Dream Catcher

by Puking Coyote

Old Information

Chapter 8

Old information

Nobody on Dream Catcher’s squad could believe it the mountain crushed the control Station. All that Dream Catcher could do was stare at the mountain which in just a few seconds did what they had been unable to do for weeks. He was still staring at the mountain when command called on the communicator. “War Horse come in, War Horse come in this is The Eclipse.”

“War Horse here” Dream Catcher replied.

“Friendly’s inbound strapped up for a fight we need you to go with Luna as negotiators before things go south. She’s already on her way down.”

It was then that I saw the small dots of thousands of pony soldiers in shinny armor slowly making their way across the battlefield “Roger that.”

“What are they doing?” Night Shade asked.

“What any sensible pony would do when they have been attacked, marching to war. The trouble is that they don’t know who the enemy is.”

“That’s why they want to send Luna they will recognize her.”

“Or think that it’s a trap and attack.”

“I’ll take the first one.”

"Me too" I laughed.

It didn’t take long for a transport to drop Luna off once she was on the ground we confirmed the mission with command then flew off to intercept the Royal Equestrian army. The Equestrian army had undergone major technological changes since the war in the Everfree Forest between Jackson and Celestia. They no longer used just swords but each of the royal guards had a magic blaster based on human design, the blasters were two barrels that were attached to each side of the warrior’s saddles. The ground unit’s weapons were charged by unicorn magic but the Pegasus’s used lightning that they squeezed out of the clouds. It took a while to charge these weapons with magic but once done they were almost as destructive as our basic energy weapons. However even though their weapons were respectable the ponies that wielded them were far from the Coalitions seasoned warriors skill levels.

“Jackson will be happy to see thou again Dream Catcher” mother suddenly stated as we flew towards the Equestrian forces.

“Yeah, I’m excited to see dad and aunt Celestia again” I replied. “I wonder how they will react” I looked over and saw mother show a hint of fear when I mentioned how they will react “are you ok?”

“Yeah, we art fine” she replied clearly lying.

“Mom you know that you are a bad liar, are you…oh, I know you’re afraid of how they will react to you coming here and collapsing the barrier between our two worlds.”

She looked away from me “We wouldn’t blame them for being mad after all we art the reason that so many ponies died today. Jackson was right even though we found thee it wasn’t worth sacrificing our subjects to do so.”

“It’s not your fault, you followed what your heart was telling you to do besides nobody knows what will happen in the future. Could have been that you arrived here during a giant celebration and was offered all the cake you could eat.”

“But we didn’t…”

“It will be fine, Aunt Celestia never seemed to be one to hold a grudge.”

“Unless it’s something thou’s father does they can really push each other’s buttons when they feel like it.”

“Really? I never knew that, they always seemed so civil to each other.”

She gave a short muffled laugh “That’s because we made sure that thou was out of the room when they started to fight.”

I dove deep into my old memories and realized that mother did send me out of the room a lot when father and aunt Celestia were talking about serious matters. “Hmmm, I never realized it before.”

As we moved towards the Equestrian army Aunt Celestia recognized mother and stopped her forces then she, Shinning Armor, and dad moved to meet us. We landed and waited patiently for them to arrive. “Luna! Look at what you have done! I told you not to go through that portal but you did anyway and Equestria paid for it with many lives” aunt Celestia shouted when they got close enough. I had never seen this side of Celestia before but then again I suspect that she would be acting differently if I was still a kid.

“Sorry Tia we made a grave mistake but we couldn’t help following what our heart was telling us to do, please forgive us.” She then looked at Jackson with tears forming in her eyes “were sorry.”

Dad slowly started towards her, to the untrained eye it would seem that he was totally emotionless but I could see in the subtle movements of his walk that he was trembling from the overwhelming emotions inside of him. When he was a few inches apart from mom he embraced her then for the first time in my life I saw him weep. “I thought…I thought I lost you Luna” he managed to get out. “First Dream Catcher then you I…I…though…”

“Were sorry Jackson, so sorry” mother comforted him also crying. It took a while for either of them to be able to talk again, during that time aunt Celestia’s and Shinning Armor’s anger had diminished.

“Luna?” Celestia finally asked.

“Yes dear sister?” mom replied wiping the tears from her eyes.

“I hate to spoil such a moment but we must know what those mechanical monsters were that attacked our citizens.”

“Yes, them…those are minions of a computer. Ist called a collection? No that’s not it…” She then looked at me “Dream Catcher can explain it better than us.”

They all looked at me wide eyed as if they just noticed me “Dream Catcher?” dad asked his voice shaking.

“Hey dad” I replied not knowing what to say. You would think that after fourteen years that I would have had a speech or something prepared.

“I can’t believe you’re alive! I thought that the Sprites…”

“Oh, them there gone actually the Collective destroyed them a long time ago.”

Dad’s eyes shimmered “Really? Those fiends finally were killed off shame I couldn’t do it with my own two hands.”

“Don’t you mean hoofs?”

He looked down at his legs “Oh yeah, in this form it would be hoofs wouldn’t it? Anyway I want to hear about this Collective and how it destroyed the sprites.”

I gave a slight grin, for some reason I could understand dads feelings a lot better than I could as a child, they were the feelings that only another veteran of a human war could understand. “I will tell you everything.”

I took some time to relay the whole story to them as we made our way to Canterlot. It would have gone even faster if they were not constantly asking questions but I suppose that I would to if I was in their hoofs. “After the control tower was destroyed by the mountain materializing we were directed to come and speak with you” I concluded the story.

“I guess the question is what to do now that were here isn’t it?” aunt Celestia replied as we entered the throne room.

“We have taken this planet but soon we will be heading to the next one. I am sure that command will welcome you to stay here just as long as the ponies stay away from the Elites, they don’t handle negative emotions to well.”

“Horrible, denying people their emotions how could such a society be allowed to exist?” aunt Celestia replied.

“That’s what were fighting to change, were going free all humans from the Collective but we could use some extra help. Right now it’s a coin toss on who will win this war.”

“I’m sold” a voice sounded from a sudden purple mist that appeared in front of us. I stared at it and saw an eyeball appear then Discord slipped out followed closely by Screwball and Cloud Striker. “Hey, why is there no food? This is a day to celebrate! We found our lost children.” He snapped his fingers and a huge banquet table appeared before us with all types of delicious food.

“My throne room…” Celestia began but stopped when a plate of donuts appeared before her.

“Why is Cloud Striker here?” mother asked me already taking a bite of a biscuit with hay jelly on it.

“Oh, him and Screwball have been kind of dating on and off” I replied wondering if this was the proper time to be eating.


“Yep” I then floated a pastry to myself and took a bite. Suddenly a flood of memories came roaring back as I remembered being served Discords food during Chaos week which I would eagerly await every year. This situation was so strange one moment I was fighting a war and then I was back home munching on biscuits, but then again things never were logical when Discord was around.

Discord was floating over Screwball and Cloud Striker sipping some tea from a funny looking cup. He was particularly taking a great interest in Striker much to Strikers discomfort.

“Excuse me Dream Catcher?” a sweet voice entered my ears. I looked to my side and saw Princess Cadance just a few feet away. “I have to know is Fireball alright? Do you know where he is?”

“I would like to know that as well” Shinning Armor spoke up. “You mentioned that Fireball was involved with the last battled but have you heard if he’s alright.”

I quickly swallowed the food in my mouth and answered “Yes, he’s alright the last battle he was in had a 76% causality rate so it will be some time for him to get his unit reorganized.”

“76?” Cadance asked horrified.

“Yes and that’s saying a lot. Fireball is one of the best commanders the Coalition has and his unit is one of the best trained and equipped, they must have been facing overwhelming odds for those types of numbers.”

“Discord, Can you bring Fireball here? I would like to see my son” Cadance pleaded.

Discord looked up in the air as if trying to sense him then looked back at her “I don’t think that I should.”

“Please! Discord I have to see for myself that he is alright.”

I couldn’t help but notice a small grin creep across Discords face “Sure, why not?” Suddenly a huge flash of light appeared which was filled with confetti but once it died down Fireball could be clearly seen but another pony was there as well and she was kissing him.

“Fireball?” Cadance asked not knowing what to say.

Fireball stopped kissing the pony and looked at us all wide eyed “Wha…where am I?”

“Hi…everypony” the now blushing blue Pegasus that was kissing Fireball said under her breath clearly embarrassed.

Suddenly her rainbow mane triggered my memory “Aunt Dash?” I asked.

She looked at me confused but then her eyes lit up “Dream Cather? Wow, you have grown.”

“You and Fireball? Ha! Never in a million years would I have guessed. So Fireball somepony was finally able to pry you away from your explosives.”

“Hmp” Fireball replied looking away from us slightly blushing.

“Good for you Fireball” Cloud Striker spoke up.

“Shut it” Fireball replied sternly but his words were only meet by a small grin from Striker. Fireball looked around the room at the other members of the royal family but when his eyes fell upon Princess Cadance and Prince Shinning Armor they slanted.

“Fireball is that you?” Cadance asked.

“Yes” he replied.

“Why do you look at me like that?”

Fireball shook his head “Not at you, I heard of how you tried to come to this world but was stopped no, my anger is for him.” He then shot an accusing look at Shinning Armor whose eyes widened like he had just been decked by a close friend.”

“What are you talking about?” Shinning Armor asked.

“Don’t play dumb! You left me here your own son and you left me here!”

“I was protecting our world.”

“But not your family even after all those talks about how family is everything and how we came first you left me to rot in this hell hole.”

“He was just trying to do what was best for Equestria” Cadance spoke up tears now streaming down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry Fireball it is my responsibility to protect Equestria no matter what” Shinning Armor replied.

Fireballs glare strengthened “What about your responsibility to your family? I have learned something in this world dad, do you know what that is?” Shining Armor shook his head. “That if a fellow soldier is injured or in trouble you never leave them behind no matter the danger. We fight for each other and can trust that no matter what we will always watch each other’s backs. You see my men are more of a family than you have ever been I would trust anyone of them with my life but you, you have already proven that family in not important that it’s not worth the risk unless it’s convenient for you. What a coward you are.” He then looked at the rest of the royal family “you all are.”

I have never seen Fireball lose his cool like this before but he was dealing with strong emotions that we all knew had been festering in him for a long time.

“Fireball…” Cadance started to say but was cut off.

“I’m sorry” Fireball stated under his breath to her then walked out of the throne room.

Dash looked back at the family “I will talk to him” she then ran after Fireball.

Aunt Celestia was the first to speak “I am sorry that we couldn’t come after you four.” She said looking at us with sorrowful eyes “but the danger of what could have been on this side of the portal was too great for us to risk all of the ponies in Equestria.”

I shook my head at her comment “You don’t need to apologize we understand, even Fireball does. Actually if it was up to me you would have never come to this place and many ponies would still be living.”

“Why…did Fireball…say such things?” Cadance asked choking back on her tears.

I gave a sigh “Fireball has adjusted differently than I have to this world. People and ponies all have to change and harden their hearts during war else they would break under the strain. Fireball however…he hardened his heart more than most where only a few of us he is willing to call friends.” I took a quick drink before continuing “You have never been in a war but I am sure as father can tell you it changes a pony, it corrupts them. Fireball I am afraid needed somepony to blame for what has happened why he was thrown into such a situation why he has seen so much death, that pony he chose is you.” I looked at Shinning Armor who was looking at the table sorrowful.

Shinning Armor did not say anything but just stared at his plate lost in his own thoughts. He then got up and walked out of the room leaving us wondering what he would do.

Shinning Armor took the long way around the castle thinking about all that was said. As he walked by Fireballs room he saw that it was open and looked in only to be meet by the glare of Fireball through a mirror he was looking into. Next to his son was Dash who was obviously trying her best to calm Fireball down. He looked away and started to walk from the room when Fireballs stern voice called to him.

“So you’re just going to leave is that it? After all these years you’re going to walk away, just like you did when I was trapped in this world.”

Shinning Armor hung his head low as guilt started welding inside of him “Your right” he finally replied. “Your right I did abandon you it was wrong of me to do but it would have also been wrong for me to risk all Equestria to search for you. It was a no win situation and I am sorry” he paused for a second “I don’t expect you to forgive me but don’t be mad at your mother she did try to find you.”

Fireball gave a slight snort “I realize that and I’m not mad at her not after what Luna told me it’s you I don’t trust. You once told me that you would protect our family even more than all of Equestria and even though you might think that I am foolish for holding you to such a promise from when I was a kid I still take that oath of protecting family seriously.”

Shinning Armor looked at the mirror in the room again but all he could see was Dash with tears in her eyes looking at the corner of the room where Fireball must be. “I’m sorry son” he softly stated then walked away feeling more guilty than ever before.

Dash watched as Prince Shinning Armor left “Don’t you think that your being too hard on him?” she asked as she looked at Fireball who was on the verge of tears.

Fireball looked up at a shelf and floated down a stuff bear “I remember this” he stated avoiding Dashes question. “It’s been so long I have almost forgotten this place...strange how memories come exploding back with a simple object like a stuffed bear.”

“You’re avoiding my question” she replied.

Fireball simply shook his head “No, I just decided not to answer it there’s a difference.”

“What difference? There both used because a pony has no good answer to give.”

Fireball hated to admit it but Dash did have a point “Listen Dash, I grew up in a messed up world and even though I know why they did not come through the portal as soon as they found it I still can’t get over the fact that they left me here.”

Dash nuzzled him “Then I will help you Fireball.”

A tear came down Fireballs cheek which instantly evaporated on his fiery coat. He had never talked to somepony about his feelings but Dash was different he could talk to her and the more he did the more he realized how much he had forgotten about the cheerful nature of Equestrians. He had even started to forgive his father as his hate was slowly being replaced by Dashes caring heart. “Dash I wished….I mean….why? Why must you rob me of my hate?”

She hugged him and whispered “Because I care about you.”

It was well into the night when Fireball and Dash came back to the throne room where Celestia and her council were talking to some of the human generals from The Eclipse. He passed Dream Catcher and Luna who were introducing Night Shade to Jackson. Night Shade was clearly nervous which Jackson sometimes made those around him feel especially since he rivaled Discord in power which is no small feat. Fireball quickly found his mom who was trying to comfort his dad.

“Mom…dad” he gulped out when he got close enough for them to hear. They looked at him “listen I…”

“No” Shinning Armor cut him off “you are right I did abandon you. I deserve your hate and much more I know that you will probably never forgive me but please son let me try to make it up to you.”

Fireball looked his dad in the eyes and saw that he really meant what he said whole heartily. He gave a sigh knowing what he must do “I forgive you” he managed to say letting go of the anger that festered in his heart for so long. Without the hate he felt a little bit empty but it was a good feeling as if the world became much simpler.

His father just stared at him shocked “But, Just like that? Why?”

“It was Dash, she kind of knocked some sense into me.”

Shinning Armor gave Cadance a smug look “Yeah, there good at doing that.” Mom just rolled her eyes at dads comment then she motioned Dash to come with her as she walked away leaving Fireball and Shinning Armor to catch up.

“Were going to be heading out tomorrow to planet 60” Night Shade told us as she ended her communication with command.

“Tomorrow?” Luna asked.

“Yes, we need to continue the fight with the collective” I replied.

Dad looked at me questioningly “The Collective it’s a computer A.I. from my time right?”

“Yes, I think so.”

“Then it should have a home computer that it’s housed in shouldn’t you be attacking that instead of fighting planet to planet. Once the A.I. is destroyed the rest of its units will shut down.”

“Command has thought of that but we have never figured out where the planet is that the Collective was stationed” Night Shade replied.

“Do you have any clues though?” dad asked.

Night Shade shook her head “All we know is that the planet is where we all came from. It was chosen by the keepers because of that significance. However the Collective deemed this information highly classified and we never saw any of the files.”

“Where we all came from…” suddenly dads eyes lit up “I know where that is! There talking about Earth.”

“What!” Night Shade and I both shouted.

“Earth is where all humans came from I’m positive that is where the A.I. is.”

“Are you certain you know where this Earth is?” Night Shade asked.

“Of course I do I was part of the UEF Brigade defending Earth during the Sprite invasion.”

We quickly dragged dad outside and called for a transport once he was on the ship he was able to pinpoint where Earth should be on a holographic map. Naturally once this information was feed to Emotion 1 and 2 they soon redirected their attention to that area.

“We should have confirmation from the drones in a few hours I hope that this information is accurate Night Shade” the captain stated through the communicator.

“It’s from a reliable source” Night Shade replied.

“We will know soon enough, Command out.”

Night shade flipped off the communicator “We will have confirmation in a few hours but for now we should figure out what to do with all these ponies” She stated looking at the now scared land of Equestria and the now homeless inhabitants roaming it.

“We are trying to help those ponies that we can but it will take a few days to recover and bury the dead” Jackson replied. “As for me” he looked up towards the sky where The Eclipse could be seen stationed in orbit “I will fight.”

“Why? Not that I’m complaining or anything but why fight it’s not your war” Night Shade asked.

“It became my fight as soon as the Collective started killing my people. I have to avenge their deaths, what about you sister?”

“I will fight as well” Night Shade and I turned around to see Celestia standing behind us. “This is my fault if it wasn’t for the Sprites appearing in this world the Collective would have never been made, I have to make things right.”

Mom and Cadance were following Celestia “I don’t know what I can do but I wish to help Fireball” Cadance softly spoke up.

“We have conversed with the rest of the family and they wish to help the Coalitions most noble cause” mother stated.

“Yes we will help in whatever way we can but we must first tend to the wounded” Celestia concluded.

As they helped searched the rubble of the towns that were in the battle zone Night Shade left to take a priority message from command when she came back she did not look pleased.

“What’s wrong?” I asked “did they find The Collective?” She nodded in response. “That’s good we can finally end this once and for all!” I started to get exited but when Night Shades worried expression did not change I stopped. “What is it?” I asked now becoming worried.

“Dream Catcher, we have a problem.”