Broken Wings

by ComradeUncleJoe

Chapter 5: Pinkie's Dissertation

Chapter 5: Pinkie's Dissertation

Twighlight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy sat in their hotel suite; the group was preparing for a night on the town and waiting for their friend Rainbow Dash to return. The girls still hadn’t decided on what they wished to do; they each wanted to do something different and couldn’t agree on fun activities.

“I still think we should throw a party in our room. We could invite everyone!” Pinkie exclaimed, full of her usual bubbly cheer.

“Pinkie, that’s all ya’ll ever think about, partyin’!” Applejack said.

“C’mon Apples, I do other things! Like theoretical physics!” exclaimed Pinkie.

“Hold on a minute, theoretical physics? I thought ya’ll said ya did Bio-Chemistry.”

“Please Applejack, I only minored in Bio-Chemistry. I got my Ph.D. is theoretical physics. Haven’t you read my dissertation ‘Observing Parallel Universes through the Use of Quantum Tangible Crystalloid Shards and Super Conductive Filaments at Temperatures of Absolute Zero’? I sent you all a copy.”

The group just stood there stunned.

“What?” Pinkie asked.

Before anyone could say anything more, Rainbow Dash flew through the window and landed in the middle of the circle her friends had formed.

“Hello Rainbow Dash, how are you this morning?” Twighlight was the first to greet the rainbow colored pony.

“I’m ok. Thanks.”

“Rainbow, is that syrup on ya’lls face?” Applejack got closer and began inspecting Dash’s face. “That is syrup! Have you been to breakfast without us?” Applejack feigned anger.

Dash chuckled, “Jeez Apples, what’s on my face is my business. If you wanted pancakes so bad, why don’t you lick it off of me?” Dash’s crude joke made Applejack laugh. Despite the two’s frequent fights, they had been best friends since they were younger and were the closest of all the Mane Six.

“So Rainbow Dash, did you finish what you wanted to do?” Twighight asked, interrupting the banter between the ponies.

“Well…not exactly.” Dash still felt embarrassed about her thoughtlessness with Lightning and didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of her friends.

“What ya’ll mean, not exactly? Did you or didn’t you?” Applejack stared at her friend with a quizzical look on her face.

“Well I uh…”

“OH OH OH!!! Let me guess!” Pinkie blurted with her hoof in the air, “You flew around and found the apartment building he was in, went inside, asked the pony behind the counter with grayish red hair in a bun and red glasses with purple polka dots, you commented on how smoking is bad for her, she retorted how you should mind your own business, she told you the floor and room number – 18th floor, 420 – you rushed up there, knocked on the door, a unicorn named Thunder answered, you talked then barged past him, rushed in Lightning’s room, then after a short while you realized he had no wings! Finally you ate breakfast made by Thunder, which you thought was delicious, and left and returned here.” Pinkie gasped for breath after this long answer.

“Pinkie…How did you know all that?” Dash was very much confused as to how she knew the events exactly.

“Duh, it was in the newspaper silly filly.” Pinkie held up a newspaper dated 3 months ago, “’World Famous Pegasus Flier and Daredevil Gets Horribly Injured’ right here Dash.”

“But how did you know about the other stuff?”

“Lucky guess Dash.” Pinkie looks at the reader with a copy of Broken Wings and winks before turning back to her friend.


Rarity chimed in, “Darlings, must we stay cooped up in this room all day? We should go out and have some fun!”

“Ah agree. Let’s go and have some fun.” Said Applejack.

The girls were in agreement; at least most of them. Fluttershy was the only one, it seemed, who didn’t want to go out and have some fun. She remained cowering on her bed, while the rest busied themselves with getting ready.

Rarity noticed Fluttershy on her bed and decided to say something, “Fluttershy darling, what is the matter?”

“Huh? Oh, um…N-nothing’s wrong…”

Rarity could tell something was wrong with Fluttershy, so she persisted, “Darling, if something’s wrong, you can tell us. We’re your friends.”

“Yeah Fluttershy! You can tell us anything.” Shouted Pinkie from the bathroom.

The rest of the group chimed in with their agreement. Her friends persisted. Soon it became too much for Fluttershy. She soon broke.

“OK!!! I-I-“

“Yes?” said Dash.

“I….did a porn shoot here!” Fluttershy blurted out.

The girls were stunned, surely Fluttershy was joking.

“Fluttershy, are you joking?” Said Twighlight.

“NO!!! It’s my secret shame! I-I…was…a…extra! I needed the money! That’s how I could afford to start my pet adoption services.”

They just looked at her with weird looks.

“What?” Fluttershy wiped her tears and looked back at her friends

“I’m pretty sure it’ll be fine Fluttershy. Not like you had sex.” Dash tried to calm Fluttershy down before things got out of hand.

“Yes darling, Rainbow Dash is right, there’s nothing wrong with what you did. Why, I think we all have done certain things to earn some extra money, especially when you’re as beautiful as me and you are.” Said Rarity, in a very odd fashion

“Ok, before things get to weird, let’s go ahead and go out and have some fun.” Said Twighlight.

The group agreed to drop the issue. This time even Fluttershy got ready, after all, she didn’t want to be alone in the suite.

After a long time of preparation, the group finally left their hotel room and went out, leaving Spike behind. Nopony was in the hallway, it was eerily quiet, and the girls felt awkward. They quickly tip toed to the elevator and mashed the button to go down. After the elevator arrived, they got in and went down to the lobby. The lobby was significantly busier, full of half-drunk ponies, ponies with hookers, and ponies wandering in from an intense night.

The girls left the hotel and began their first day in Las Pegasus. None of them had spent very long here, but they were all excited to see what this city had to offer.