is very particular about the kinds of ponies that are allowed on the premises. Regardless, she will recover. Is there anything else, doctor?”

The stallion shook his head, “No, just allow her to rest.”

Velvet smiled, “Wonderful, Mr. Tray will have your payment, and I thank you again.”

The stallion nodded and left the basement.

“How much time will you need,” Velvet asked.

“Not long,” Trixie said, “No more than ten minutes.”

“Very well, I shall return in ten minutes.” Velvet left the basement, and Trixie considered checking on Applejack.

Instead, she walked to the storeroom and said, “Does Trixie know you?”

“No, but you know one of my best friends.”

“And that would be?”


Trixie sighed, “Of course her friends will be here. What happened?”

“Two meanies attacked us and took Applejack. How is she?”

Trixie looked back to the sleeping pony and said, “She’s resting. The doctor said that she will recover.”

“That’s good. I need to get a message to Twilight.”

In spite of herself, Trixie growled when she heard the name. “Why?”

“I saw the spells in that book, and one looks really scary. I need to get it to Twilight so she can figure what it is.”

Trixie sighed, “The book is magically bound to the dais. There is no way to remove it.”

“Oh don’t worry about that. I made a copy.”

“From memory?”

“Yup, but I can’t leave, so I was wondering if you could get this to Twilight.”

Trixie thought about using the weathervane to call Rainbow Dash but decided against it. “How do you expect me to get it to her?”

“Can you zap it to her?”

“Zap,” Trixie asked, “You mean teleport? All the way to Ponyville?”

“No no no. She’s in Canterlot. At the Royal Library.”

“That is closer, but I can’t promise that it will reach her.”

“How come?”

“The spell becomes less reliable with increased distance, but I’ll try.”

“Oh, thank you. I owe you a surprise party for this.”

Trixie couldn’t help smiling at the offer, “Yes, thank you. Now the spell.”

Pinkie slid the rolled parchment towards Trixie. “I hope you can do it.”

“I hope so too. These ponies are planning on hurting your friend.” Trixie steadied herself and cast the teleport spell. The scroll vanished in a flash, and Trixie turned her attention back to Pinkie, “Ok, Rainbow Dash is here as well. Stay here. I think you could be helpful when we ruin their spell.”

“Is that why you’re here?”

“Yes, it’s a long story, but I have no intention of helping them.”

“Good. How will I know when it’s time to do something?”

Trixie smiled before returning to the dais, “You’ll know.”


Shining Armor stood at the library entrance lost in thought. The attacks on Fluttershy weighed on him. Becoming Captain of the Royal Guard meant that his concerns were with the defense of Canterlot as a whole, but he still felt that he let down his sister’s friend. He tried to shake his head of the thought and head to the courthouse, except a blinding flash stopped him. When his vision cleared, he saw a rolled up parchment on the floor. He levitated it and opened it. It was addressed to Twilight, and the other side appeared to be a spell pattern. He studied the spell, and when he realized what it was, he ran back inside the library as fast as he could.

“Rarity, stop messing with that pamphlet and eat,” Twilight said.

“I’m sorry Twilight, but there is something about this that I can’t place.”

“What do you mean,” Spike asked.

“I don’t know,” Rarity said, “But it feels important. I just wish I could put my hoof on it.”

“Rarity, I’m sure that whatever it is, you’ll find it, but you need to finish eating.”

“Yes, you’re right. I am a bit peckish,” Rarity said bringing a small apple to her plate.

The three companions enjoyed pleasant conversation content with the knowledge that they were able to help Fluttershy at last. The reverie would be short lived when Shining Armor ran up to the table.

“Twily, we have a problem.”

“Shining, what’s wrong?”

“This,” Shining Armor said passing the parchment to Twilight.

Twilight took it and read the letter out loud, “Dear Twilight, It’s Pinkie. Me and Applejack were attacked by some meanies, and they took Applejack. I followed them to a big house. They put poor Jackie in a cage, but she says that she’s ok. I saw some spells, and I wrote down the creepy looking one. Trixie is here, and I hope she can get this to you. I’m ok, and I hope you found something to help Flutters. Signed, Pinkie Pie.”

Twilight turned the parchment over and examined the spell. Almost immediately, she gasped and said, “This can’t be possible.”

“What can’t be possible,” Spike asked. “I don’t understand any of this.”

“Excuse me Spikey,” Rarity said as she began to look at the spell. She furrowed her brow and said, “Let me see if I can remember my basic spell craft.” After a few moments of mumbling, her eyes grew concerned. She looked up to Twilight and asked, “I certainly hope I’m wrong but judging by your reaction I’m not. This is a dangerous spell isn’t it?”

“Not just dangerous,” Shining Armor said, “But specific.” He took the scroll from Twilight and said, “This spell is designed to kill alicorns.”