//------------------------------// // Developments // Story: Friendship in Politics // by Shockburst //------------------------------// Meriwether was fast asleep in Sector Three, Soaring District, in his small yet comfy flat. His wings twitched as he dreamed about flying back at home in Cloudsdale among his pegasi friends, learning about the weather, and practicing for their imminent flight test. The wind in his mane. The cold whipping on his feathers in his wing. It all felt strangely good. Suddenly, a knocking brought him back to his cloud bed in Baltimare. He opened his eyes and felt a quick wave of shame and disdain fill him. It had been a long time since he left Cloudsdale, but the fact that it entered his dreams? That was just horrible. Meriwether had spent a long time trying to forget about that place, since he still pretty much hated every last cloudy pillar and walkway of the place. Still, he couldn't feel kind of guilty that he left. It was his home, at least, it was supposed to be his home. The knocking persisted, so Meriwether got up looked at his clock. 5 o'clock in the morning. Who would call at that time? He still had time to get to the Council. He got up and walked toward the door. He opened it and saw Skyros on his porch, looking breathless yet happy. "Skyros. What brings you here? I thought you'd be at the studio or something?" asked Meriwether. "Not now. This is important. Besides, we don't have a show today until next week and I can skip a day of planning or so. It's not like they need me," said Skyros quickly. "Listen, we need to head to Central District. Now." "Um, sure," said Meriwether. "Just let me get ready and-" "No time," interjected Skyros. "This is urgent. Get dressed, get in the cart and I'll explain." 2 minutes later Meriwether ran out still buttoning his Council suit and jumped in the taxi cart with Skyros. He whistled and they were off. Meriwether began attaching his blue pin on his suit while Skyros launched into an explanation. "Listen, so you know how I predicted that the current representative of the Environment in the EMC would be voted out, right?" "Yes," said Meriwether while he struggled with his pin. "Well, bad news, he was voted into office,but-" said Skyros. "So what was the point of bringing me out here at 5 in the morning? You know Council meetings don't start until 8," asked Meriwether angrily, still attaching his stubborn pin. "Well, I was getting there. The good news is is that he was kicked out by the EMC. Apparently my friends decided to take the initiative and fire him after the elections. He left without a fight so that's good. That leaves a big gaping hole in the leadership of the Environmental Concern Committee so my friends managed to get you in that spot as well. Speaker Baner got the order signed just half an hour ago or so. So now you're in charge of the ECC and you're the Environment representative to the EMC," said Skyros. Meriwether looked up in shock while Skyros was speaking. "Seriously?" he asked. "Seriously," repeated Skyros. "Being a popular ex-White Party politician has its good parts, but we need to get you in the Council quickly so you can set your affairs up." Meriwether nodded and turned his attention back to the pin, which was still presenting difficulty. Skyros watched him for a moment before he grabbed it himself. "Come on Mary, jeez, you've been in the Council for four years and you still have trouble with this?" asked Skyros in exasperation as he poked the pin for Meriwether. Meriwether looked sheepish as the cart pulled in front of the Council building. The two got out and walked in. The smell of oak and cherry wood filled Skyros as he breathed in. "Ah... Feels like old times. I forgot they had oak in here," said Skyros as they walked up a set of stairs to the Committee offices. The two walked to the ECC door and were about to enter when: "Skyros! It's been far too long!" said a deep and unctuous voice. They turned around to see Speaker Baner himself walking toward them. Meriwether appeared slightly unnerved, so Skyros spoke up. "Baner, how's it going? Hope you don't mind the little joke we played on you in the show," said Skyros with a wily smile. "Not at all boy! Part of the show of course. And you are right, I have been leaning toward both sides for far too long. I've decided to take a more aggressive, conservative view of things now, as they should be." Skyros forced a laugh, but inside he felt let down. Baner was now as stubborn as a donkey. Meriwether looked at Skyros sideways nervously. "Right, well, I'm sorry Mr. Baner, but I'm afraid my partner here and I can't talk. We have to, ah, set everything up for him. He's now the Head of the ECC now, so he'll need to set everything up," said Skyros with an unmistakable but not unkindly air of finality. "Yes, of course," said Speaker Baner with an oily tone. He looked at the pin on Meriwether's suit and smiled disdainfully at the blue color on it. "I'll be seeing you then, Mr. Skyros. Do come time to time. There's much to catch up with." "Bet on it!" called out Skyros as he turned and left. Skyros turned to Meriwether and smiled amusingly at the queasy look on his face. "Something the matter? Haven't met the Great Compromiser himself face to face yet?" Skyros asked teasingly. Meriwether shook his head and looked toward the door to his office. "Don't listen to him. He's gone bonkers now, I can tell you that. Listen, we don't need him. We just need the support of the people and our fellow and trustworthy Council ponies, not those boors, you hear?" said Skyros encouragingly. He fished out some keys from his pocket and opened the door for Meriwether. They stepped in the empty office. Meriwether took a look at the blank desk and the small, black chair. "I don't know whether I can do this, Skyros. It's only a few weeks from now until the crash. The lame-duck period for those who have been voted out will only last for 6 days from now. How will we move quickly enough?" asked Meriwether nervously. "We'll take care of it. We always have. Now come on, we need to move your stuff from your desk in the Council room and up here," said Skyros. Meriwether nodded and the two walked out the office and set out for the Council room. Meriwether couldn't help but feel like they were transported back a year ago, when Skyros was still a Council pony. Walking down the hallways just reminded him of those enjoyable and tiring days. Meanwhile, in Ponyville, Twilight awoke from a quiet hooting from just over her eyes. She peeled her face off from the book she was reading, An Analysis of Pony Economics, and took a look around. It was still dark, but the sun was rising. Twilight had spent all of last night reading at her desk. She got up from her couch that she was reading on and stretched for a moment, then looked up to see the bright eyes of Owlowicious. "Aw, thanks Owlowicious," said Twilight. Owlowicious hooted again and flew up higher into the tree to find a nice, cool, dark place to sleep. Things had gotten quieter since the article about the Wonderbolts came in a week ago. Rainbow Dash was her old, prideful, self-confident self again, albeit the fact that she didn't talk much about flying anymore. Twilight had spent some time researching economy, not just out of a sense of charity for Baltimare, but also just out of pure curiosity. Things were starting to go back to normal. Nothing could have been farther then the truth. Two things happened at the same time to destroy her moment of tranquility. One of the windows burst open as a streak of rainbow went past her, whipping Twilight's hair violently past her face. Before she could have time to figure out what happened, a ball of green flames burst nearby which nearly singed her hair. "Twilight! I'm sorry, it just happened so fast, I didn't even have time to-" said Spike. "Twilight, you have to see this, just came in. So I heard from Applejack that-" began Rainbow Dash. "Quiet!" she cried out. The two snapped their mouths shut. "Rainbow, you first," said Twilight. "I heard from Applejack that you were part of some egghead community called the Society for the Better of Baltimare or something like that, and I was reading the Gazette and I found this article from the Blank Mare about this pony from the Council of Baltimare," rattled off Rainbow Dash. She tossed the paper and it landed at Twilight's feet. "Baner's off his Rocker," she read. "Baltimare City Council Speaker Baner has just announced that he would no longer be playing his role as the Great Compromiser in the efforts to solve this year's Baltimare fiscal dilemma..." Twilight began reading at top speed. Her brow began to furrow as she read more and more of the article. One part stood out to her. "At the end of the day, it signifies that even the best ponies have their worst brought out of them during these difficult times, but it doesn't excuse them from letting it take over their best efforts to serve the people that they represent. We ponies need to understand that our politicians are elected to solve problems, not create or exasberate them. The polarization of the political parties in Baltimare because of this problem should be fought, not encouraged. I'm sad to report that no pony seems to be willing to do their duty as politicians, instead of playing government as a simple, lowly, sectionalist, sport." "Well, that's just great," said Twilight. She rolled up the newspaper. Now things were really bad. If Speaker Baner himself would no longer wish to compromse, then who would? "Twilight, um, you have a letter from the Princess," reminded Spike. "Oh, right, yes," said Twilight. Spike slit the seal, unrolled the letter, and began reading out loud. To my faithful student Twilight Sparkle, I'm afraid that Baltimare's situation has become worse than we thought. I know that you are a loyal supporter of the Society for the Betterment of Baltimare, and you've been researching on economy. Bright Seeking and Representative Lightstring have asked me whether you would like to come to Baltimare to assist them, and I would like to pass on the question. It would be great for the citizens of Baltimare if you could go and assist the Society in their efforts, as you have done in the past. If you would like to bring some of your friends, that would be great, but not too many. The Society is offering to pay for your stay and we would not like to overtax them. Please consider the offer, Princess Celestia Twilight thought for a moment. This would a great opportunity. She could go to Baltimare, help the Society, maybe work on the legislation, and get everypony to work together. It all seemed for a good cause, and it could be fun as well. Although, who would she bring? "Rainbow, would you like to-" began Twilight, but Rainbow started laughing after holding her mirth when Spike finished. "Wait, so let me get this straight. You signed up for an egghead community like this from a city far away and you actually helped them? This is gold, this is too good." Rainbow started laughing again. "So let me guess, you wouldn't like to go," said Twilight. "Are you kidding me?" Rainbow Dash sat up. "Of course I'll go." Twilight stood perplexed. "I thought you just said-" "Yeah, I know. I'm going so I can see how many ponies are just like you. It'll be a house of fun." Rainbow Dash couldn't contain herself and fell down laughing. Suddenly, another laughing fit started up, but not from Rainbow Dash. She sat up, confused. Spike, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash all looked up, where Pinkie Pie was laughing and snorting as well. "House of fun! Ohmigosh, ohmigosh, ohmigosh, that's hilarious!" she cried out. She fell from her branch but didn't cease laughing. Twilight stood crossly in the center of the room while Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie started laughing again. Suddenly, the door opened, and in walked Applejack and Rarity. They were talking animatedly until they saw the event in front of them. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were still laughing. Twilight was frowning, while stealing disapproving looks at the two on the floor, and Spike's mirth was only just contained. "Twilight. I simply needed to come and visit you," said Rarity. She walked up without looking at Rainbow and Pinkie on the floor. "I need that book on Asian fashion immediately. I have an important client from Roana who needs three dresses for an important dance at Canterlot by the end of this week." "Right. Spike?" said Twilight. Spike looked like he needed an excuse to move, so he quickly moved upstairs and started looking. Meanwhile, Dash had calmed down, although tears still filled her eyes, while Pinkie Pie was still laughing on the floor happily. "What were ya'll laughing about?" asked Applejack. "Get this," said Rainbow Dash. "You know how Twilight's part of that Society from Baltimare?" "Yeah," said Applejack. "Well, Princess Celestia just asked Twilight to go to Baltimare to help them do stuff. Can you believe it? It's like Egghead Convention in Baltimare or something." Dash started laughing at the very thought of it. Rarity raised her eyebrows while Applejack appeared stoic. Rainbow Dash stopped and stared at them. "Come on. She's going to Baltimare for some society thing. Isn't that kind of lame?" "I think it's very nice of Twilight to help ponies in another city who need the generosity more than we do. Twilight, I want you to know that it's very delightful that you are helping those who need it," said Rarity. "Thanks Rarity," said Twilight, still staring at Rainbow Dash. "Ah' agree with Rarity, however surprisin' that may be," said Applejack. "While ah' still think it's kinda funny for you to help those from some faraway city, I think it's nice that you're spending your time to help others." "Oh come on," said Rainbow Dash. "Don't you think it's lame that she's going off to some city to help a bunch of ponies who just yell and argue?" "It's better than fawning over a bunch of pegasi who cheat their way through the system. At least those politicians aren't corrupt," said Rarity. Dash looked abashed and her cheeks flushed. "Ah' don't think it's best to talk about the Wonderbolts right now," said Applejack. "You know Dash, if you think it's stupid enough, you could always not come," said Twilight bluntly. "Wait, you can bring friends?" asked Pinkie Pie. She sat up with vigor. "Well, yeah. Probably only three though. I don't want to make the Society pay a lot," said Twilight. "Oh, oh, pick me! Pick me!" said Pinkie Pie, and she started jumping around the room excitedly. "I guess you could come," said Twilight. "Applejack, do you want to come?" "Ah' guess I could," said Applejack. "It would be nice to see Aunt Fritters from Hollow Grounds." "Great, what about you Rarity?" asked Twilight. Rarity was just taking a book from Spike, who had came down the stairs after some looking. "I would absolutely love to go Twilight, but I'm afraid I can't. I have to learn Roana fashion in just a day and I need to get started on those dresses now!" cried out Rarity. "Oh, well I guess Fluttershy could come," said Twilight hopefully, but Applejack shook her head. "Her? The city is too dangerous for her. She's too shy for those streets. I say she would be best staying home," she said. "Yeah, those streets are too dangerous for her. These streets are almost too dangerous for her!" said Rainbow Dash. "Besides, Fluttershy will be helping me take care of Opalescence. Oh, I could ask her for assistance with the dress-making!" said Rarity, as she walked out the door with the book. "Well, I guess two friends are better than none," said Twilight. "You two should get your things packed up and-" "Not so fast!" said Rainbow Dash. "Just because you ponies might be eggheads doesn't mean I won't come to see the fun." "Fine," said Twilight. "I guess that's it. You three should get your things packed up. I'll see whether there's a train going to Baltimare leaving soon." "Got it," said Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. They all walked out the door, talking and chatting excitedly. Early morning was exciting too for the Blank Mare. She got up, ate her breakfast, and was right about to leave her house when somepony knocked on it. She opened the door to reveal Princess Celestia herself. The Mare was shocked, but she bowed before her. "Blank Mare, so nice to see you," said the Princess. The Blank Mare was shocked again. Princess Celestia had seen her before? She couldn't recall a moment where she met Princess Celestia before. She never even came in to Gaitsville, if she remembered correctly. "Um, I'm fine, I mean. Um-" said the Mare. "You must be wondering how I know you. Well, can I come in? There's something I'd like to talk to you about." "Um, sure, come in," said the Mare, and she opened the door to let in the Princess. The two walked to the Mare's bare living room and sat down. "Well, you do seem to have a rather, um, simple home," said Princess Celestia. "Oh, right, yes. I just never have the time to decorate it," said the Mare. Princess Celestia nodded. "So, I've read your article on Speaker Baner." "Oh, you've had?" asked the Blank Mare. "Yes. And I must say, it's nice to see somepony who's willing to write those news. There's hardly anypony in Baltimare who thinks it's important, funnily enough," remarked Celestia. "Have I done something wrong?" asked the Mare quickly. "Oh, no, of course not. You've actually done a good thing. No, I'm here to ask you a favor." "Oh, oh. Um, what is it?" "Well, the Society for the Betterment of Baltimare is planning to make a move on bipartisan legislation. They already have a petition out and the signatures should be coming in soon. They also have a member in the Council as well, so that's good. But what they really need is a writer who would sympathize with them. I'm sure a lot of ponies in there can write, but you have a certain passion and tone in yours which they could use. You do support their efforts right?" "Yes, of course," replied the Blank Mare. "Excellent. I'm sure they'd appreciate it if you could help them," said Princess Celestia. The Blank Mare was silent. Inside, she mulled over the idea of helping the Society. She did sympathize with their views and thought it was pretty frustrating to have a Council that just didn't anything except argue and argue. Plus, the part where Celestia complimented her writing must have helped her think. But the other hand, she knew that she had a lot of other things to do. The Blank Mare really couldn't just quit her job writing the "Un-blinding" for a second. She had to comb the entire country of Equestria to find any evidence of malpractice. And writing about something like helping the Society with something like this would only be worthy as a regular news thing. "Well, Princess, I actually, um, really can't afford the time right now in order to help the Society," said the Blank Mare quietly. "I see," said the Princess. "I really do understand you have an important job, but I can trust you to find in your heart the conviction to help these ponies. The Society really liked your article and would like to meet with you, or at least get to read one article that openly supports their actions." Princess Celestia was really pushing it here. In fact, Bright Seeking was still rather ambivalent about letting the Blank Mare join and help, feeling that although she could be a great writer, she could also end up writing something attacking them as well. But Celestia knew that if they wanted a good writer, here she was right in front of her. The Blank Mare stayed silent. Princess Celestia decided that it would be better to wait than to push the matter any further. She got up slowly and added, "One more thing. I know what your real name is." The Blank Mare looked up in surprise. Celestia nodded. "You told me. You were really young. Trust me. You were looking lonely. Really lonely, I mean, more alone than you are even now. I asked you what did you want to be when you grew up. Your exact answer was 'I want the whole world to know my name!' Well, you certainly did make a big name for yourself. But is this how you want it to be?" The Blank Mare started to remember a fuzzy memory. She was at the corner of the playground in the Gaitsville Schoolhouse, kicking rocks at her feet. Yes, she did meet and talk to somepony, but was it Celestia? "Your dream was to have your name out for the entire world to hear. And you succeeded, somewhat. But is this what you really want? Your name now is just an embellishment. Something that you just created to feel self-satisfied about, to feel in power. You might think names are just ugly titles that are slapped on to you when you're born. But there's more to that. You haven't really accomplished your dream. Your real accomplishment, the only time when you have truly succeeded, is when you can feel proud to say your name. And what's the difference between that name and the one you have now. 'The Blank Mare?' It's the same right? It has the same purpose: identification. It has a meaning too. Like, right now, the atmosphere of mystery that surrounds you and your career. 'The Blank Mare' might mean that you don't have an generic name. But the truth is is that you can still call it a name. It's just the same as what you had before, just a little more... unique." The Blank Mare remained silent, looking down at her legs again. "Why?" she asked after some time. "Why what?" asked the Princess kindly. "Why are you telling me this,?" the Mare asked, looking up. Her eyes were starting tear up now. "But I thought you would know," said the Princess. She stopped at the look of the Mare's face. "The point is, is that at one point, you'll have to face the real world with your real name. As it should be done. And why not start now? Fulfill your dream. Do what's right not just for Baltimare, not just for the world in fact. They don't need to know your name. Only you do." The Blank Mare sat still. The words had hit home, somewhat. Inside, she was fighting a rising question inside of her that she had for some time successfully fought it to silence. Now, it came up, stronger than ever. "I'll be going now. I hope the same could be said for you," said Celestia. She walked out and opened the door. The Royal Guard stood outside, guarding the area and setting up a perimeter. She felt a twinge of annoyance. She had hoped that she could have shaken them off for some time. "Captain, let's go," she said. The platoon commander nodded and they all walked off, the guards on the outside forming a sort of circle around the Princess. Inside, the Blank Mare still sat in the same spot. She felt sad, frustrated, and confused. How long could she keep this up? Her act of secrecy? And it wasn't like it was secret anymore. But, she had a rhetoric to keep. She had long bashed the idea of individualism and the need for identification, like cutie marks, although she had one, which she kept hidden at all times by her black cloak. She even embraced the idea of Socialism for a moment before deciding that it was too oppressive and harmful. The Blank Mare still felt like a nameless pony. Or did she? Was her name now the only void of her identity? She had a different personality than other ponies, different looks, and different likes and dislikes. Was it really true? Is the thought of individualism actually the scourge of society, or what keeps it alive? These thoughts roiled in her for a long time before she made her decision. She grabbed her black cloak, slipped it on her, grabbed her suitcase and stuffed her pen, paper, and other necessary items. She then walked out and head for the small train station. Luckily, she had arrived just as the train for Baltimare was about to leave. She stepped in the dingy coach and picked an empty seat, which there were many. Not a lot of ponies traveled to Baltimare anymore; they tended to move out. She sat down and looked out the window as the train started and picked up speed. She left without leaving any notice behind her, without any note, without any kind of sign that she had bothered to tell them she had left. The Blank Mare felt that she was not only leaving her house and meager amount of belongings behind. She was also leaving behind her old self, creating a void where there was supposed to be one, but which she never had managed to create. Although she knew she might feel differently by the time she reached Baltimare, the Blank Mare thought that that was a risk worth taking. She knew that there was a whole new world out there, to which she could hardly not change. She knew that it would be time to actually discover society and true meaning of a pony, and hoped to her heart it wasn't too late.