//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Broken Wings and Broken Dreams // Story: Broken Wings // by ComradeUncleJoe //------------------------------// Chapter 1: Broken Wings and Broken Dreams Lightning Bolt sat with his face buried in his hooves. This night, like so many nights before, he sat awake in the small bed of his room. He had just awoken from a terrible nightmare, dripping with sweat, and breathing heavily. Lightning had been having this same nightmare for weeks; it became so bad he often just stayed awake for days, just to avoid dreaming. He would abstain from sleep until he physically couldn’t and would collapse, hopefully, on his bed. It wasn’t even really a nightmare, more of a memory, a memory of what happened 3 months before, and tonight, it was worse than before. Lightning just sat there, remembering the awful event. 3 months before, Lighting Bolt was the best flyer in all of Las Pegasus. He often performed shows with his younger brother Thunder Struck, who was a unicorn himself, to earn money. The two brothers were quite good at their job as well. Lightning would perform daring, extreme stunts midair while Thunder conjured magical obstacles for Lightning and performed magic tricks between stunts. The two were famous for their shows and people came from all over Equestria to see, they even got a few visits from the Royal Sisters. Lightning Bolt was cocky, hot-headed, and always pushing himself to the extreme. He had dreams of becoming a Wonderbolt, flying amongst the ranks of these prestigious ponies. To achieve this dream he always was testing himself. Lightning would fly at top speeds everywhere, just to see how fast he could get somewhere. He would invent new, more dangerous stunts and practice them on his down time from shows. Everything he did was to better his abilities and to prove himself to the Wonderbolts. He had been practicing one trick for weeks; he called it the Lightning Crack and believed it would be enough to get him into the Wonderbolts. This trick Lightning created was second only to the fabled Sonic Rainboom which he had heard had been done by a Pegasus in a small town far off from his own home. He had been practicing this for so long and was ready to unveil it at his next show, a show he learned, that would be held in Canterlot and attended by Luna and Celestia, as well as delegates from the Griffin Kingdom and the top members of the Wonderbolts. “Really?!?” Lightning could hardly hold his enthusiasm as he spoke to his younger brother. He had just received the greatest news he ever heard. “Yeah Bro!” Thunder said. He could sense the excitement in Lightning’s voice as he spoke. “I got the message yesterday from one of Celestia’s messengers. She wants us to go to Canterlot to perform our act for the Griffon delegates.” Lightning was shocked. He never dreamed he’d actually go to Canterlot and perform for Luna and Celestia under such formal circumstances. Performing for important people was nothing new to the Brothers; the two had done their act before a whole cast of important and famous ponies and even non-ponies, but this was different, it wasn’t a small side show performed for tips, it was a huge performance, complete with pre shows and after shows and professional stage workers. Lightning knew this was his chance for glory. “Rad T! If we pull this off, we’ll be gold bro!” excitement filled Lightning to the brim. “T, I need you to practice your best spells. This is our chance to move up in the world.” “No doubt man, I got several spells I’ve been working on and I’m eager to show them off.” Thunder went on to tell Lightning the details. The two were to leave a week from then, and stay at Canterlot for 3 days performing smaller shows the first two days and one big show the final day. Lightning began practicing immediately. He practiced the basic loops and spins and whirls. He had done these so many times they proved no challenge and he easily sped through the basics. He gradually moved onto more advance tricks, again, these proved no challenge. Then Lightning decided to try his new move. He had never been able to pull it off, even though he knew it was possible. He did all the calculations and refined his move to perfection, but he just could not pull it off. Today however, he felt lucky. He flew into the sky in a circular motion, leaving behind clouds. He flew higher and higher and increased speed. Then he spun around and shot through the clouds he gathered. He rocketed through as fast as he could, but as he increased speed, he began to lose control. He began shaking and wobbling. Then he lost all control and crashed straight into the ground. Lightning lay there and felt as if he had been hit by a boulder. He tried to get up, but a sharp pain shot through his wings and he collapsed on the ground. Lightning was in so much pain he couldn’t move a muscle. Thunder quickly ran over to help his brother. Worry was all over his face as he watched his brother struggle. “Lightning! Are you ok?!” Thunder tried to help lightning up, but as he picked him up, lightning let out a cry of pain. “M-my wings… I think they’re broken T.” Lightning was on the verge of tears. “Lightning, wait here, I’ll get a doctor!” Thunder galloped off to find help for his brother. Soon Lightning was in the hospital; he couldn’t help but feel bad. He possibly jeopardized his and his brother’s chances of greatness. His wings could possibly be broken, and for who knows how long! “Mr. Bolt, I have some good news and some bad news,” the doctor strolled into the room intently looking at a clipboard. “the good news is you’re wings aren’t broken, they are just sprained, the bad news is you can’t fly with them. If you do, you risk another injury, and next time it could be far, far worse.” “So I can’t fly? B-but I have a show to do! In Canterlot! I have to be there doc!” “I’m sorry, but I must insist you don’t fly. You needn’t risk a worse injury. No flying Mr. Bolt.” Lightning couldn’t believe it, so much hard work, all lost because of one accident. He couldn’t bear it, the shame, the guilt; he felt he had ruined both his and his brother’s chances to make it big. He failed… “H-how long before my wings are healed?” Lightning choked on his words as they left. “I’d say at least 3 weeks before your wings are completely healed.” 3 weeks? Lightning was stunned. He couldn’t remember a time when he couldn’t fly, now he was grounded for 3 weeks. What could he do? His brother needed him now more than ever. They were a team, a performing duo. Lightning would be lost without Thunder and the same could be said for Thunder. “Thanks doc. C-could we keep this between us? I’d prefer to tell Thunder myself, if that’s ok.” “I suppose that’s fine, just be careful Mr. Bolt.” The Doctor eyed Lightning to find any mischievous intent; he had been his doctor for years now and could tell if he was hiding anything. Today however, he couldn't see beyond Lightning’s sad look. Before Lightning knew it, the time had come to go to Canterlot. The duo boarded the train for their destination and was off; excitement filled both to the brim. Something had been nagging at Thunder’s mind ever since Lightning got back from the hospital. Lightning didn’t tell him what the doctor said or what was wrong, but he could see how upset Lightning was about it. He didn’t mention it at first, because he didn’t want to upset his brother, but now, as they were so close to Canterlot, he wanted to know. “Hey Lightning, can I ask you something?” Thunder asked nervously. he didn’t want to upset his brother so close to the show, but he had to know. “You just did, but I’ll allow another question only because you’re my bro T.” Lightning joked to his brother, but he could see the concern in his eyes. “It’s just…are you ok? Will you be able to perform Lightning?” Lightning sat in his seat quietly; he didn’t answer at first and the two just sat in silence. Finally Lightning spoke up, “Of course I’m ok! The doctor just said I sprained my wings, but the healed already. Don’t worry T. everything is fine.” Lightning didn’t lie, his wing was sprained and it does feel better now, he just didn’t tell the whole truth. He wouldn’t let a minor hurt wing stand in the way of his dreams. Thunder didn’t think it was that simple, but he didn’t pursue it any further. He laid down in his train seat and closed his eyes to catch some sleep. He couldn’t shake the feeling something was wrong though. Soon the two had reached their destination of Canterlot. The magical city was even more amazing than they had imagined. Las Pegasus was impressive in its own right, but couldn’t compare to the majesty that was Canterlot. As the brothers got off the train, they were greeted by a group of royal assistants to the Sisters. The group led them to where they’d be staying and told them the schedule for everything. The hotel Lightning and Thunder were staying in was amazing, they each got separate rooms, complete with their own baths, hot tubs, pool tables (Thunder’s personal favorite game), and refrigerators full of their favorite foods. The two were set and ready for their performance. For the next two days the brothers performed their best, showing magic skills and daring flight stunts. They made the crowds go wild, met some of the most famous people in Equestria, and even had dinner with the sisters. Thunder personally enjoyed dinner the most, he had always had a bit of a crush on Princess Luna and thoroughly enjoyed telling her of the spells he created and listening to her tell of her own spells. The brothers were having the time of their life. Finally the day came, the final day of performing, their last show in Canterlot. The Brothers had planned a huge, epic performance. Thunder was going to do his new spell to summon a gift for Luna, and Lightning was going to perform his daring Lightning Crack. The day was set and the two were ready, nothing was going to stop them. Lightning had been experiencing sharp pains in his wings during his shows, but has managed to fight through them. Today he could not let the pain overwhelm him; he had to fight through it. He had iced his wings and been getting massages to soothe the pain and believed he was ready. He thought to himself that he’d better not screw up, or they’ll both suffer. He wondered if he should have told Thunder about his wings, they could have rescheduled after all if Lightning wasn’t up to it. Too late now, he had to do it. The final show began and was a huge hit. After several tricks and stunts, Thunder summoned a beautiful star and gave it to Luna, this was the cue for Lightning, the show was wrapping up and he needed to do his ultimate trick. Now, or never Lightning thought to himself. He flew high into the air, swirling and gathering clouds as he did. He reached the peak and sharply turned, a sharp pain shot through his wing, he ignored it shot downwards. He rocketed to the ground, flapping as fast as he could, gathering more and more speed. The pain grew worse, again he ignored it. Finally he had reached top speeds, sparks were shooting off him, he was flying as fast as lighting itself. Then, Lightning heard a loud crack, and then he felt a horrible, horrible pain in his wing. They locked up and he lost control. His wings were broken, he could tell, and the pain made him almost pass out. He went careening into the ground. When Lightning crashed into the ground, it sounded as if a bomb went off. The cloud of dust his crash made floated through the stadium. No one could see, and everyone was stunned. No one knew what to think. “LIGHTNING!!!” Thunder cried out as he ran towards his brother. The dust cleared and all saw the crater. Thunder reached his brother and grabbed him. Lightning was in a broken heap. Blood and dirt covered him head to toe. Lightning slowly open his eyes, everything was blurry and he heard a loud ringing in his ears. All he felt was the pain in his wings. “Lightning! Don’t worry bro, h-help is on the way…” Lightning watched as his brother began crying and calling for help. He saw the fear, what had happened he wondered. Slowly, Lightning closed his eyes and then…darkness… Lightning opened his eyes slowly, they were blurry, but slowly he regained focus. He was back in his room. He looked around; his many Wonderbolts posters covered the walls from one end to the other. It was dark, as it was still early, but he could clearly make out the old posters, his pictures, even his favorite hat hanging on the rack. Slowly, Lightning reached to his back to feel around. He didn’t know why he kept doing it, he just did. He didn’t expect anything to be different, but he felt he just had to. The accident was so long ago, yet it left him a constant reminder. Finally he slowly pulled his hooves away and looked at them. He just sat there, staring, he was so lost in his own thoughts he didn’t realize the door to his room slowly opened.