Derpy and the Muffin War!

by Koregazz

Chapter 4: ~ A Beautiful Night, Yes A Beautiful Night ~

A beautiful night, Yes a beautiful night
The stars aglow and the sun in fright
For the love has fallen, and the beasts arise
They scurry and scamper, They moan and howl
Run in fear, For they know no bounds
The critters they critter, and the bugs they fly
There are no bounds in cloak of the night
However they are not alone in the shadows
As the beasts that make them crawl into sight
Their eyes they glow, Their teeth they shine
Yellow in the black of night
These creatures aren't scared, Aren't frightened or feared
These creatures they stalk, Charred and burned
Darkness has been faithful to them, A good mistress indeed
She has done well to them in their life
Mistress of the night, Your deeds in strife
Run now run, For you're not alone
On your tail, Are the beasts of bone
Fear not however, These blood-addled demons
With dark desires dripping from their jaws
For the sun is rising, Gleaming off their maws
They moan in pain, And run in fright
To the forest they go, Where the night is still night
In shallow fear you are alone
Stalked no more by the beasts of bone
Trotting off into the light you go
Where many more await you home
After all this, The Mistress is gone
Her songs and children are also gone
For the sun is here, and the beasts are crawlin'
For the night has fallen