//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: The Force of Dreams // by Deathscar //------------------------------// Twilight stood on her balcony, the signature blue feather tucked safely behind her right ear. She stared up at the bright full moon, awaiting the pony she had missed so much. Suddenly, a light silhouette appeared in the sky, getting larger and larger with each passing second. Not long after, the shadow landed, revealing it to be the pony that Twilight was so anxious for. “Ready for Daring Do night?” Twilight asked. “You bet!” Rainbow responded, trotting into the treebrary with Twilight shutting the balcony door behind her. As she stepped inside, Rainbow could already see that Twilight was fully prepared. From the plates of biscuits to the two cups of steaming hot cocoa. The corner where Rainbow and Twilight would lay was filled to the brim with cushions and the familiar cover of the Daring Do book, ‘Daring Do and the Feather of Dreams’, sat on the table just in front of it. “Wow, you really prepared everything, huh?” “Well, not everything.” Twilight’s horn glowed a faint purple as she levitated Celestia’s letter and any leftover papers into a drawer nearby. “What about your letter to Celestia? I mean, you have the answers right? Don’t you need to send it as soon as you can?” Twilight trotted to the cushions, sitting on them before turning towards Rainbow. “It can wait.” Rainbow smiled warmly, flying towards the corner and snuggling close to Twilight. “Oh! I almost forgot!” Twilight exclaimed. Her horn once again glowed and instantly, the lights in the library went dark. Rainbow couldn't even see her own hooves in front of her face. “T-Twi? What’s going on?” Just as Rainbow asked, a faint light appeared between her and Twilight. Rainbow turned to see a small candle sitting on the table in front of them. The dancing flame illuminating both of their faces lightly. “Ready?” “Ready.” Twilight levitated the book the book up but suddenly slammed her hoof against her forehead. “What’s wrong?” Rainbow inquired, worried. “I took out the feather, remember? I don’t remember where we stopped at!” Twilight hung her head low, her cheeks turning a dark shade of red. “Hey.” Rainbow leaned in close and gave Twilight a slight peck on her cheek. “Let’s just start over.” “W-what? B-but—” “Come on,” Rainbow urged. Twilight looked at Rainbow, confirming that Rainbow was not joking at all. She took a deep breath in. “Alright then, Rainbow.” Rainbow spread her wings out, pulling Twilight closer to her. Twilight froze upon feeling Rainbow’s warm wings hit her back, her eyes widening in surprise. “Twi?” “Y-yeah?” “Why do you care so much about that stupid feather anyway?” Rainbow asked, staring at the blue feather behind Twilight’ ear. “You’re right. It is a stupid feather.” In one swift motion, Twilight turned her head and pecked Rainbow on her cheek. “But it’s your stupid feather.” Rainbow kept silent, rolling her eyes in feign irritation. “Ready to start?” “Ready as ever!” Rainbow answered, staring at the light of the flame dance off the purple mare’s beautiful face. “Okay.” Twilight begun, “chapter 1: Starting Anew. Daring Do had just finished her most recent adventure, one that challenged who she trusted and who she could let go. She sat in her apartment, ready for the next task at hand because she finally had a new accomplice to take on the world’s challenge with her! She was too absorbed into her thoughts to hear the knocking at the door...”