Casualty of Society

by Hyper-Insomniac

Makes No Difference

Bizzy leaned back to his chair at The Prancing Pony Pub, sipping on a scotch and soda, with a cigarette resting lazily on the edge of his lip. His bandmates were adjacent to him, sharing a basket of hay fries, laughing and joking with one another. Bizzy blew out some smoke as he took a sip from his drink. He was in a thoughtful mood, which wasn’t really like him at all. He glanced up slightly as Brownsound pounded a hoof on the table, laughing his flank off at some joke Stevo pulled. Bizzy however, was pretty removed from the situation.

He thought about what had happened earlier that day, that crazy pink mare, the Rainbow one that he gave his autograph to, and then....that purple mare, Twilight. He kept thinking about her....and it wasn’t voluntary, at least he didn’t think so. To him, normally he would walk around before or after a show, find some willing mare, do....whatever, and then shoot for the next town. And never really gave another thought about that mare afterwords. He didn’t even DO anything with Twilight yet, and she had been on his mind. That hadn’t ever happened before. Now that he thought about it, she didn’t even seem like THAT type of mare. So why was he even wasting his time? Was it wasting his time? He didn’t know. He wondered if right now, she was thinking about him. That was a weird thought. Like, what if she was thinking about him, right now, and not in the ‘omygosh he’s the Sum 41 singer’ way, but in the ‘I like you’ way? What if, she like liked him? In a relationship way? He had no idea, he had never been in that kind of situation. Why was he even thinking about this? He never had before. He felt like he was staring at a suduko puzzle, and just couldn’t figure it out.
Bizzy sighed and took another sip from his drink, and took a drag from his cigarette.
‘This has got to be just stress from touring....right, that’s it. So I’m not going crazy.’ With that, he turned over to his bandmates and called out, “Who’s up for some clubin’?”


Twilight lagged behind her friends slightly as they trotted back to Ponyville after their picnic. She was deep in thought, which was not uncommon for her, yet this was about something completely foreign to her.


Specifically, one stallion. That shabby one that she had met at Sugarcube Corner earlier that day. He had asked her to ‘hangout’, which meant some sort of leasurley activity. She knew what that was like, she had friends after all. But she had never been asked by a stallion before. That was like...a date, wasn’t it? She had read about those. Typically a stallion would ask a mare that he has certain feelings for to spend time with him, and they would do something romantic. This would continue for a while, if it worked out. Although her studies prevented her from exploring these relationships that many ponies took for granted, she, like all mares, secretly wished that the stallion of her dreams would walk up to them one day with that question in mind. She always had pictured a well-groomed,studious, elite, and well-learned stallion. She imagined she and whoever that stallion might be talking about books and current events together, sharing knowledge, and talking about new scientific discoveries. It always warmed her heart when she would imagine that stallion coming up to her and asking her on a date. She always expected the first stallion to ask her to spend her time with to be exactly that.

Bizzy wasn’t that stallion at all.

He looked like he was raised by wolves. Her first impression of him was an immature adolescent menace to society. He was dirty, he had alcohol on his breath and smelled of cigarettes, a disgusting self-destroying habit, and the way he was to watch lazy ponies like him have it all.


He HAD given Rainbow his autograph, a lot of famous ponies didn’t give their fans any time. AND he had given the two tickets to their show, for free. Sure he was...crummy...but those were nice deeds, right? Maybe underneath that dishevled layer, there was a nice stallion.

Twilight pondered this. As outlandish as Bizzy was, she couldn’t shake
that she did ask to spend time with her. It had never occurred to her what his true intentions were. She was only seeing the best of the situation.

Twilight looked up to see her friends a little ways ahead of her.

“Girls, wait for me!”

[Sorry for the length and the wait, just school's been a handful, and I've been trying my hand at vectoring lately. I won't be forgetting about this story anytime soon!]