Rifters of Equestria

by AldenExMachina

Chapter 2: Coffee and Dougnuts

Chapter 2: Coffee and Doughnuts

"Leroy Jenkins...really?"
"You really are insane, aren't you?"
Only with potential to be criminal."
"You mean, criminally insane?"
"Yeah and I have the documents to prove it. Confirmed by several psychologists."
"You're something else Alden, I tell ya."

I was never one for debriefings but in light of recent events my higher ups found it necessary to get a good account of the situation given the threat we faced. I was sure that in the other rooms my fellow team mates were also being..."debriefed. In truth, I really did feel like a criminal. The way our higher ups had demanded that we be questioned. It felt more like an interrogation.

It was a bright and well lit room. I sat in a steel chair with a long steel table in front of me and an agent sitting across from me. A single cup of coffee sat on the steel surface, heating it. There was a strong scent coming from the cup. It smelled good tempting me to take a sip but I would only be met with a bitter flavor that I wasn't exactly fond of. I didn't really like coffee, but the agent had insisted that i have one, said that i looked tired. Yeah right. The guy that can channel electricity through his body and practically feeds off of it, and I apparently look tired. What complete and utter bull crap, and as if he couldn't get anymore cliche, a box doughnuts sat a few inches away from the coffee. Doughnuts! I mean really!

Only a fool couldn't see through this old trick. I may be young, but I'm to old for this crap. It's just disrespectful to someone of my experience. It was a ruse. That's what made me fell like I was being questioned by the C.I.A. rather than debriefed by the order. The organization I worked for. In a questioning or interrogation things like this will be put on the table as sort of a gult test. A way of determining if the person being questioned has something to hide or be nervous about. They must take me for a fool and that possibility kinda pissed me off.

"So, Alden just how insane are you? I mean, I guess your just the wirde kinda of insane huh?" the agent asked
"Yeah, I kinda am, but only the first definition not the second one.
"The first one? What do you mean by that?"
"Well, the first definition is the state of madness where as the second mean foolishness or irrationality."
"So your more of an "Alice in Wonderland" mad huh?"

The agent then responded with a look of understanding as if getting a joke after some one told him it three days ago.

"That explains so much."
"How so?" It explains why that in a recon mission decided to blow up th info stockade for reasons unkniown, but that's irrelevant. Let's get back to the debrief shall we?"

The agent got up from his seat and leaned against the table with a datapad in his hands, ready to record. "So, how exactly did you guys get to this...Equestria?" the agent asked.
"Well, it all started on a previous mission the day before we got there."Alden said.