//------------------------------// // Ch.2:The Prep // Story: 2000 years ago // by Foalfree Press //------------------------------// The dining room was bathed in a soft light. The light was an array of colors, flowing in from the brilliant stained glass windows. The colors danced on the white crystal floors of the room. The fighting outside had stopped for a little while, at least until the sun rose. It was too risky fighting in the dark, especially when fighting pitch black changelings. There was a long, flat table in the center of the room.There were several ponies crowded around it, and a soft chatter could be heard. Clover walked up to her spot at the table. There was a large, delicious looking feast laid out for the ponies. There were maple carrots, corn pudding, summer salad, dandylion hoof sandwiches, celery stalks steamed to perfection, apple tarts, cherry pie, fire roasted tomatoes, peppers and oinons, cucumber slices, and fresh bunches of grapes coated with sweet honey. Clover's mouth watered at the sight of the food, and her belly gave a lound grumble. A large map was held over the table for all the ponies to see. "Alright!", Hurricane's voice rang out, "This is the map that we will be using to get to the hive. Our path starts here." She points to a large red 'X' on the map(where present day Canterlot is). "We leave here in a few hours. After we leave, we head down to the Everfree forest. From there, we will cross the forest into the Saddle Arabian desert. When we make it through the desert, we will reach the Canyon of the Changelings. Edme will guide us through the canyon, and into the hive. We will talk to Queen Chrysalis and try to make peace. Any questions?" Shining Sword rasied his hoof. " Will there be any way to get water if we run out while we are in the desert?" Starswirl had a smile on his face."I enchanted the canteens to hold enough water for a single pony for three weeks. I guess you could say that they are bigger on the inside!" " We have provided a canteen for each pony on the journey. You should have plenty of water because of Starswirl's spell, but be sure to fill up it you see a stream!" Puddinghead spoke in a cheery voice. "Now that everyone knows the plan, eat up! You have a long trip ahead of you." _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Clover paced in her room, looking for any last minute preperations she may have forgotten. "Book of spells, check. Canteen and food, check. Extra clothing to keep warm or cool, check. Bankets, pillows, and tent, check. First aid kit, check!" Clover put the contents of her saddle bag back in. Lets do this!. Clover exited her room excited for the trip, but nervousness twisted violently in her stomach. What if I can't do this? What if we get lost in the canyon? What if one of us gets very hurt? What if Chrysalis doesn't make peace? Will we be forced to fight her? The questions swam in her head like a vicious storm. Clover's thoughts were interrupted when she bumped into Starswirl in the hallway. "Sorry Starswirl, I should have watched where I was going. I have just been too worried about anything and everything that can go wrong!" Starswirl stared at his young student. He was not at all surprised by her worrying. In fact, he was worried too. The trip would be long, hard, and dangerous. Starswirl knew that he mus reassure his student."Clover, you are a young and very talented unicorn. I have full faith in you that if anything does go wrong, you will be prepared for it. You can think of this as, well a magic training camp, so to speak. This trip will test your ability to the maximum, and I know you will be ready for it. Don't worry, for if you ever get frightened or unsure, I will be here for you." Clover's smile lifted. She knew that everything will be aliright if Starswirl was with her. The pair trotted off to the enterance of the castle, now ready for what lies ahead, _________________________________________________________________________________________________