To The End:Eternal Night

by Kickass222urmom

So much death!

Chapter 3

"Cole! Get up, we're about to be over ran!" Said a familiar voice in a panicked tone.

Cole opened his eyes to see Link and a medic unicorn standing over him, "Where..."

Link held up his hoof and pulled down his hood, "The HQ is about to be over ran! We have to get back to the front!"

Cole shook the blurriness out of his eyes and stood, "Lead the way my friend!"

Link nodded and turned and galloped down the long corridor, towards the gate.

Cold quickly chased after him. As he neared the gate, he saw one of the Nightblades, Girokon, opening them.

"Girokon!" Cole yelled as he neared the zebra striped Pegasus.

Girokon turned and nodded, "Cole." He turned back to the gate and pulled it open. "Come on, we must defend the HQ!"

Cole galloped out of the HQ, followed by Link and Girokon, to see a horrific sight. Nightmare Moon's forces were tearing through the Nightblade's barricades with ease. Nightblade's were being torn to pieces. They were all out matched.

Link ran forward, "For Luna!"

Cole and Girokon ran after him, drawing their swords, "FOR LUNA!"

They reached the first of Nightmare Moon's soldiers and engaged them. Girokon slicing off head, Cole cutting off limbs, and Link breaking necks. Where was his sword?

Cole blocked a swing from one of the dark creatures and swung out with his own sword, causing a large cut to appear on its neck. As it slumped to the ground, Cole twisted around to block a second attack. As he blocked it, the create used its magic to throw him back, sending him towards the HQ's large gate.

As he stood, Fade ran towards him, blood pouring out of his mouth, "Cole, we have to pull back into the HQ, its our only hope!"

Cole nodded in agreement, "I'll rally everyone." Cole then ran to the edge of the battle, "Nightblade's! Retreat into the HQ, we'll make our last stand there!" He then turned and ran for the gates.

All the Nightblade's turned and ran after him. Many being cut down as they ran.

Cole ran in and continued down the corridor, followed by Link, Flash, and Girokon.

He saw Fade, who was waving to him, "Over here!"

Cole ran into the large room to see everypony else was there. Vespi, Delia, False, Blaze, Fade, Necro, and two other Nightblade's.

Cole closed the door behind them and turned to Fade, "Why are we not following the others? I thought we was going to make a last stand?"

Fade nodded, "We are, but we must keep Necro safe. He is our last scientist alive."

Cole looked around at everypony, "How are we going to keep him safe?"

Fade turned and pointed to a large cube, "That machine can send two ponies, and only two, to a safe location. It will bring them back after the area is safe. All we need to do is figure out who to send in with Necro."

Cole pointed at Link, "Send Link."

Link shook his head, "NO! I will stay and fight!"

Blaze shook his head, "No, your going brother. I want you to be safe."

Link glared, "I will not!"

Cole sighed and pointed his hoof at him, the one with the bracelet, "Link, go, or I'll force."

Link looked down in defeat, "Fine, but you all owe me."

Blaze smiled, "Its a deal. Now go, you'll be back before you know it. We'll kick those creatures flanks!"

Link smiled back, "I know." He looked at Necro, "Come Necro, lets leave before the fighting starts."

They walked over to the cube and stepped inside. The machine blinked to life, and emitted a strong light that filled the room. When it stopped, the cube was empty.

Fade turned to the door, "Now, we wait for them to figure out we're in here."

The ten Nightblades stood in a arch facing the door.

After a short wait, the doors blow open. On the other side was the creatures, all smiling victoriously.

False stood tall, "Nightblade's, prepare to fight!"

But instead of running in, the creatures parted. A moment later, the worst possible thing walked in. Nightmare Moon.

She smiled at all the Nightblade's, "Oh, what pathetic ponies. I see we have all the main ones in one room. To easy."

Fade shook his head, "This won't be easy for you."

She smiled evilly, "Really? How about this: I'll fight you all myself, no help from my minions. If you can land one hit, I'll leave."

Fade glared, "Deal."

She spread out her wings, "And better yet, I won't even move from this spot." She lowered her head in a confident pose, "Come at me."

Cole ran forward first, sword raised.

She laughed and as he neared, picked him up by the neck with her magic, "To easy." She ripped his sword from his mouth and throw it to the ground, where it embedded its self in the metal floor.

Cole felt his neck being squeezed. He pointed his hoof at her, intent on blowing her head off.

She smirked, "Lets get rid of that pesky thing, shall we."

Cole's eyes widened as his hoof began to feel hot. It became hotter till the whole hoof exploded in a rain of gore. She throw him to the side, against the wall.

He slumped to the ground and looked at his stump of a hoof. It was completely gone up to the knee.

Flash screamed in rage, "BITCH!" And charged forwards, sword at the ready.

Nightmare Moon raised an eyebrow, "Really?" She then smirked, "Love, its so overrated."

Cole watched as Flash charged towards Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon's horn glowed brightly.

Flash's head suddenly snapped to the side. She stumbled and fell to the ground, neck broken.

Nightmare Moon laughed evilly, "This is to much fun!"

Cole looked at Flash's body, sadness and angry welling up inside of him. He had let his loved one die, again! He forced himself to stand, "I'm going to kill you!"

Nightmare Moon looked at him, "Still alive?" She picked him up with her magic and slammed him upwards, into the metal ceiling, then let him drop to the floor.

He looked up, barely concise.

Fade snapped and jumped forward, "I'm going to make you pay for that!"

False stepped forward, "How dare you!"

They both ran forwards, swords raised.

Nightmare Moon sighed, "When will you learn?" Her horn began to glow again.

Fade and False stopped running and looked at each other.

Fade's eyes widened, "Whats going on?"

She laughed, "Watch."

False and Fade pulled back their swords and swung them out at each other. Nightmare Moon let go of their bodies and let them slump to the ground, both missing their heads. "Really? Is this all you have to offer?"

The other two Nightblades, Flan and Jimp, ran flew up into the air.

Jimp spun around and throw a knife at Nightmare Moon. Flan also throw a knife at her.

She sighed and caught both knives in midair, spun them around, and shot them back at the two Nightblades. The knives flew towards them, and embedded themselves in their necks. Their wings stopped flapping and they both fell to the hard floor.

Blaze and Vespi looked at each other and nodded. They both galloped forwards, but instead of going straight at her, they split up. Girokon then ran down the middle.

She looked at the three and smiled, "Come on, you can do better than this." She caught Vespi and slammed him into Girokon, sending them flying into a wall.

Blaze neared and struck out with his sword. She caught it with her magic and shook her head. She pulled it from his grasped. She then pushed it through his open mouth and out the back of his head. She laughed as he fell to the floor.

Vespi stood weakly, "Blaze!"

Delia began running over to Vespi.

Nightmare Moon shook her head, "Oh no, there's no need to help him. He's already dead." Delia was lifted up into the air.

Vespi screamed out, "Delia! NO!"

A tear rolled down her face, "I'm sorry." She said seconds before she was ripped limp from limp. Her body fell, missing its head and all its limps.

Vespi twisted to Nightmare Moon, hot tears rolling down his face. "You stupid BITCH! TRY AND FIGHT ME WITHOUT MAGIC!"

She shrugged, "Fine, if you want."

He then ran towards her, sword pointed at her chest.

When he was within reach, she knocked his sword out of the way and let him slam into her. She smiled down at him and picked him up with her front hooves, "Nice try."

She then tilted her head down and brought him down on it, embedding it deep into his chest. He then flew off of it as her magic propelled him towards the opposite wall.

Girokon stood and looked around, noticing that he was the last Nightblade left standing. He pulled off his flight goggles to reveal demon like eyes, "How dare you! How dare you kill my friends! I'm going to show you the true meaning of pain!"

He pointed his front hooves at her and began firing the metal projectiles at her. This caught her by surprise.

The metal projectiles began slamming into her armored chest and legs. Some hit flesh and penetrated.

She reared up in pain and anger, "I'M GOING TO ENJOY KILLING YOU!" She then broke her promise and galloped towards Girokon. As he pulled out his sword, she slammed into him, her horn piercing his flesh and going deep into his shoulder.

He screamed out in agony and began slamming his hoofs into her face.

She throw her head back, sending him over her shoulders and towards the door.

He hit the ground hard and stood with great effort. Blood pouring from the hole in his shoulder.

She walked over, grinning. She looked at Cole's sword and laughed, "How would you like to die by your own friends blade?"

Girokon raised his hoof and fired off the last two metal projectiles. One bounced off her armor, but one struck her in the eye.

She screamed in pain, holding a hoof to her eye. She soon dropped her hoof and glared at him, "No, I'm going to make you suffer even more!"

Girokon looked down at his front hooves and began screaming. His hooves where beginning to feel hot, and kept getting hotter. They soon exploded like Cole's had and he fell to the floor. She then used her magic to grab the bones that where sticking out of his stumps and ripped them out.

As Girokon screamed in agony, she began ripping him apart. Bone by bone, muscle by muscle, organ by organ, till there was nothing left but a pile of skin, meat, and bone.

She walked past the pile and spit on it, "Come, we have some more Nightblade's to kill."

She and her minions left, leaving Cole alive.

He coughed up a glob of blood before passing out. Tears rolling down his face at the scene he had just witnessed.