//------------------------------// // A spy will always lie. // Story: A Para-military Paranoid in Equestria 2 // by The Last Renegade //------------------------------// * 1 day later * It was about midnight when I woke up. ' I knew it. ' I thought to myself. 'Thank you Twilight Sparkle.' What I had done, was in the same second as the suit exploding, was teleport out of my suit. If the teleport failed, I had activated a shield around me so I would only get injured. You can learn alot with hours of observation. I had been practicing the move for days. I began heading back to my house to surprise the hell out of them. I flew back and arrived at around 1:30 in the morning. I knew Rainbow had work today, so I decided to wait outside until 6 when she left. My plan was to leave a note on the ground reading: 'Look behind you.' When she read it, I would jump down from the roof and surprise him. I know my plan broke the hearts of my friends, but it was the only way to wipe out King Sombra. The explosion was large enough to kill Sombra, which in turn, would end the war. I flew onto the roof and waited for five hours, which went by pretty quick. * 6 A.M. * I heard Rainbow getting ready inside, and hid back. As the door opened, she read the note aloud. " Look behind you?" I heard her say, gliding down and tapping her on the head. " Jack?" I smiled and nodded. " No. You... you're just a dream." " I wouldn't be able to touch you if I were. It's really me." She sat there. " Jack? Dude! You're alive!" I heard Kyle yell out as he hugged me. " Don't do that ever again! How did you live?" I just looked at him as I teleported behind him. " You learn when you observe. I've been practicing for days. I knew what I was doing. I teleported out at the last second, leaving the suit to explode. I woke up at around midnight and flew over here and wrote that note." I said, pointing to the note. " I waited for five hours to surprise you. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Not even injured." Kyle pointed at my hands. " Why are they doing that?" He asked me as I poked him. "Ow!" He yelped. " Static electricity. Quite alot of it actually." I told him. " Now, where are my men?" I asked. " I'll get them." Kyle said, walking back inside to get the Marines. He walked back out with them as I flew down. " Wha? How?" One pony asked. " Teleportation." I smiled at him. " Now, today, have a day off. Go see your family. Anyway," I told them, turning back to Rainbow. " What'd I miss?" She looked at me happily. " Surprise the Princesses?" I nodded. We flew faster than normal, as well as higher up as to not be seen. We got to the Castle and I broke off to the right, landing on the roof. Rainbow and I planned to have her walk in the Castle and make Celestia and Luna come out. When they did, I would fly down and explain. I heard Luna's voice asking why they had been dragged out. Now was my time to fly down and tell them. "Is that... It is him!" Celestia yelled out and hugged me. "Teleported out" I said to her as she opened her mouth. " Why is Kyle here?" Dash asked " Dammit man! Come here!" I yelled out as he came out from a bush. " I have something for you." He just stared at me. Just stared at me. "What?" He finally asked." This. " i said to him, holding out my hand. He lowered his head to get a good look. " There's nothing the-AH!" he screamed out as I punched him in the nose. " The hell was that for?!" I just laughed. " It's what you get for abandoning me in operation black heart." He looked puzzled. " Black Heart?" " Yeah. My last mission on Earth. Is any of this hitting home with you?" I asked him " No! Wait... is that where you stole the F-14 and korean missiles were lauched an-" I cut him off. " Yeah. I made them track me instead and flew the damn things into the ocean. Almost died. All though," I started " Almost died is... pretty normal for me. Kyle was going to shoot them down, but chickened out." I told them. " I didn't abandon you! The General commanded us to stay grounded!" He yelled at me. " I got shot in the chest." "When?!" At this point, it was a full on argument. It looked like the girls were just talking and watching us. " When I was dragging your sorry ass into cover! I went out and killed twenty-two people while bleeding out!" "I..I didn't kn-" I cut him off again. " I know you didn't know! I could have left you there and let you die! I saw something in you. I've seen too many men die. I did you a favor." I yelled at him as I started taking off. " Where are you going?!" He screamed up at me. I didn't reply to him. I just took off and Dash followed. I landed on a mountain to test something. " What are you doing?" she asked. " Wingsuit test. It will let me fly faster than you can." " I doubt it." She said. I jumped off and began gaining speed. At a high speed, I spread my arms and pulled up. I nearly blacked out pulling up. Rainbow was trying to catch up, but couldn't. I sped past Kyle close to the ground, deploying my parachute. Rainbow finally caught up as I touched down. " That thing's fast." I didn't say anything. I started walking back home to go to bed. I was beat to hell, and I knew Kyle was angry at me for taking a bullet for him. He knew I got shot for him. I had my reasons for saving him. The General would be disappointed at me if I didn't take care of him. I saw Kyle running up behind me. " Why did you take a bullet for me?" I stopped dead in my tracks. " You were vital to him. You know why?" He shook his head. " Because." I said, taking out a handgun and putting it to his head. " We knew you were a spy. We gave you false information to report back to the Koreans. General put you onto my team and told me to make sure you lived." I told him, loading a round." I could end you right now. And I would." I said, dropping the mag out and pulling back the slide to unload the round. " If I needed to." I finished. I put the gun back into my holster. " We knew you were a spy. And you just sucked at it." He frowned at me. " They told me to spy on the U.S. They would kill me if I didn't. Wait. The guy that shot me, he was Russian? " I nodded to him. " We were fighting Korea and Russia. Russia just joined in. We teamed up with Great Britain. Just like World War two. We tracked you. Ever hear breathing behind you when you were sent in alone into the field?" " Uh huh." He nodded. " That was me. " He spoke up. " What about Black Heart?" I laughed at him. " You don't get it do you? Russia launched them. They wanted to destroy one thing. Only one thing." " What was that?" He asked. " They wanted to destroy me. I was their worst enemy. I was able to infiltrate and kill their Generals." I told him, getting my face close to his. " I flew a plane into the ocean. Missiles crashing into the ocean as well." He tried fighting me. I spoke to him as I fought. " You can't win Jack!" He said, trying to grab my pistol. " That's what you think." He managed to grab my gun because I let him. " Any last words?" I smiled. " Yeah. Reload." I said to him as I hit him in the head. "Damn!" He yelled out as Rainbow flew over. "Stop!" " No! He's a spy! Back off!" I commanded her, with Kyle in a headlock. I knocked him out by hitting his jugular vein with the side of my hand. " What did you do?" " I knocked him out. He'll be fine." I put him over my shoulder and walked home. * Jack's Compound.* "Hey." I said to two soldiers. " Lock 'em up." They nodded. They took him to a cell as I observed him. Ten minutes later he woke up. "Where...am I?" " In a cell." He shook his head. " I thought we were friends." I laughed at him again. " Friends. Right. I don't befriend traitors. I'm keeping two marines posted. You try to escape, you will be killed. I need to find out what to do with you." Kyle stayed in his cell, going back to sleep in the cot. I headed back to the Castle where Dash was. I made it back soon enough. " Ugh. I'm tired as hell. Ready to go home?" I asked. " Yeah. I missed you." "I missed you too." I said to her, pulling her into a kiss. " Come on. I'll fly you back." I told her. She got onto my back and we flew home. " You're getting faster." " I need to be. I also need something from you." I landed. " I need you." I started, pulling up my shirt. " To help me with this." " Jack? You... have a cutie mark." My head tilted back. " What?" " On your right side." I looked to my right and saw, a cutie mark. It was an eagle. " Well... that's cool." "What does it mean?" I thought for a minute. " It means to give one freedom or give one death. Meaning I'll fight to the death to protect my country." I smiled. " I know you would fight to the death." " If it came to it." That is really weird. A human... with a cutie mark... I'm not in the mood to deal with this.