//------------------------------// // Part 1. A new start // Story: Ice Heart enters Ponyville. // by C4ptainSeven //------------------------------// Cold. It’s hard to breathe. The air is crystalline. Am I alone? Or is this a dream? I open my eyes for what I remember as the first time. “It doesn't seem right” I thought out loud to myself. There was nopony around. The ground was white. For some odd reason I felt as though I should run from, or to something. But what? Or who? Most importantly, why? I found a reflective spot in the ice to look at myself. Not knowing what somepony would normally look like I judged myself. Unicorn, obviously stallion , dark blue coat, red eyes, pure white mane and tail, and something was stopping me from seeing my cutie mark. Surely somepony would know who I was because of that, the thing that made everypony special. I then realized I had not looked at the sky. So I look up, only to see a red circle shrouded by the clouds… and something in the distance. It looked like somepony I knew, but couldn't put my hoof on it. I start running to the figure to see who, or at least what, it was. I realized I was not running but somehow flying. Knowing that only Alicorns and Pegasi could fly I was in shock. Then I fell. No, not fell, plummeted! I was going to hit the ground if I wasn't saved by somepony! I thought that I was surely going to hit the ground but I was caught by the figure I thought I was chasing. Looking down, I saw through them. Their eyes were a glowing blue and they seemed more like an overgrown ghost pony than anything else. Yet there was a calmness about them. Then I realized they did not rescue me, but giving me a ride to wherever I needed to be. My hooves here frozen to them however. I could not move at all. I did some thinking. How long could I have been asleep? Where was I going? Why hadn't the sun set when it had felt like days? I was afraid to ask. But who knows, they were flying without wings and using magic without horns! It was going to be a long journey, or so I thought. I soon found myself in a town. Or at least the snowy outskirts of a town. I heard singing, saw ponies cleaning snow off their houses, and having fun mostly. There was a sign reading “Ponyville” where I was standing. I was exhausted from the long flight here and collapsed after stepping hoof into the new town. Waking up for the second time to recall. I was in a hospital bed. These seemed like a comfortable surroundings. Looking over, I see a bright pink mare with curly tail and mane, earth pony, and a light yellow mare with a pink mane, this one was a Pegasus. Both looked worried. But a smile grew on the pink one’s face upon my awakening. “Hello! I’m Pinkie Pie and we found you next to the entryway of Ponyville asleep and noticed you were in bad shape so I took you here to throw you a GET WELL PARTY!” This had to be the greeting committee. Or I’m losing what might be left of my mind. “Um… Pinkie, shouldn't you be more concerned? His hooves were frozen solid…”Her voice faded out. But the yellow one had a much more soothing tone. Almost like a lullaby in comparison to the alarming pink one. I gathered enough strength to speak. “Pinkie, how long have my hooves been frozen?” But when I spoke, there was a purple unicorn mare casting magic on me. She was surprised to hear my very weak voice. “I’m Twilight Sparkle. Your hooves have been thawed out for a long time Mister…?” I thought. She was asking for my name! “Ice Heart” I replied with alarmed rate. Both of our eyes were wide. There had been a small cloud of cold air when I spoke my name. This, I knew, was not natural. “Well, Ice Heart,” she continued “You’ve been in this bed for two months. I've been giving you nutrients for you to live. How do you feel?” “I feel fine. Just a little weak. That’s all.” I had not known what happened. I did not wish to know. “There were two ponies last time I was awake. One was Pinkie Pie and I didn’t get the other’s name.” “That was Fluttershy. We were all worried about you. Even Mayor Mare visited you a few times to check on you.” “Am I that important? Everypony came to see me?” I said in a sarcastic tone. “Well, you are the first one that pinkie hasn't thrown a party for right away.” She was worried as well. I could tell by her eyes. They looked almost sad yet hopeful. “Well, I don’t know how I got here. Or even who I am. So any friends will be good. You can be my first friend.” I smiled at my voice getting stronger. As well as the fact that I might finally have a friend. “Of course I’ll be your friend! Just be sure to come to the library once in a while.” She said with enthusiasm. “I’ll be sure to.” I almost smirked. She left the room as I let out a sigh of relief. I could only expect more ponies to want to know me. But there was something special about Twilight. I could feel it. But she was not my type. I knew that much. I get up and notice my cutie mark was finally visible. A chunk of ice, in the shape of a heart. I was amused at this. What had I been doing in that icy area? It no longer mattered. It was now my past. I started for the door and had a little trouble walking but I stabilized. It was easy after a while. I had not left the room. Nurse Redheart came in and told me to get rest. I laid down only for her to leave. It was fair to say I could now walk without any trouble. The air was warm and I felt in the best shape I could know at the time.